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  1. #121
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    Because even though they have reused some systems they are doing it in a way in which we get more player agency and that was one of the biggest issues in the last 3 expansions. Borrowed powers suck but they have yet to find a good solution to a permanent progressions system that continues forward. They seem to do it because of inflation currently as you would become like a god if you kept everything. Plus I don;t know anyone who likes playing the same unchanged spec forever, that shit is boring as fuck.
    you just backed up my point and said yourself that all the systems have been used before, but are different with no explanation of how they are different.

    you dont know any of those people because they left the game when it went to a kiddy corner piece of shit years ago. it is currently only enjoyed by players that have known nothing else but the shit game its been for years.

    you still fail to bring up a single point of how SL will not be a lame and disappointing expansion like very other expansion for the last 8 years.

  2. #122
    Herald of the Titans Sluvs's Avatar
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    Whether or not you agree with Blizzard in the BLM situation, it has no bearing in the Hong Kong situation. Its just plain whatboutism and bringing it up serves almost no purpose. Yeah, they screwed up on the Hong Kong situation, they apologized.

    Move on.
    I don't want solutions. I want to be mad. - PoorlyDrawnlines

  3. #123
    Quote Originally Posted by Mokuna View Post
    Telling people to just quit if they don't like the game is such a stupid statement, people invested in this game, be it money (a lot of it for a game), time (often a fair part of their day when playing actively), relationships...

    Seeing it all go away because of Blizzard greed with lazy cash grabs, trying to make the game addicting with pseudo-gambling everywhere, making players log on everyday not by the game being good but by making them lose power and progress if they don't, is painful and disrespectful to the playerbase that built this game, and they have every right to complain about it.

    This is not a $10 steam game you just stop playing if you don't like it, this is a 15 years old subscription-based mmorpg and the least Blizzard can do is keep up its standards instead of giving up to f2p/mobile game money making/player retention strategies.

    Now for shadowlands, the release will be a disaster, the alpha invites were really scarce compared to the previous expansions(which is hard to understand seeing how bland and empty bfa currently is), no good amount of feedback can come back from that. Even if they send a massive amount of invites for the beta, they have no time to make significant changes to the game by the end of the year, the real beta will be the first patch of the expansion, which is terrible for the game becomes it makes a lot of people quit early on... They should just delay the release, and they'd have really good reasons/excuses to do it, but they won't because that would mean they'd have to refund shadowlands to a lot of people since they stated the game would release before 2020 in their pre-sales

    It's really a shame to see what Blizzard has become, and i'm not sure how many failures they'll need to come to their senses.
    good post

    classic saved their financial asses...

    retail will finalize its de-evolving into a chinese, rpg, cash grab soon enough.

  4. #124
    Quote Originally Posted by vegz View Post
    Most people are still at home due to covid, in the US at least. The numbers don't seem to be going down either so it wont be too bad for most people.
    Not every country is still stuck in lockdown or is looking like it needs impose one.
    That aside, you can also enjoy the weather without meeting up with 5+ people.

  5. #125
    Quote Originally Posted by Mokuna View Post
    Telling people to just quit if they don't like the game is such a stupid statement, people invested in this game, be it money (a lot of it for a game), time (often a fair part of their day when playing actively), relationships...

    Seeing it all go away because of Blizzard greed with lazy cash grabs, trying to make the game addicting with pseudo-gambling everywhere, making players log on everyday not by the game being good but by making them lose power and progress if they don't, is painful and disrespectful to the playerbase that built this game, and they have every right to complain about it.

    This is not a $10 steam game you just stop playing if you don't like it, this is a 15 years old subscription-based mmorpg and the least Blizzard can do is keep up its standards instead of giving up to f2p/mobile game money making/player retention strategies.

    Now for shadowlands, the release will be a disaster, the alpha invites were really scarce compared to the previous expansions(which is hard to understand seeing how bland and empty bfa currently is), no good amount of feedback can come back from that. Even if they send a massive amount of invites for the beta, they have no time to make significant changes to the game by the end of the year, the real beta will be the first patch of the expansion, which is terrible for the game becomes it makes a lot of people quit early on... They should just delay the release, and they'd have really good reasons/excuses to do it, but they won't because that would mean they'd have to refund shadowlands to a lot of people since they stated the game would release before 2020 in their pre-sales

    It's really a shame to see what Blizzard has become, and i'm not sure how many failures they'll need to come to their senses.
    I personally think shadowlands is looking great, to each their own.

