I'm trying to make a weak aura that truncates then reports the damage taken from Grand Delusions to myself and my party or raid members. I have my trigger set to

Type(Event), Event(Combat Log), Message Prefix (Spell), Message Suffix (Damage), Spell Name (Grand Delusions)

and my actions as

Chat Message (BG>Raid>Party>Say) with the message (no quotes) "%1.destName got hit by Grand Delusions for %1.amount"

That works for the specific damage number, and comes out as, for example, "Ruhri got hit by Grand Delusions for 150687". I would ideally like it to come out in the format "Ruhri got hit by Grand Delusions for 150.7k". My understanding of Lua is very basic, but I tried messing around with the custom code (replacing %1.amount with %c) and could get it to return values or strings. I couldn't get the custom code to return the amount dealt by grand delusions, which I figured would be the next step, after which I could try to truncate it. Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated.