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There's this city called "Suramar" which shows exactly that. It's also been in the game for 4 years.
Given that you are referring to society i.e. peoples and not buildings. Suramar is the highborne centric portion of pre-sundering society, similar to what the Shen'dralar would have lived like. Buildign wise ofc it is 100% showing exactlywhat a pre-sundering city is like, because that is what it is.
Full pre-sundering society (people now) would have had the priest caste in a major role and influence as well as other factors for m different portions of life, the naturists, who would be druids in the post-vigil era, would have also influenced the culture in the pre-sudnering time, though their numbers and followers of Cenarius were in a steady decline fading to legendary by the tiem of the 1st invasion - there revere for the wilds would have been a part of normal culture- this would also be absnet in both post-sundering Suramar and Eldre'thalas - which is a pure highborne city ( please read fully what I wrote above - I took time going into detail with the information on what we have then exploring different possibilities fo what it might mean.)
The culture the NIghtborne preserve pristinely (according to the quest) is the Highborne caste culture of hte pre-sundering era and therefore not the full pre-sundering culture.
Think of the night elves post culture to have split into 3 separate entities after the sundering.. the Highborne group (hidden in Eldre'thalas and Suramar), the Druidic culture working with the Green draong flight and wild gods - they're sleeping in barrowdens, for 1000 of years at a time, and suppressing magic on Kalimdor (magically, along with the Cenarions, also hiding the continent. Then the Order of Elune, now they are what is left of the old Kaldorei society, they adapt to the new circumstances, doing with nature magic and normal nature what was generally done with arcane magic - however htere isn't much to do as far as normal life is concerned, because this period is not "normal" life - this is a vigil - they aremed to the teeth, constantly patrolling they ahve a duty, they are living like immortal guardians, patrolling for rogue society mages, mage cheats flouting the ban, Satyrs causing havoc and trouble, , left over malevolent entities etc.
The High elves on exile become a race of Highborne we now call high elves, these Highborne were part of the new Kaldorei post vigil society that was priest led, their purpose obsolete as Highborne due to the ban, which is why many would have found other things to do like go into druidism ( If I were to choose anywhere spellbreaking was to emerge from, it would be here - unable to use the arcane, and not going into druidism, you can develop anti-spell abilities to fit the function of stopping rogue mages and satyrs from trying to summon the legion., Highborne who didn't choose druidism would be most likely to side with Darth'remar, whereas those that did would have stayed on with the long vigil group - I suspect for the first 3,000 years, there were no "Highborne" quote on quote, they become called that again because they want to restore society and most of them were the palace Highborne group. It also explains why most of the followers would have a certain look, it was probably Darth'remar's household and closest friends and colleaugues, who'd have shared a close bond, not just because they were Highborne, but because they had worked together, I imagine they would be a bit more distant from other former Highborne from other parts of the empire that were with the resistance, including Suramar Highborne that were with the resistance)
Post WC3, which is post long vigil, - the 3 groups are finally re-united when the ban on Highborne is lifted from the kaldorei, and the Shen'dralar are accepted back into society and start rebuilding the caste. However this time, the distribution is far different, they are a minority, and society is not orientated around arcane leadership, but priestly leadership. It is a different culture than pre-sundering times, but I don't think it is as wildly different as some people are assuming. They assume this because they look at druid culture but don't understand that culture varies in rural and urban areas, and actually other factors too like religion and leadership .. culture is often a mixture of different sub-cultures. When Elun'dis was founded, before the establishment of the night elf monarchy (if there was such a time) I can imagine the priest caste led, like is the case amongst the Zandalari trolls. AFterall it is Elune that is discovered from studying the Well, and it's desire to discover more of her that excites the night elves into studying the well further and developing the study of the arcane that will birth the mage order as this magical force has many practical useful and beneficial applications, while the priests are more focused on spiritual implications faith based implications, healing and health, longevity of life, and knowing the Goddess.
So in many respects a return to Kaldorei society but priest led, with arcane and druidic influences is more akin to earlier kaldorei pre-sundering society than the one around the time of the invasion that has a whole world and you would imagine quite a large varying degree of cultural importance in various sectors - as mages, the Highborne caste would be similar all over empire wide, being able to travel magically would be an enormous advantage in that, meanwhile you can imagine forest cultures of naturists (pre-druids) would be mostly forgotten by many of the city folk if they were still around - which Cenarius confirms to Malfurion in WotA some are), but it is not mainstream at all at this point.
I could go on and on, but lest stop here for now.