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  1. #81
    I am Murloc! Kuja's Avatar
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    It would be refreshing if there's a faction split. Maybe 1 or 2 more factions. Perhaps orcs and undead would be neutral to blood elves, for example. If not even enemies. And there's no place where everyone is welcome, like Orgrimmar.

    Same for alliance would be nice too, like night elves making their own faction and could barely tolerate other alliance races, except to help against common enemies, like raid bosses, so raiding together would still work.

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  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by Kuja View Post
    It would be refreshing if there's a faction split. Maybe 1 or 2 more factions. Perhaps orcs and undead would be neutral to blood elves, for example. If not even enemies. And there's no place where everyone is welcome, like Orgrimmar.

    Same for alliance would be nice too, like night elves making their own faction and could barely tolerate other alliance races, except to help against common enemies, like raid bosses, so raiding together would still work.
    Making the Horde MORE fractured wouldn't help anything imo.
    Twas brillig

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Nefarious Tea View Post
    Surprising amount of conjecture for a question with a pretty concrete answer.

    If we go into 10.0 with a timeskip, the only races on Azeroth will be Aqir, Mantid, and C'thraxxi.
    This is what I think. Sylvanus was used as a pawn to get azeroths heroes OFF azeroth. While gone, it is taken over by the Aqir empire once again as planned by the OG all along. We come back to a world torn apart by destruction and a new enemy underground. Introducing the Black Empire. While the dragon flights have done all they can to keep the Aqir In their holes, they lack their true power, which should be the focus of the next expansion. Re empowering the aspects.

  4. #84


    Such a great thread and tons of fun to read! You actually inspired me to finally stop lurking after a decade+ just to post some additional thoughts

    I like the idea of a time skip where we all return as time-lost heroes to a period of relative peace: no Big Bad or world-ending threat, just a series of tensions and power struggles around K/EK. This opens up the possibility to mix-up factions a bit, and change the role of certain cities. I love the idea of Crossroads as an expanded, sprawling, neutral (not Dalaran style combat-free neutral, more "there's something for everyone" Booty Bay neutral) market city that's perhaps even grown to encompass Ratchet.

    There could be a series of regional campaigns where H/A players alike get to pick which side you want to help and build rep with (kinda like Scryers/Aldor in BC) Could incorporate new and refreshed BGs as well, so long as there's a mechanic to earn rep for the side you are working towards even if you're playing the other side with your faction/guild.

    These are a few half-baked campaign ideas I came up with:

    Primary Campaign: Glory of Lordaeron (focusing in modified Arathi Highlands and Hinterlands, with quests across Hillsbrad, Gilneas, Silverpine, Tirisfal, and new/updated BGs)
    Faction 1: Kingdom of Lordaeron (Capitol in renovated Stromgarde, mostly Human / Dwarf / Worgen / Kul Tiran npcs), working for a united Lordaeron across the former Kingdom.
    Faction 2: Raventusk Tribe (Capitol in Jintha'Alor, mostly Trolls / Zandalari npcs), working to establish Jintha'Alor as the capital of the Kingdom of Zul.

    Campaign: In Iron's Shadow (fighting for control of Black Rock Mountain, with quests in Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge, Dun Morogh, Badlands, Loch Modan)
    Faction 1: Shadowforge City (mostly Dark Iron / Dwarf / Gnome / Mechagnome npcs), seek to reclaim Shadowforge City for the Dwarven Kingdom.
    Faction 2: Blackrock City (Dark Iron / Mag'har / Orc / Troll / Ogre npcs) seek to overthrow Thaurissan's and reforge a new Black/Dark Iron Army.

