A possible date would have been great
A possible date would have been great
Meanwhile on live servers: whole guilds going missing because of flunked server connections![]()
Thanks for this pointless reply which has nothing to do with my post. I just wanted to share an old ass picture of puny shoulder pad Orcs that I recently stumbled across, no idea how you could interpret that as having anything to do with my ego.
(Unless that's a remark about my avatar... in which case, fair game. Respect.)
Last edited by Relapses; 2020-07-08 at 06:52 PM.
This expansion is not looking great tbh. I personally feel like it's going to have a mass exodus of casuals right at the start just like Cata and WoD and then the rest of us are going to lose content because Blizzard scrambles to fix their mistakes. We'll see. I hope I'm wrong.
BLM really shouldn't be a political statement, it should be common sense, but there's a difference between Blizzard using their platform for politics and some random who signed a contract agreeing NOT to make political comments hijacking Blizzard's platform to make a political statement.![]()
AchaeaKoralin - Are you still out there? | Classic Priest
Sadge this was recorded at like 8am was it not? Try being 40 and waking up at 6am wide and early and not look/feel like shit  ̄へ ̄
- - - Updated - - -
I thought you can switch covenants easilly? You just can't go back to that covenant as easy.
Every thread is like entering an LFR with 5 stacks of determination. -Compstance
Good thing to see that Shadowlands will be the real Legion 2.0 not the half assed stuff we got in Legion 0.5, BfA.
And after listening to this, Covenant just look so much cooler every day we get new info. Revendreath was so cool from before, now we can have a real time party in there? Awesome
I though this was kinda funny:
In Legion: We will make the mission table less involving.
In BfA: We will make the mission table even less involving.
In Shadowlands: We will make the mission table more involving.![]()
World of Warcraft stuff
I think it was an informative and useful update. It was not "spectacular" as some seem to have expected, but some important things were mentioned and every bit of additional insight is welcome.
So +1 from me for the video.
Thank you
So you're saying it shouldn't be common sense to care about the lives of others?
I just dunno how this was delayed from last month. It really wasn't enough of 'new exciting stuff' which you'd think they would come up with after the extra long wait.
Telling people to just quit if they don't like the game is such a stupid statement, people invested in this game, be it money (a lot of it for a game), time (often a fair part of their day when playing actively), relationships...
Seeing it all go away because of Blizzard greed with lazy cash grabs, trying to make the game addicting with pseudo-gambling everywhere, making players log on everyday not by the game being good but by making them lose power and progress if they don't, is painful and disrespectful to the playerbase that built this game, and they have every right to complain about it.
This is not a $10 steam game you just stop playing if you don't like it, this is a 15 years old subscription-based mmorpg and the least Blizzard can do is keep up its standards instead of giving up to f2p/mobile game money making/player retention strategies.
Now for shadowlands, the release will be a disaster, the alpha invites were really scarce compared to the previous expansions(which is hard to understand seeing how bland and empty bfa currently is), no good amount of feedback can come back from that. Even if they send a massive amount of invites for the beta, they have no time to make significant changes to the game by the end of the year, the real beta will be the first patch of the expansion, which is terrible for the game because it makes a lot of people quit early on... They should just delay the release, and they'd have really good reasons/excuses to do it, but they won't because that would mean they'd have to refund shadowlands to a lot of people since they stated the game would release before 2020 in their pre-sales
It's really a shame to see what Blizzard has become, and i'm not sure how many failures they'll need to come to their senses.
"Polishing iterations and feedback" uh huh... shadow priests say hello while being completely ignored with the immense amount of feedback but Blizzard are too fucking adamant at keeping such a flawed design.
Seems to me like the reveal did change little, the people who have been hyped for SL are still hyped, while those weren't, still aren't.
But i have to be honest: SL coming out in Fall means that it will have an incredibly short Alpha / Beta cycle.
Even if we assume a November release and a four weeks "pre patch" phase, where usually no major changes are happening, the actual beta cycle of SL will be around three months, which seems rather odd considering Blizzards assurances of a long testcycle to avoid another BfA (which only had like 3 months of actual Beta testing).
Also, dropping raidtestings right into summer is a lowblow for a lot of people.
No that's not "basically" what I'm saying.
I'm pointing out that the people crying "what about HK" don't actually care and have done nothing to support it. People actually materially involved with the HK movement don't care, or have the time to care, that Blizz banned a random Taiwanese streamer and are supporting BLM.
It's also highly ironic to complain about a company virtue signalling on the internet whilst virtue signalling oneself.
so another expansion rushed like BfA
oh boy - another sh..tstorm incoming after launch .