League of Legends forums tells MMO Champ to tone down the toxicity.
Retail sucks. Classic sucks. No positivity, only negative feedback. Why is everybody so damn miserable? Must be somebody else's fault, it couldn't possibly be my INSANELY TOXIC ATTITUDE.
World of Warcraft stuff
I mean it's a free to join forum, there's going to be toxicity everywhere. There's also certain members who are just absolutely enthralled to death with wow's current population and act like there's nothing wrong with it - those people need to seek medical attention immediately.
posting in epic good bye thread... but why the OP still around? why not just log out and poof?
Member: Dragon Flight Alpha Club, Member since 7/20/22
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
While I've never spoken to you and don't know you, I'm curious as to why you felt the need to make a thread for this... just use the contact form to get your account deleted or something? Feels like attention seeking.
Contact us -> Request account deletion.
They always told me I would miss my family... but I never miss from close range.
Doubling down isn't really the way to go about this. You can always PM a mod to have an infraction reviewed.
And THIS thread is vastly inappropriate. Closing.