    Campaign: Fracturing of Silvermoon (High Elf / Blood Elf civil war in Quel'Danas, Eversong, Ghostlands, each side seeks to win the favor of the Blood Knights, Farstriders, and Magisters to wrest control in the wake of Lor'themar's death)
    Faction 1: Blood Hawks (Blood Elf / Silver Covenant npcs, Vereesa Windrunner)
    Faction 2: Sunfury (mostly Magisters, Blood Elf / Nightborne npcs, )

    Campaign: Void Where Prohibited (quests in Azuremyst Isle Bloodmyst Isle, remnants of Teldrassil, Darkshore)
    Faction 1: Telogrus (Void Elfs, some Draenei, more Priests than Paladins, based in a greatly expanded Teogrus City), trying to combat the lightforged zealots and establish a new home for newly 'voidwoken'
    Faction 2: Vindicaari (Lightforged, Draenei, more Paladins than Priests, based in the Exodar, now a flying station), wants to rid Azeroth of the dangerous void-worshipers

    Campaign: Wilds of Kalimdor (quests in mostly in Hyjal, but also Fellwood, Moonglade, Winterspring, Ashenvale, including updated WSG)
    Faction 1: Guardians of Kalimdor (based at Nordrassil, mostly Night Elf npcs, very Druid heavy) seeks to protect and nurture the lands of Kalimdor to return it to a wild state.
    Faction 2: Masters of Kalimdor (mostly Orc / Goblin / Pandaren npcs, very Shaman heavy, ties to Orgrimmar but based near Sulfuron Spire), seeks to harness the unbound elements in Kalimdor to bring a different sort of balance back to the land.

    Campaign: Life and Death (quests across Mulgore, Barens, Dustwallow, and nearby)
    Faction 1: The Forsaken (undead NPCs of various races, based in rebuilt Theramore - h/t to OP), seeks to establish a new home and place in this world for the unliving
    Faction 2: Bloodhoof Tribes (Tauren / Highmountain / Vulpera npcs, based in Thunder Bluff), seek to protect the world from the death and destruction of the abominations they call the 'children of Sylvanas'

    Campaign (maybe later in exp): The Trade King (based on Hearthstone's version of Gadgetzan and the three factions fighting for control)
    Faction 1: Kabal
    Faction 2: Jade Lotus
    Faction 3: some name better than Grimy Goons

    Other things I'd like to see in a revamp:
    • Way more boats and zeppelins instead of mage portals, even if they're defacto portals (ie "talk to the ship captain") like in BfA
    • An updated and non-instanced Deeprun Tram network that connects SW/IF with Blackrock Mountain, and maybe other spots, as well as a similar 'overground' network connecting Orgrimmar Crossroads, and other places in Kalimdor (transit FTW!)
    • An updated Ironforge with multiple ways in/out of the city (tunnel up to the airstrip, tunnel down to a rebuilt harbor in Menethil Bay
    • Showing healing or adapting from the Cataclysm (reconnecting N/S Barrens, same for Badlands and Loch Modan)
    • Finally fixing and un-instancing the BC Blood Elf / Draenei zones

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    I look forward to reading the rest. I liked what I read so far. Although I more focused on the positive stuff, and have the Night elf capital in Hyjal instead, I like the position of the night elves in that they don't take the fight directly to the Horde, but are brutal to any missteps in their territory.

    Good job. It's nice reading different views and visions of the future. Also like that you included Farondis and the Highborne
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I love this one. I really hope you will get this thorough with other races.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellspawn View Post
    Not fond of using Teldrassil again, would rather like them to go to Hyjal, but other wise a pretty cool headcanon, lots of good ideas!

    Thank you all, here's my continuation for the Forsaken. They were a bit trickier due to the issue with well... their everything. UC is gone and the Alliance is DEFINITELY pushing to take the area so a timeskip has to be geared to reflect that plus the mess with Calia...

    After Undercity's destruction the Forsaken evacuated overseas initially, resulting in a bit of a diaspora across Azeroth, but after the war ended many returned to the eastern kingdoms.

    Their new capital is Graveholme, built in the reclaimed ruins of Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands and heavily remodeled to open the city's main area to its port and coast. Though most of the city remains dedicated to their Alchemic studies, eerie magics, martial strength, and the "Forgotten" Shadow, Faol has returned to the chapel that bears his name and leads The Penitent, an order of Forsaken that still venerate the light.

    The Forsaken have four main 'political parties' based on the old quarters of Undercity and a new Desolate Council rule them.

