I live in Buffalo, NY, and have had relatives from abroad land at JFK and call me for a ride home from the airport. I'm always like, "Oh, okay, see you in 8 hours." People sometimes don't realize how big the U.S. is. When I lived in Africa, I would say I was from Buffalo NY, and people would ask if I knew 50 Cent. I tried to explain that NY was a state with many cities, only one of which was NYC, but after awhile I just said, "Yes, yes I do know 50 Cent."
This is pretty significant. The issues facing Texas Democrats in the past are apathy and low voters turnout. A big factor contributing to that is nobody enjoy getting beat year after year. So they have pretty much given up.
Travis County is the most liberal county in Texas. The fact that 97% of Travis County citizens are now registered to vote and that more than 32,000 people had already voted in the county in one day are good news for Democrats. If we have the same situations in Harris, Dallas, Tarrant, Bexar, Collin, Hidalgo, Denton and El Paso, especially Harris where the suburbs been slowly turning blue, I think Democrats have a real chance of turning Texas.
We are not talking polls anymore folks.
Harris County 103,000 plus already voted.
Here is North Carolina so far. Already at 12 percent of the total vote count in 2016.
Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-10-14 at 04:07 AM.
He's never been a decent voice of reason.
He's always been like this. He was the one on CNN who would parrot FoxNews Obama scandals like MustardGate or TanSuitGate or StarbucksCoffeeSaluteGate, and then try and be "balanced" by saying, "Is this an overreaction?" when the harm was already done by giving it air.
He's always just been a scandalmonger. He wants to fight with Pelosi in this interview. He's the Buffalo celebrity I'm ashamed of the most.
Plus, on election night he's a fucking nightmare because he doesn't know how to prounounce "projection"/"project," which he pronounces as "prejection"/"preject."
I think they just misspoke. Here's another article that has a similar quote, but more accurately stated:
No Republican has won the presidency in the postwar era without winning the suburbs.
R.I.P. Democracy
"The difference between stupidity
and genius is that genius has its limits."
--Alexandre Dumas-fils
Yeah, like...
Given everything that happened in 2016 I'm hesitant to be hopeful for anything, but the amount of data we're seeing in terms of voter registration and participation, not to mention the sheer level of early voting the actual results of this election might rival or exceed 2008.
Originally Posted by Marjane Satrapi
Let them issue debt and re-issue the stock they brought back.
Many companies had to do this why should airlines be different?
Awwh, will all those exec's stock options be worthless...poor things
if they really want taxpayer money its time to pony up equity stakes so the american taxpayers can get a return on their investment like they have with the mortgage giants fanny and freddie.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
My daughter is letting her employees in Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and Austin take time off with pay for volunteering at polling centers. Turnout it going to be critical for winning Texas.
In 2016 Harris County voted for Clinton overwhelmingly. However, only 39% of eligible voters in Harris County voted in 2016. If they can get it to 70% in 2020, that would be an incredible boost for Biden/Harris.
Overall, Texas voter turnout in 2016 was horrible at 42.6%. That's how GOP managed to stay in power.
If you want to see the breakdown of 2016 voter turnout for Texas on a county by county basis, you can find it here.
Here's where Texas voters turned out and where they didn't
As you can see below, the ten largest counties were all Democratic strongholds and their turnouts were horrible.
Last edited by Rasulis; 2020-10-14 at 06:08 AM.
Team Trump says they might do a town hall Thursday maybe.
"Isn't Thursday literally tomorrow? Isn't it a bit late for maybe?"
Remember, Trump was the one who caused stricter enforcment of the rules, and because of the stricter enforcement of the rules, he cancelled. This is on him. If he wanted to debate on schedule, he should have worn the damn mask, socially distanced, or you know, done almost anything to prevent the lethal outbreak from infecting himself and his family or the eight million Americans who were also infected. It's about two-hundred twenty thousand people too late to play the victim here.Vice President Pence on Tuesday said such an event is in the works for the president, and the campaign is reportedly in talks with NBC about hosting.
No formal event has been announced, and there may be safety concerns given President Trump's recent COVID-19 diagnosis and the number of cases among White House and campaign staff.
"The American people deserve to see both candidates square off, and the president's made it very clear that he was ready to debate this week," Pence told Julie Mason on SiriusXM.
