All the covenant stuff seems very insteresting. 4 different campaigns and all the covenant unique stuff offers a lot replayability.
Looks great so far.
Not sure what I expected but I was hoping for more than that. Very little new info and barely anything to show off.
Can’t help but feel a bit disappointed although Shadowlands is starting to look pretty good.
Looking forward to SL, so far looks way better than anything since LK.
Just wish there was a release date.
Still not very excited for Shadowlands. Some stuff looked good, most is just uninterest (like why they keep bringing back the mission table).
One of the best things is the new character customisations which they haven't shown more off.
I wonder how gated the story will be for each covenant.
In BFA you needed a 2 Characters to experience the whole story, Horde & Alliance. In SL you’ll need 4, one for each covenant.
I don't really feel the hype for a lot of those features. Also there are to many features.
Sanctums, Renown, Anima Chanelling, Blood court(and similar), Soulbinds etc.
There seems to be too much happening here.
I don't want solutions. I want to be mad. - PoorlyDrawnlines
No it is far different in many many ways, the borrowed power will stay each expansion which is shitty but they would really need to work at making a new permanent character progressions system and I doubt they had time to make one for Shadowlands. I do wish they would make one that we kept.
and with this preview, SL looks to be the same ole crap blizz has shoveled out for the last 8 years. reskins, renames and new paint wont cover up the same crappy game designs they keep regurgitating. its like they cut their team back more every single expansion...