    "The Modest Apothecary Society", who have introduced Sporelings and Fungarians into many of the old scourge haunts in attempts to detoxify the growths in former-scourge areas, and have created many new blends of alchemic tinctures and abominations out of 'grown' flesh. They work closely with Blood Elf anima-weavers and have even dealt with Mogu. Their goal is to someday grow enough parts to not just provide replacements for Forsaken limbs, but to create whole new Forsaken. (Think Frankenstein). They are based in the Fungal Vale of EPL.

    "The Cult of Enduring Shadow", after Natalie Seline was revived during the events of the Legion invasion, the Forsaken's scattered practice of studying the Shadow became more organized, and the Cult now has a loose structure, though it remains far less organized than the Church of Holy Light or other religions, with no core scripture but a strong community focus. They work to help forsaken ascend into more powerful forms of undead through spiritual strength and free the minds of other undead raised unwillingly. They are based in Alterac.

    "The Deathguard" Once merely the Forsaken's army, navy, scouting and espionage forces, they have grown to encompass its animal handlers as well. Darkhounds, spiders, and undead or unnatural creatures of all kinds are cultivated under their care. Though they are ruthless to their foes, they often have close ties to their animals. They retain both banshees and Dark Rangers that remained in the Horde, and a large lingering appreciation for val'kyr lingers among them, though most val'kyr left with Sylvanas many were raised by them, and they remain in their iconography. This branch even maintains loose ties to some Kvaldir and Vargul on the Broken Isles and in Northrend. They are based heavily out of Howling Fjord and Dragonblight.

    "The Shadowchain" Forsaken mages and warlocks who delve into the extremes of magic that would be hazardous for those with lesser will or frailer flesh. They strongly believe they can control demons and are a popular destination for other Horde warlocks who seek to improve their skills with more accepted backing, rather than face ridicule.

    Light's Hope Chapel has grown into a modest township and Leonid Bartholomew maintains the Argent Dawn there, the organization is still neutral though most of its other holdings have joined the Alliance and the Church of Light is growing more zealous, many members of the "Brotherhood of Light" are now lightforged in much the same manner as Turalyon.

    Alterac's meager human population that remained from the Syndicate have been drawn into the Horde much like the Fogsail pirates, ironically mirroring the Cult of the Damned for the Forsaken, living among them and when they pass, being willingly raised to join the Forsaken. The area is much like an island of Forsaken influence, surrounded by the resurgent humans in Tirisfal and the Worgen in nearby Gilneas. Natalie Seline makes the area their home and has mended ties with the local Frostwolves.

    Twas brillig

  6. #86
    Some Night Elves get into a fight with Saberon over who gets to settle in Stonetalon Mountain, and pick up a nasty curse..

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by shoc View Post
    Some Night Elves get into a fight with Saberon over who gets to settle in Stonetalon Mountain, and pick up a nasty curse..
    Are you... proposing... SABREWORGEN?
    Twas brillig

  8. #88
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    @Skytotem I really, REALLY liked your proposed ideas for a new Forsaken capital in a revamped Stratholme. I would be very tempted to finally roll a Forsaken if it was implemented, thumbs up
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    Thank you all, here's my continuation for the Forsaken. They were a bit trickier due to the issue with well... their everything. UC is gone and the Alliance is DEFINITELY pushing to take the area so a timeskip has to be geared to reflect that plus the mess with Calia...

    Nice, that's a pretty neat read, while I toom the forsaken north to Northrend and healed the plague lands, i also really like this vision, but I'd like to steal your organisation of the forsaken, it's really good. Enjoyed the read. You should do more races

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    @Skytotem I really, REALLY liked your proposed ideas for a new Forsaken capital in a revamped Stratholme. I would be very tempted to finally roll a Forsaken if it was implemented, thumbs up
    Thanks a bunch, any requests for which race/faction I tackle next?
    Twas brillig

  11. #91
    Old God Soon-TM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    Thanks a bunch, any requests for which race/faction I tackle next?
    I'd like to see what you have in store for Worgen, and my personal favourites the BEs (just check my avatar)
    Quote Originally Posted by trimble View Post
    WoD was the expansion that was targeted at non raiders.

