1. #14401
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    And as usual, why should I care what you think about me? What did I say that was not true?

    Ok, I was wrong about one part. https://nypost.com/2020/09/11/bahrai...israel-report/

    4 other Arab nations now have recognized Israel rights to exist. But the list was increased under Trump by two. A good thing.

    Here is another video I did not know about. While he was joking, I would still not call anyone a stupid bastard for not clapping for me.
    And I would not call people who died for their country "suckers and losers."
    Putin khuliyo

  2. #14402
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    You know... white undecided voters don't give a fuck about democracy... they are only recoiling from Trump because of his manners which says to me large swaths of white people simply don't give a fuck about issues or policies, they would be happy under nazi America, they just want people to behave with more decorum as they stick children in cages and sterilise women.


    A comment:
    Karen and Marlin do realize that fiscally conservative means Democrats right? I mean how fucking stupid do you have to be to say Republicans are the fiscally conservative ones at this point?

  3. #14403
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    And I would not call people who died for their country "suckers and losers."
    It's a shame Trump thinks dead soldiers are suckers and losers.

  4. #14404
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    And I would not call people who died for their country "suckers and losers."
    Can that be varified by a video or audio recording? If so, I would like to see or hear it. And context is important. He said some things about McCain which was wrong to say. And it sure has not stopped you guys from posting links or videos of things Trump has said. Why should I not do the same thing? The difference is, I use videos of Biden actually saying it. Otherwise, it is just a accusation.
    " If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.." - Abraham Lincoln
    The Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to - prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms..” - Samuel Adams

  5. #14405
    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    It's a shame Trump thinks dead soldiers are suckers and losers.
    Trump voters don't care. They'll hinge on some delusion of, 'well, he hasn't said it out loud!'. Even if audio turns up showing he said it out loud, it's not like they'd change their mind. He's on audio confirming he purposely downplayed a deadly virus. They're just pretending like he was right to, despite the death toll. No insult is crossing the line, and no lie is too damaging. It's all fair game, as long as they 'trigger the libs'. Nothing else. Trump himself confirmed how stupid they are. He could shoot someone on fifth avenue, and they'd still vote for him. Simple as.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Nurasu View Post
    Karen and Marlin do realize that fiscally conservative means Democrats right? I mean how fucking stupid do you have to be to say Republicans are the fiscally conservative ones at this point?
    Karen and Marlin are very fucking stupid. Especially when you consider that the Republicans are 'fiscally conservative', whereby they blow money on military budgets for penis envy's sake and farmer bailouts due to their own inability to properly sanction nations they're in a 'trade war' with whilst letting most of the nation stay without affordable healthcare, effective social security and an educational system that is not a money-making scam.

  6. #14406
    The Unstoppable Force Ghostpanther's Avatar
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    Here is a good video which voters should see to understand Joe Biden's real stance in social security, medicare and veteran's benefits. And also how he lies to avoid answering a question. Great job Bernie on showing how two face Biden is.

    Last edited by Ghostpanther; 2020-09-29 at 03:10 PM.
    " If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.." - Abraham Lincoln
    The Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to - prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms..” - Samuel Adams

  7. #14407
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Can that be varified by a video or audio recording? If so, I would like to see or hear it. And context is important. He said some things about McCain which was wrong to say. And it sure has not stopped you guys from posting links or videos of things Trump has said. Why should I not do the same thing? The difference is, I use videos of Biden actually saying it. Otherwise, it is just a accusation.
    It came from a highly reputable newspaper, The Atlantic, from multiple sources.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Here is a good video which voters should see to understand Joe Biden's real stance in social security, medicare and veteran's benefits. And also how he lies to avoid answering a question. Great job Bernie on showing how two face Biden is.
    This is why Biden was pretty much the bottom (above Tulsi though) for people I wanted to win the primary.

    But when the alternative is Donald Trump, I'll take Joe fucking Biden.

    I'm no fan of Joe Biden, but I can't stand another four years of Donald Trump.
    Putin khuliyo

  8. #14408
    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    "Return to Normalcy," ... yeah... as if that is good enough.
    Its better than acceleration into the abyss. Once we get something stable we can work to improve it but right now we are just trying to maintain actually HAVING a democracy. No positive change will happen if we devolve into a banana republic.