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Thmsbkr3 View Post
    For crying out loud I want to know something about heirlooms already! Give me some kind of info!
    Nothing has changed. There's your info.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    - - - Updated - - -
    Why? Mission tables and pet battles are both 100% optional. I never felt a need to do either.
    I actually like mission tables (WoD were the best ones IMO), but saying they are optional is really.. weird considering how much of a bonus they give.
    Just on my main they generated easily over a million AP during BfA (including the AP through reputation and Island expeditions) and hundreds of thousands for gold (again through gold missions, reputation and the bonus stuff from follower equipment).
    I mean yea. Its optional, but... no really.

  8. #128
    Quote Originally Posted by Accendor View Post
    I actually like mission tables (WoD were the best ones IMO), but saying they are optional is really.. weird considering how much of a bonus they give.
    Just on my main they generated easily over a million AP during BfA (including the AP through reputation and Island expeditions) and hundreds of thousands for gold (again through gold missions, reputation and the bonus stuff from follower equipment).
    I mean yea. Its optional, but... no really.
    I think it's more optional in the sense that in Legion and WoD they most certainly were not optional (up to a certain point). Let's not forget that WoD and Legion tied up story lines and raid gear through their tables, whereas BFA tied up pretty much nothing of that level in there for the whole xpac, minus WV R3/4. Regardless, I also like the mission tables, but I'm more curious to see what it's rewards are and if it's tied into any other systems.

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by Djaye View Post
    you just backed up my point and said yourself that all the systems have been used before, but are different with no explanation of how they are different.

    you dont know any of those people because they left the game when it went to a kiddy corner piece of shit years ago. it is currently only enjoyed by players that have known nothing else but the shit game its been for years.

    you still fail to bring up a single point of how SL will not be a lame and disappointing expansion like very other expansion for the last 8 years.
    Why are you even on the forums then? Just to perpetuate toxic behavior? There are definite improvements and less RNG, my job is not to detail it all for you when you can read about it or watch some YouTube videos about what they are doing. Stop being a bitch and do some research, also get an avatar you have had 10 years to pick one.

  10. #130
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Quote Originally Posted by Verdugo View Post
    Free Hong Kong shouldnt be a political statement, it should be common sense.
    I didn't say it should be. That was more a comment on the sadness that free HK / BLM ARE political statements even though they shouldn't be. The fact remains that there is a difference between hijacking someone else's platform to make a political statement (whether it should be one or not) ESPECIALLY when you've signed a contract that stipulates that you won't do that, and using your own platform to make a political statement.
    AchaeaKoralin - Are you still out there? | Classic Priest

  11. #131
    Quote Originally Posted by Temp1on2 View Post
    No that's not "basically" what I'm saying.

    I'm pointing out that the people crying "what about HK" don't actually care and have done nothing to support it. People actually materially involved with the HK movement don't care, or have the time to care, that Blizz banned a random Taiwanese streamer and are supporting BLM.

    It's also highly ironic to complain about a company virtue signalling on the internet whilst virtue signalling oneself.
    Except you're exceptionally wrong. For one, you have absolutely no idea what people do or don't care about. You're just saying they don't care because they haven't met whatever arbitrary criteria you have set for them to be declared as "actually caring". Also, you have no evidence Blizzard doesn't care either. People can change over time and companies are run by people. This could be them realizing the error of their ways in the past and trying to be better as a company.

    But instead people like you would rather just claim they're virtue signalling.

  12. #132
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    RNG has always existed in WoW but having every fucking system with RNG and no way around it was mobile game design and I am sure activision pressured them to make WoW more like that at some point. I mean WoW is just $$$$$$ to them so it makes sense they would want to capitalize on gotcha style mechanics, luckily everyone hated it and bitched as we should have and now we are coming out of the other wend waaayyyy more jaded and apathetic and I get it.
    Activision didn't pressure them to do anything. Everything they did was Blizzard's decision. Nobody else. Activison and Blizzard work independently of each other and have their own autonomy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Except you're exceptionally wrong. For one, you have absolutely no idea what people do or don't care about. You're just saying they don't care because they haven't met whatever arbitrary criteria you have set for them to be declared as "actually caring". Also, you have no evidence Blizzard doesn't care either. People can change over time and companies are run by people. This could be them realizing the error of their ways in the past and trying to be better as a company.