  12. #92
    Please. We all know that the time skip will be part of the darkest timeline. We'll return to find Azeroth a wasteland where Twilight Elves battle MechaTauren to the death all under the watchful eye of an alternate universe clone of Onyxia.

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    Thank you all, here's my continuation for the Forsaken. They were a bit trickier due to the issue with well... their everything. UC is gone and the Alliance is DEFINITELY pushing to take the area so a timeskip has to be geared to reflect that plus the mess with Calia...
    I see no mention of Calia here. What would you do with her?
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I'm not sure about it. Elves who never abandoned Dalaran remained high elves, thus they were not targeted by the Purge. Blood elves are those who renamed themselves in honor of the fallen and largely went to Quel'thalas or to Outland in seeking new future. I won't deny there could not be blood elf in Dalaran who resided here before, but since he took the name and the identity of sin'dorei, he most likely left Dalaran at some point, so leaving it after Horde's abuse of neutral kirin tor network should not be an issue anyway.

    The Purge was targeted at first on Sunreavers, who were distinct members of the Horde, and then to merchants and vendors who had ties to Sunreavers. Horde allegience was the factor here. Still, there were better solution of the situation, that is clear.
    this is not true if you play the side of the horde on the island of thunder an elf tells you that she lived in dalaran all her life and that she was made from her home, rommath was archmage of dalaran and she hated as modera and Ansirem consented to the murder of the blood elves by garithos is more rommath says that for the blood elves dalaran "it was their home just like silvermoon"

  15. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    I'd like to see what you have in store for Worgen, and my personal favourites the BEs (just check my avatar)
    Alright, Worgen First, then Belfs later on.

    After the Alliance laid siege to Undercity, Genn was able to retake Gilneas and resettle his people and settled in happily with Tess and Mia.

    Greymane has been vigilant and there are few threats in Gilneas anymore, only the Ettin stubbornly cling to the mountains and hillsides, unable to be dislodged.

    While some of the land still suffers from the Forsaken's blight and the fierce warfare that wracked it, the Worgen's druids, harvest witches, and Night elf allies have largely patched up the region. There's a sizeable chunk of the population now that aren't worgen, but the curse can be accepted voluntarily in Blackwald by any citizen that gets permission from the druids there, though they test candidates strictly to ensure people can handle the power responsibly.

    In a few short years, Gilneas has become a mercantile superpower in the Alliance due to mending fences with Kul'tiras (Kul'tiras is better at mass production but Gilneas has a reputation for more stylized or higher quality work), rebuilding its naval forces for shipping (The Howling Fleet), and its ties to the scattered Night Elven settlements throughout the world. Much of its western coast has been carved into new harbor areas which have a short way by road to its capital.

    A large part of Gilneas's development is that, in order to keep up with Kul'tiras's closer ties to the Mechagnomes, Greymane worked out a deal with Ironforge to have an outpost of dwarves (mostly Dark Irons, But some Bronzebeard and Wildhammer) set up at Emberstone mine, and they have helped rebuild Gilneas's industrial base. Although Gilneans still don't like most Horde races they have surprisingly seen a growing servant/worker class of *Kobolds* that were displaced from the Southern Eastern Kingdoms and other parts of the world over time. (Yes this is just because I wanted posh kobold butlers and candlemakers in Gilneas, so sue me)

    The Greymane Wall's been repaired, and it now has multiple waystations to facilitate trade with the resurgent "New Lordaeron" to the north all along its outer and inner sides. Crowley and his family technically live in Gilneas but they spend most of their time in Silverpine helping Gilneans reign in the Bloodfang worgen and hunting after "Banshee's Echo" Forsaken who are essentially extremists who cling to hostilities despite the Graveholme forsaken nominally being at peace.

