ya they def won't do it...oh wait...they have been all year and still have not even touched stock issuance to raise capital. you know, basically sell back the 50-80 billion in stock they repurchased just in the past couple years.
Just a few examples.
Delta Air Lines will use its frequent flyer program to back up $6.5 billion in funding as the pandemic continues to buffet air travel.
Delta Air Lines (NYSEAL) has increased the size of a planned debt offering to $9 billion, up from $6.5 billion, due to strong demand for the new debt
So I'll ask another question, why the airlines? Why not all the companies of the 20 million who are currently without jobs first, then we can get to the airline employees who have not been laid off yet? i think the line for free bailout money starts way back there around the corner and up the block don't you?
Or is it because its your job so of course you are the most important person to you, thus pushing for this realty to happen in a biased manor?