The Republican party is the party of criminals and anarchists who care nothing for law and order, or democracy. He gave this bullshit answer -California’s Republican Party has acknowledged owning unofficial ballot drop boxes that state election officials say are illegal.
California election officials received reports this weekend about the boxes in Fresno, Los Angeles and Orange counties. On Sunday, the secretary of state issued a memo telling county registrars the boxes are illegal and ballots must be mailed or brought to official voting locations.
“In short, providing unauthorized, non-official vote-by-mail ballot drop boxes is prohibited by state law,” the memo said.
State GOP spokesman Hector Barajas said Monday the party owns the boxes. He declined to say how many exist and where they are located. Barajas said the state’s law governing so-called ballot harvesting allows an organization to collect and return groups of ballots.
Which is wrong, because they care when it's illegal, not when ballots are legally collected and dropped off.“Democrats only seem to object to ballot harvesting when someone else does it,” Barajas said.
Once again the Republican party makes it clear that criminal behavior is acceptable in their attempts to disenfranchise voters and suppress peoples Constitutional right to vote.
Pack the courts. Lincoln packed the court to fuck with southern justices, did it come back to bite him? nope, so fuck it. And while we're at it, another bullshit Cloture or Filibuster just some made up crap too, end it. And finally also while we're at it, fix that fucking just absolutely retarded whatever the fuck bullshit policy at the DOJ that presidents can't be prosecuted.
The court can be changed and changed in a way its pretty fair. Here's an example.
"When Facism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross." - Unknown
California GOP is desperate and in survival mode right now. The ratio of accepted ballots right now by party affiliation Democrats : GOP : Independent = 3 : 1 : 1. Actually, the number of accepted ballots for Independent is higher than the GOP ballots. There is a good chance that they will lose District 50 (Duncan Hunter former district). Which is unthinkable 2 years ago.
IIRC it wasn't, it was a district targeted for flipping and I remember doing some work to support their efforts. Looking back, it looks like it went from a 20 point split for Hunter in 2016 to a 3 point split for Hunter in 2018...and granted that was months after he was indicted, but it's still a huge gain. I know a few of the groups I was connected to were super bullish on their chances to flip it this year but I haven't been in contact with them for a while. Hoping it flips this time.
Those ballot numbers though...if they're accurate that's a worse showing than usual for the GOP in CA.
It's accurate. Well, it is closer to 2.5 : 1 : 1.
Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-10-12 at 08:26 PM.
Ah, NPA, not Independent. That makes a lot more sense to me now. Thanks for the link, those numbers are wild, especially given the number requested and returned by those two groups.
RIP my NPA registration. Re-registered after moving and finally just registered as a Democrat. Now I won't have to fuck around with requesting primary ballots and I guess I won't be viewed as a spy if I ever go back to my local Democrat meeting...which is mostly a bunch of nice older retirees which made their suspicion of me oddly charming and quaint.
Warning, I'm gonna dunk on some cosplay socialists. Because accelerationists are still trying to ratfuck the election.
Kidding! I'm sipping tea, watching Noam Chomsky dunk on Accelerationist and former Bernie spokesperson, Briahna Joy Gray.
Chomsky: But our lives are on the line. Think of your children's future!
BJG: But, but... my podcast!
Dont forget the State of Jefferson Party.
Which is just a guy and his obnoxiously painted barn just north of Yreka.
Last edited by AntiFascistVoter; 2020-10-12 at 08:32 PM.
Government Affiliated Snark
Since the other thread got derailed and closed here is the best place for this.
Now that's a fair point to the gun store, they got rid of the guy pretty quick. Just awkward when the campaign seems to have so many coincidental connections to these types of groups?Eric Trump has canceled a Michigan based campaign event scheduled to take place Tuesday at Huron Valley Guns in New Hudson after one of its former employees was linked to the domestic terror plot against the state’s governor.
Just last week 13 men were charged in a domestic terror plot to kidnap Whitmer and overthrow the government.
“In February 2020 we had a young man that worked on the range who would show up for work in a LOT of tactical gear. We found that a little odd. We weren’t comfortable with him for a few other reasons and fired him after 3 weeks. He ended up being one of the fringe characters arrested for the Governor Whitmer kidnapping,” wrote Huron Valley Guns in a Facebook post announcing the Trump campaign had changed venues for the event.
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Interesting NC polling, despite the news of his affair coming out Cunningham has actually EXTENDED his polling lead over Tillis, from 47-40 to 49-39 in favor of Cunningham.
There's a lot at play here, but interestingly it looks like most NC voters don't care (60% said it had no impact) and NC voters are increasingly concerned about the SCOTUS. This benefits both candidates, but moderates seem to lean towards Cunningham on this which explains some of his growing lead.
Cunningham is a gross sexter, but I'll take him over Tillis any day of the week.
Reminder that the 2.2 million prediction was based on 81% infection rates and a .9% mortality rate with no government response to the pandemic whatsoever -"One is too many, but 2.2 million was the prediction as to how many people would die," Trump said. "We lost 200,000-plus, and, you know, there are those that say we did a phenomenal job."
The only people saying Trump did a phenomenal job are...well, Trump administration members and Republicans.
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Not going to pretend like this is some amazing ad or anything, but hey, DNC got the rights to use a Snoop Dogg song in an ad encouraging folks to vote and drop their ballots off at secure dropoff locations. Voting is good. Snoop Dogg is good. I am ok with this.
The state of Jefferson party, near as I can reckon, is made up of two distinct groups of people... the first is the central/rural California conservatives who want the “evil democrats to stop telling them what to do,” and the rich Bay Area/coastal conservatives who want to stop having to pay taxes to support the first group.
If I recall correctly, splitting California into five separate states would immediately result in the creation of both the richest state in the union- the Bay Area, and the poorest state in the union- the Central Valley.
“Do not lose time on daily trivialities. Do not dwell on petty detail. For all of these things melt away and drift apart within the obscure traffic of time. Live well and live broadly. You are alive and living now. Now is the envy of all of the dead.” ~ Emily3, World of Tomorrow
Words to live by.
Update on my mail in ballot adventures. For catch up I was worried my signature on the ballot wouldn't match the one on file. Thus leading to my ballot being disputed. Well, I took my filled in ballot to the one AND ONLY drop off box in our county (supervisor of elections office) a goo 30 minutes drive from about anywhere in the county. And while I was there I thought I would check to see if I needed to update my signature.
Good thing I checked because that signature was right out of high school and started out with perfect cursive lettering. As I got older I stopped caring about the prettiness of the signature and therefore in no way matched the one on file. Meaning I would have had to take another trip to the same location and resolve it.
Long story short. I voted and it should count. And I didn't have to wait in an hour long line for early voting.