    Shadowfang Keep is now firmly under Gilnean control while Fenris keep was gifted to New Lordaeron. A large canal has been dug to connect the lake to the Sea and for a time it greatly improved trade between the rebuilt Undercity, now known as Dawnbreak City, and much of the rest of the continent, though recently the canal's been overrun by one of the dozens of petty Naga lords and ladies that scattered after Azshara's disappearance.

    The Sepulcher has caved in, something messed up is going on in there...

    Stormglen has become popular as a stopover for Pandaren and ships from Stormwind or other parts of the southern eastern Kingdoms, while Tempest's reach is primarily favored by smugglers.

    Although Gilneas's primary religion is still the Light, crossover with the Night Elves and Kul'tiras has led to a sizeable portion of the populace also worshiping the wild gods, the Headlands are now home to a modest grove where the Night Elves primarily congregate when visiting the region, but after Teldrassil many have even settled their permanently due to their close ties to the Gilneans. Most Gilneans balance their human and worgen halves, but some do still prefer to give up their human life and live entirely as worgen. Many who walk this path prefer to live in the Blackwald still or join Packs out in Silverpine, though others travel overseas to Night Elven territories on pilgrimages or to settle permanently. It's not uncommon for even non-worgen Gilneans to go on one of these pilgrimages if they venerate the wild gods as skilled hunters.

    Gilneans helped repopulate Drustvar after the horrific attacks by the Drust on the region, clearing much of the Crimson forest and have integrated into the zealous monster hunting Order of Embers that is based in the region. As a result, The Order of Embers has established outposts in many Gilnean holdings.

    Bradensbrook, once a mere refugee town in Val'sharah, has become a key trade hub between Kalimdor, the Broken Isles, Kul'tiras, The Eastern Kingdoms, and even Northrend. So valuable is it that the Night Elves have even renovated the once haunted Black Rook Hold and transformed it into a modern fortress to defend it, with a contingent of Gilnean and Kul'tiran soldiers stationed alongside the Sentinel and Warden forces there.

    Darkshore and Felwood remain popular stops for Worgen seeking to let loose some of their Bloodlust, as while the regions have largely been cleared, some undead and demons still lurk in the corners of the areas. Worgen that go so far as to consume satyrs have begun undergoing unusual transformations though...

    Worgen have helped the night elves reclaim Sardor isle and while Feralas is remote, its strong natural ties make it a popular destination for Worgen as well.
    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I see no mention of Calia here. What would you do with her?
    Ah, I knew I forgot to type in something.

    I really struggled with whether she fit better at "Argent Monastery", or at Tyr's Hand coordinating between the Penitent and the Belfs and the Argent Dawn / Alliance light groups... but ultimately I settled on her heading up the Argent forces at Hearthglen.
    Twas brillig

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by gobio View Post
    1 years in during the time skip, Anduin was brutally murdered by the daughter of Guldan with a spiked club.
    Anduin's sister, shown to be a much better priest and also a true warrior effortlessly defeating Greymane in combat, is now the beloved queen of the alliance.
    erm........ yeah no. not only do 2 of the people you've mentioned flat out not exist but also recent developments make that impossible.

  17. #97
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post
    Alright, Worgen First, then Belfs later on.

    I'm a bit puzzled why you think the Worgen, coming from the one source religion like the light will turn to poly-theistic worship, instead of Elune worship, when the night elves themselves only revere the wild gods, not worshipping them - they worship Elune. Why would the worgen instead worship wild gods? Isn't it more likely they'll venerate their patron Goldrinn, but he's not actually a proper god, that's Elune, and her staff played a large role in their healing in a fusion of the divine and nature.

    Just curious that's all.

    As for the rest, good call, I also had the worgen taking most of Silverpine, it's got the vibe and feel that fits that werewolf worgen feel. Even though my Tirisfal/Loraderon vision is different.

    This is good stuff, you didn't deal with the Duskwood worgen though.