  9. #14409
    Quote Originally Posted by Valkyrst View Post
    Trump voters don't care. They'll hinge on some delusion of, 'well, he hasn't said it out loud!'. Even if audio turns up showing he said it out loud, it's not like they'd change their mind. He's on audio confirming he purposely downplayed a deadly virus. They're just pretending like he was right to, despite the death toll. No insult is crossing the line, and no lie is too damaging. It's all fair game, as long as they 'trigger the libs'. Nothing else. Trump himself confirmed how stupid they are. He could shoot someone on fifth avenue, and they'd still vote for him. Simple as.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Karen and Marlin are very fucking stupid. Especially when you consider that the Republicans are 'fiscally conservative', whereby they blow money on military budgets for penis envy's sake and farmer bailouts due to their own inability to properly sanction nations they're in a 'trade war' with whilst letting most of the nation stay without affordable healthcare, effective social security and an educational system that is not a money-making scam.
    Of course his supporters don't care, which is why I still think he has a 50-50 shot of winning the election.

    Calling dead soldiers losers and suckers is far worse than Hillary's "deplorable" comment, and it doesn't even come close to registering in Trump's top 100 shittiest things he's said.

    Ask any Trump support this question:

    "What would it take for you to stop supporting Trump?"

    Here's the three answers you will get:

    1) No answer at all
    2) There's nothing he could do to make them stop supporting him.
    3) He'd have to act like a "socialist Dem."

    That encompasses almost every response I have ever gotten.

  10. #14410
    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    I might rather see stuff burn than return to 'normalcy' (read: Democratic Party cronyism and everyone quietly letting the world get worse for everyone who isn't the super-wealthy or a politician). Even fascism might be better than that. Dunno, I'm just in a doomer mood today.
    Yes, we know you are a Trump supporter. That was covered a very long time ago.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    You know... white undecided voters don't give a fuck about democracy... they are only recoiling from Trump because of his manners which says to me large swaths of white people simply don't give a fuck about issues or policies, they would be happy under nazi America, they just want people to behave with more decorum as they stick children in cages and sterilise women.


    A comment:
    Undecided voters are largely a myth. In my experience, they are simply people who are too scared, or too ashamed to admit who they support. The fake concern and weariness over whom to support is just an an attempt at non-committal deniability.

  11. #14411
    The Unstoppable Force Belize's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    I might rather see stuff burn than return to 'normalcy' (read: Democratic Party cronyism and everyone quietly letting the world get worse for everyone who isn't the super-wealthy or a politician). Even fascism might be better than that. Dunno, I'm just in a doomer mood today.
    If you want to see things burn down you're free to move to Venezuela, where a Trump like right-wing fascist actually ran the country into the ground.

    Send us postcards about what it's like to live in truly abject poverty where your currency is worth nothing and any disagreement with the government results in being beaten, imprisoned or killed.

  12. #14412
    Herald of the Titans TigTone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    I might rather see stuff burn than return to 'normalcy' (read: Democratic Party cronyism and everyone quietly letting the world get worse for everyone who isn't the super-wealthy or a politician). Even fascism might be better than that. Dunno, I'm just in a doomer mood today.
    The Republican Party is the party of the super wealthy.... The party’s of the bee hive culture. We poor (not rich) are their workers and they are the “chosen” queens and kings.

    Just a bunch of fucking psychopaths/sociopaths.

    Fucking America and the world need to stop idolizing and blindly following sociopaths/psychopaths.

    They are real threat to humanities survival.

    Can me extreme on it if you want but I’m not wrong.
    A selfish greedy human will rather see the world burn than save it as long as they have “theirs”.

  13. #14413
    Quote Originally Posted by Chonogo View Post
    Never understood the appeal of Reagan. His policies have set the groundwork for social division and the 2008 crash. Neo-liberal bollocks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Machismo View Post
    They wouldn't stop supporting him even if he said that he wanted to redistribute wealth for all. It's just a cult now. He's the leader.