"I think there's plans underway for us to have a similar public town hall event Thursday night. I think Joe Biden is doing the same, but how much better would it be if they were both on the stage, both taking the tough questions from people like you?" Pence added.
I don't know what Team Trump expects from NBC News, but I get the feeling Trump won't be anywhere near the people asking questions -- they might not be in the same state. If so, and he agrees anyhow, it's proof he wussed out of the second debate's online format because he's a coward.
To the best of my knowledge, the Oct 22 debate is still planned, and I'm not 100% sure but I think that's the last one. I think that the middle one wasn't delayed but flat-out canceled.
Or an alternate version is if his workers had better skills they could work somewhere else. It's a free market and all.
And he isn't skimming profits off me, hes offering me value. I don't have to go into town to multiple shops. My goods come to me, cheaply.
He also makes money by innovating. See all those trees that didn't get cut down because of kindles or AWS.
I found your post utterly biased. I'm not saying theres not kernels of truth in it, but wow.
So wait, because a company that has value and the ability to raise capital....does not get free money from taxpayers....you think you have anyone to blame but those companies?
Well shit where is the 100 billion for media and newspaper companies first. they did not even get round one the airlines got.
So the message is you want those hundreds of thousands of employees to be without work....?
They can raise capital just fine. They can issue debt. they can issue stock.
Go look up Siriusxm. in 2008-2009 they were in the same situation. No bail out, so what did they do?
Issued stock, debt and found a huge investor to buy a majority stake in the company.
Now they are making over a billion a year in profit, including during covid.
So why do they need a taxpayer bail out to save jobs? They don't even want to have to pay it back? Why?
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Bah another check with his name on it was just one problem with the bill. It was bullshit he even put his name on the last one and you know it.
The other major one was liability protection, which is total bullshit and included billions in payments to corporations to pay them for covid cost.
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LOL innovating......
No he just managed to just do everything cheaper that was already there by taking advantage of things like labor and taxes. More credit should be given to marketing then innovation
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
No, This is what you right here right now advocating for these and possibly more to not have a job. You are now argueing tens of thousands of people maybe a hundred thousand before all is done, who lost their job, who didn't need to lose their job, but did lose their job, because there is no bailout for them. These people with no where to go because no place worth a damn is hiring. You think execs are gonna hurt if there is no bailout? bah they got their 10's-100's of millions already in their bank accounts. The bailout, literally keeps people on the payroll. What is this kind of naive arguement you even making thinking these holier than thou CEO's with said millions are suddenly going to what actually needs to be done? Maybe a handful might, but yeah, there is not 1 single solitary passenger airline in the entire world, that is not hemorrhaging millions of dollars every single day. not one. Cargo is fine, but passenger? not 1. But yeah, while they are in survivor mode, travel restrictions, covid, you name it, barely anyone is flying, and what goes? jobs. If you are against the bailout then you are against people having jobs. @Elegiac get's this, I don't agree with them, but at least they get it. So why don't you?
The whole 'cheque with his name on it' thing was a dumb right wing talking point. Pelosi said Trump was only doing it as a political move in order to have a cheque go out with his name on it pre-election. And she's right. That wasn't her ground to reject it, she was pointing out his bad faith move.
I don't particularly like some of Pelosi's archaic tactics and views, but she's right regarding the bill. The GOP will fleece everyone with theirs.
Last edited by DingDongKing; 2020-10-14 at 11:08 AM.
You ignored the question.
Why can't they issue debt?
Why can't they raise capital through stock issuance?
Why can't they offer equity stakes to taxpayers for huge loans like auto-banks did in 2008-2009
Why do they want a bailout with no requirement to pay back?
you realize they can do all this right?
Shit if 2008-2009 tarp operated like you want airlines to, we would have about 1.5 trillion more in debt on the books right now.
Oh i get it, you want your job saved and the company has convinced you or you convinced yourself they need taxpayer money with no repayment in order to do something that has a dozen other solutions.
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Its bullshit at this point because not a single payment would go out before the election. Only possible payments would be electronic.
So its bullshit that Pelosi even cares about a check going out with his name on it.
its deflection from the real problems with what the republicans want.
Buh Byeeeeeeeeeeee !!
No you have convinced yourself that these airlines will do any of these things. They won't. none of them are doing this. why are none of them doing this? they've had months and months to do this. they are suddenly gonna do this? wtf? no, they'll just fire people. they already have.