    I deal with the night elf worgen who in my vision are in Val'shrah mainly. They now inhabit Shal'anir village and Shaladrassil is their dream portal. They are very druidic with certain emerald dream abilities. However being in worgen forms so long, their night elf forms have developed certain animal mutations, stag antlers like Malfurion, fawn bi-pedal legs like Night fae, sometimes arms with feathers. And their worgen form is quite unique. Their capital Shal'anir is expanded into a full forest home city and are the pure forest elf allied race from the wood elf half of the night elves, where the Nightborne are the pure dark elf allied race from the dark elf half of the night elves.

    These Fangfire worgen are very f orest loving, grea friend s with Cenarians and forest creatures, and we see the full expression of a forest elven culture. Many of them are druids, and they join the Dreamwarden night elven druidic community in the forest. The Temple of Elune there ministers to them.

  18. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by Skytotem View Post

    Ah, I knew I forgot to type in something.

    I really struggled with whether she fit better at "Argent Monastery", or at Tyr's Hand coordinating between the Penitent and the Belfs and the Argent Dawn / Alliance light groups... but ultimately I settled on her heading up the Argent forces at Hearthglen.
    I see. She gets out of spotlight.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  19. #99
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    I'm a bit puzzled why you think the Worgen, coming from the one source religion like the light will turn to poly-theistic worship, instead of Elune worship, when the night elves themselves only revere the wild gods, not worshipping them - they worship Elune. Why would the worgen instead worship wild gods? Isn't it more likely they'll venerate their patron Goldrinn, but he's not actually a proper god, that's Elune, and her staff played a large role in their healing in a fusion of the divine and nature.

    Just curious that's all.

    As for the rest, good call, I also had the worgen taking most of Silverpine, it's got the vibe and feel that fits that werewolf worgen feel. Even though my Tirisfal/Loraderon vision is different.

    This is good stuff, you didn't deal with the Duskwood worgen though.

    I deal with the night elf worgen who in my vision are in Val'shrah mainly. They now inhabit Shal'anir village and Shaladrassil is their dream portal. They are very druidic with certain emerald dream abilities. However being in worgen forms so long, their night elf forms have developed certain animal mutations, stag antlers like Malfurion, fawn bi-pedal legs like Night fae, sometimes arms with feathers. And their worgen form is quite unique. Their capital Shal'anir is expanded into a full forest home city and are the pure forest elf allied race from the wood elf half of the night elves, where the Nightborne are the pure dark elf allied race from the dark elf half of the night elves.

    These Fangfire worgen are very forest loving, grea friend s with Cenarians and forest creatures, and we see the full expression of a forest elven culture. Many of them are druids, and they join the Dreamwarden night elven druidic community in the forest. The Temple of Elune there ministers to them.
    1. I consider Elune worship to be a part of the Wild God worship, with some people focusing more on her than on the Wild Gods, with her being most popular among Gilneans that spent time in Nelf lands rather than EK

    2. Ah, you're right I forgot Duskwood. I think they'd create a "Howling" tree, similar to the one in Blackwald/Talonbranch/Darnassus in the area as they help to offset the taint that's characterized Duskwood for so long. Eventually they catch most, if not all of the local ferals and help them regain their minds, and they help reform the Night Watch, which becomes so successful in its new incarnation that it replaces SI:7 for domestic operations, and SI:7 becomes more specialized in working abroad, and on major political figures, with the two, and the Order of Embers, often coordinating.

    3. That's a cool angle for the Fangfire and Shalanir worgen, I dunno if I'd give them traits from other animals though. Malf got those since he's a druid that looks at lots of different aspects of druidism, but these guys were in one form primarily.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I see. She gets out of spotlight.
    Yes and no. While she's geographically remote she helps train new generations of Argents and Alliance/Horde light wielders that pass through, and gives a lot of counseling to undead on both the Horde, as well as in the Argents or even Alliance/Ebon Blade. Not necessarily converting everyone to the Light but finding acceptance in what they are and moving forward.