  14. #14414
    With debate tonight and tax evasion will come up. I hope Biden attacks more of the tax cuts, remember the bill was not popular, and tax laws in general setup for the wealthy.
    "Buh dah DEMS"

  15. #14415
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    "Return to Normalcy," ... yeah... as if that is good enough.
    I'll take normalcy over slow march to fascism thank you.

    This is what I don't get about progressives (and I'm a progressive.) You reject someone who isn't moving fast enough . . . when the alternative is someone who's slammed the car in reverse.

    Joe Biden isn't progressive, but he's not marching backwards. Donald Trump's continued presidency would be a MASSIVE step backwards.

    You want to see things burn? That's the exact opposite of progression. You won't achieve progress AT ALL by enabling fascism and Donald Trump. With Biden however, at least we know democracy will continue, some reforms will go through and we can start thinking about a real progressive candidate for 2024.

    Or we can burn it to the ground and hand Trump the keys to the kingdom and never get progressivism a chance again.
    Putin khuliyo

  16. #14416
    Merely a Setback Adam Jensen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    How absolutely certain are you about that?

    Take a quick gander at this video:

    It raises a few points:

    1. Both the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are bought.
    2. Public opinion has zero influence on politician's policy decisions in the longterm.
    3. Both the leadership of the Democratic and Republican Party:
    - get billions of dollars in funding from the same corporations, so no matter who wins, only the public loses
    - have bank and corporate executives among their key leadership

    The one is the same slower march backwards and looks a bit nicer and pretends to wanting to improve things.
    The other one acts like a heel and a showman and a big mouth and small hands, but ends up going the same way as the former.

    Yeah but at least under Joe Biden we know democracy will still be intact for 2022 and 2024 so we can get progressives in congress and maybe the Presidency. I think there's a much better chance of this happening under Democrats than Republicans. The more we let Trump get away with his shit, the more emboldened he becomes, the more our democracy gets corrupted, and the less chance we have at getting real progressives into Congress/WH.
    Putin khuliyo

  17. #14417
    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    "Return to Normalcy," ... yeah... as if that is good enough.
    I take it you’re one of those “nothing wrong with fascist America at least it isn’t a democrat!” People

  18. #14418
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arch-Angel of Riots View Post
    I might rather see stuff burn than return to 'normalcy' (read: Democratic Party cronyism and everyone quietly letting the world get worse for everyone who isn't the super-wealthy or a politician). Even fascism might be better than that. Dunno, I'm just in a doomer mood today.
    No, it’s in line with the rest of your rhetoric.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Themius View Post
    I take it you’re one of those “nothing wrong with fascist America at least it isn’t a democrat!” People
    No, he thinks fascism would be better than Biden. He is a Tim Pool watcher, who believes Trump is the real liberal. That’s why the inconsistency...

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Here is a good video which voters should see to understand Joe Biden's real stance in social security, medicare and veteran's benefits. And also how he lies to avoid answering a question. Great job Bernie on showing how two face Biden is.
    Trump has been defunding social security and Medicare for the last 29 days and has promised to make it permanent. You... don’t... care...
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
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    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

  19. #14419
    Quote Originally Posted by Felya View Post
    When's Mark Dice gonna weigh in.

  20. #14420
    Void Lord Felya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostpanther View Post
    Can that be varified by a video or audio recording? If so, I would like to see or hear it. And context is important. He said some things about McCain which was wrong to say. And it sure has not stopped you guys from posting links or videos of things Trump has said. Why should I not do the same thing? The difference is, I use videos of Biden actually saying it. Otherwise, it is just a accusation.
    Because you are defending and have been defending Trump doing it for 4 years... no one is defending Biden like that for even 6 months...

    What he said about McCain is bad? What about gold star parents? What about any veteran that dared defy Trump? What about what he called Kelly? You don’t hold him accountable, but lie about Biden as retaliation... WTF?

    Edit: Why didn’t Trump go to the cemetery, while Kelly did? Why did Trump attack Kelly, when saying it’s a lie, even though Kelly said nothing?
    Last edited by Felya; 2020-09-29 at 04:23 PM.
    Folly and fakery have always been with us... but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now, never in history have we been able to afford it less. - Isaac Asimov
    Every damn thing you do in this life, you pay for. - Edith Piaf
    The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. - Orwell
    No amount of belief makes something a fact. - James Randi

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