    But instead people like you would rather just claim they're virtue signalling.
    There was absolutely no reason to make the statement at all other than grandstadning for PR. It's all about protecting the bottom line. Nothing else.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Djaye View Post
    good post

    classic saved their financial asses...

    retail will finalize its de-evolving into a chinese, rpg, cash grab soon enough.
    Wrong on all counts. Wow was profitable BEFORE classic was re- released.

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by Djaye View Post
    good post

    classic saved their financial asses...

    retail will finalize its de-evolving into a chinese, rpg, cash grab soon enough.
    Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rrayy View Post
    Activision didn't pressure them to do anything. Everything they did was Blizzard's decision. Nobody else. Activison and Blizzard work independently of each other and have their own autonomy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There was absolutely no reason to make the statement at all other than grandstadning for PR. It's all about protecting the bottom line. Nothing else.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Wrong on all counts. Wow was profitable BEFORE classic was re- released.
    Easy there rrayy, you're dangerously close to using logic in your argument. Years of frequenting these troll infested forums have shown me thats a big no-no.

  14. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by TheRevenantHero View Post
    Except you're exceptionally wrong. For one, you have absolutely no idea what people do or don't care about. You're just saying they don't care because they haven't met whatever arbitrary criteria you have set for them to be declared as "actually caring". Also, you have no evidence Blizzard doesn't care either. People can change over time and companies are run by people. This could be them realizing the error of their ways in the past and trying to be better as a company.

    But instead people like you would rather just claim they're virtue signalling.
    LOL. None of these people (see: trolls) have done anything to help HK. They just want a reason to bash Blizz or BLM.

    Keep virtue signalling on the internet, I'm sure it's helping the people suffering in HK

  15. #135
    Quote Originally Posted by Unholyground View Post
    Why are you even on the forums then? Just to perpetuate toxic behavior? There are definite improvements and less RNG, my job is not to detail it all for you when you can read about it or watch some YouTube videos about what they are doing. Stop being a bitch and do some research, also get an avatar you have had 10 years to pick one.
    i asked you to back up what you were trying to say. you cant. i have read everything you have about SL and guess what? its all the same bullshit. you can insult me all you want, but you fail to understand that you didnt explain what you laid claim to. so you are spouting opinions with nothing to back it up. if that upsets you, okay. but getting pissed at me because you cant explain how SL is any different than BFA outside or renames and reskins is just a sign that you know that you cant are are pissed for being called out on it.

    'stop being a bitch and get an avatar' ... shine a light on your immaturity, age and childlike mentality a little more.

  16. #136
    It's definitely the least exciting expansion they've done for me. It's kinda cool, but just doesn't really add anything new to get excited about and no an endless rogue like dungeon doesn't excite me. It's like, there are a hundred ways you can put melted cheese and bread together and it always tastes great, but after a while you want them to change up the recipe more.

    Can't help but feel like they are saving their big guns for 10.0 with a WoW 2.0 ala OW 2.0. Too bad it's 2 years out...
    Last edited by Mojo03; 2020-07-08 at 09:41 PM.

  17. #137
    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Jensen View Post
    I'm sure this is based on your extensive playtime in SL.
    To be completely fair many could tell by Beta that BFA was going to be pretty terrible. If little to no changes come from not until live then it prolly will be terrible.

  18. #138
    Immortal Flurryfang's Avatar
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    So when Beta drops, no new big changes?

    Well, then Shadowlands is missing its big feature.

    Every expansion have always had its own big feature, that made it the must-get expansion. Aside from the leveling rework, Shadowlands seems void of this I find it really hard to be excited about the game, when very little of the core game will change/be added to, especially when they are far from being perfect with anything in the core system. Where are the new ideas about gear, about content, about socializing, about playing the game in general?

    I had really hoped, that Blizzard would come back after the Alpha and have something really great to present, something that just said "This is really cool and new! Come play it!", yet its just lacking. Hope the future patches brings in something fun, hopeful i am.
    May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!

    Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.

  19. #139
    waiting to see how the new pvp system and gearing is shaping up, one of my favorite activities was pretty much dead to me in BfA and died off harshly in legion.

  20. #140
    Quote Originally Posted by Malix Farwin View Post
    To be completely fair many could tell by Beta that BFA was going to be pretty terrible. If little to no changes come from not until live then it prolly will be terrible.
    I'm sure It'll be like BFA beta as well with valid complaints and feedback on how shit something is that'll never get looked at before release.

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