    I also have her a bit more mobile where she'd travel out and about fairly often.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Soon-TM View Post
    I'd like to see what you have in store for Worgen, and my personal favourites the BEs (just check my avatar)

    Blood Elves

    Lor'themar is focused on rebuilding Silvermoon, balancing not repeating the isolationist mistakes of the High Elves and not exhausting his people abroad. As a result he exercises a sort of 'soft power', with Blood elven magisters and warlocks essentially 'on loan' to magic academies, centers of research, and across every continent, while newly trained spellbreakers and blood knights essentially help keep tabs on experiments to ensure they don't go crazy. There's especially close ties to the Nightborne who supplement the program. They often bring practitioners of other magical traditions abroad as well to have their knowledge added to Silvermoon's libraries, Tuskarr magic traditions are surprisingly popular due to their view of arcane magic not conflicting with the natural energies of the world.

    Quel'danas straddles the line between a high security fortress of the Blood elves around the Sunwell and a neutral site for arcane study and light worship. The impact of the Shattered Sun Offensive makes it a popular religious retreat by both Draenei, blood elves, nightborne, members of the Alliance/Horde that find comfort in the once ruined place having been restored. Naturally Void Elves still aren't allowed anywhere near the Sunwell itself and are closely monitored even when visiting the islands outskirts. Veteran Spellbreakers are the primary defense force of the Sunwell and after tours of training across the world most newly trained ones return there, making it one of the most well defended places on the planet.

    Sunstrider Isle has a new port where students and merchants arrive, and Western Silvermoon has been turned into a rustic-mercantile district where those travelers and the visitng and blood elven merchants all mingle. Rommath and Astalor have also turned it into a sort of exhibition for showing off the Belfs magical developments. Astalor's been experimenting with flesh shaping using Anima. Some of this has worked fantastically, with new and powerful breeds of Hawkstriders, Lynxes and Dragonhawks, while it's also caused a number of... escaped experiments to get loose in the forest.

    Due to the Sunwell's effect, as well as persistent efforts by the Blood elves the Dead Scar is starting to fade, but it's incredibly slow going, and for the most part the area dividing the cities has simply been paved over, while parts of the Scar in Eversong are slowly turning patchy. The majority of the scar remains a popular training ground for blood knights and other members of the blood elven military.

    Relations with the Alliance have not gotten so relaxed that the Belfs are allowing resettlement of the remaining high/void elves anywhere in Eversong or Ghostlands, which is still a source of friction with the Void Elves that push for Silvermoon to leave the Horde and join the Alliance, and sneak through areas in the Ghostlands and spread Anti-Horde propaganda in many areas. Though the Silvermoon leadership spreads just as much pro-Horde propaganda, ironically as part of its campaign to mend fences with the Amani, which has had the result of splitting the Amani (Most amani still want war but a good chunk of them realize they don't have the resources for it and between the Zandalari and the Belfs willingness to cede parts of Ghostlands and even Eversong territory and return lost artifacts) ... but also incensing the Void elves that Forest Trolls might get to return to their land before they do. They're based out of Duskwither in Eversong and out of Dawnstar in Ghostlands.

    Tor'watha is the site of a group of Forest Trolls that aren't actively attacking the Horde but aren't friendly with it, and are being harassed by Void Elves, making them the primary target of Horde outreach. Scorched Grove and the other runestones are being studied with assistance from Nightborne and ironically troll magi.

    The Ghostlands is actually seeing a modest mingling of Blood elven/Nightborne settling the region, Forsaken moving into former Scourge territory, and Darkspear/Zandalari that are trying to help reconnect with the Amani. Belfs and Nightborne are collaborating to make a Sanctum that mingles their magitech styles and helps channel energy from the Sunwell into the region to help negate the necrotic energy from the Scourge left in the area, leaving its surroundings closer to a blend between Eversong and Suramar's outskirts. The Darkspear and Zandalari are restoring some of the Amani's catacombs into a temple to Bwomsamdi in an attempt to talk to the spirits of long dead Amani and get advice on dealing with their descendants, though some Blood Knights are... uncomfortable with the idea. Forsaken are still attempting to free mindless undead and kill off any malicious scourge, having taken one of the region's ziggurats. Windrunner spire and Deatholme are full of "Banshee's Echo" loyalists, the Belfs and Forsaken are trying to talk them down but most are pretty zealous still.
    Twas brillig

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