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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.
    Well in WoW there are things like souls, echos and it seems Frostmourne takes a fraction of your soul. That would explain why Uther soul appears in Vainilla.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.
    Is paying attention that hard?
    You literally see the soul split on screen, with part of it being sucked into the blade, while the other part moves on.

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by vempire View Post
    Uther knows that's Arthas is just a puppet in Ner'zhul hands, why did they punish him like this? Why not save his soul to redemption?
    Erm i guess only half of Uther knows, doesn't concern me, I despie the Uther character.

  4. #24
    SOO i'm guessing y'all just pretend you didn't hear Uther's plead to the light save his soul and it being torn into 2, with the part glowing oddly like the light going into the Shadowlands, to come up with this stuff about bad writing right?

    Either that or you are either blind, deaf or dumb af.

  5. #25
    so its confirmed - oracle main enemy of SL after all - so predictable

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.
    did you actually watch what happened? his soul was split in two, the Kyrian took half and Frostmourne took the other half. which changes nothing.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Rogalicus View Post
    Considering this is their only video content "apart from their big boy videos", it's not hard to be second best. Doesn't make it less poorly executed.
    I wouldn't say they were poorly executed at all. Unlike the stupid fucking comments you make.

  8. #28
    The Lightbringer Darknessvamp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrLachyG View Post
    did you actually watch what happened? his soul was split in two, the Kyrian took half and Frostmourne took the other half. which changes nothing.
    Frostmourne, the sword that is most definitely known and established as the 'Soul-splitting' sword and definitely not the 'soul-sucking' sword. /s The same sword that held Uther's whole soul until WotLK as shown in the Halls of Reflection. The same spirit that turned up in Legion to give Paladin's some guidance.

    This is what you call a retcon.
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  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Darknessvamp View Post
    Frostmourne, the sword that is most definitely known and established as the 'Soul-splitting' sword and definitely not the 'soul-sucking' sword. /s The same sword that held Uther's whole soul until WotLK as shown in the Halls of Reflection. The same spirit that turned up in Legion to give Paladin's some guidance.

    This is what you call a retcon.
    Just wanted to include the transcript for others, because it was a soul sucking sword, but now is the soul shattering sword. So you're right. And was looking at the mission beforehand and you don't get an explanation about souls, except for the inscription that Maud reads : "Muradin Bronzebeard: Hold, lad. There's an inscription on the dais. It's a warning. It says, "Whomsoever takes up this blade shall wield power eternal. Just as the blade rends flesh, so must power scar the spirit." Oh, I should've known. The blade is cursed! Let's get the hell out of here!" So the wield doomed their soul as well.

    Animation was good though, had me watching intensely.

    Arthas, riding Invincible, appears at a graveyard.
    Arthas: What trickery is this?
    The death knight notices Tichondrius standing atop a nearby hill.
    Arthas: Mal'Ganis! I don't know how you survived, but I will--
    Tichondrius: Calm yourself, Prince Arthas. I am Tichondrius. Like Mal'Ganis, I am a dreadlord, but I am not your enemy. In truth, I've come to congratulate you.
    Arthas: Congratulate me?
    Tichondrius: By killing your own father and delivering this land to the Scourge, you have passed your first test. The Lich King is pleased with your... enthusiasm.
    Arthas: Yes. I've damned everyone and everything I've ever loved in his name, and I still feel no remorse. No shame. No pity.
    Tichondrius: The runeblade that you carry was forged by the Lich King and empowered to steal souls. Yours was the first one it claimed.
    Arthas: Then I'll make do without one. What is the Lich King's will?
    Tichondrius: The Cult of the Damned must be rallied once again. Many of the acolytes have been in hiding amongst the populace. Once you've rallied them, I will give you further instructions.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    It's possible the sword takes the part of your soul that doesn't allow you to rest in peace...there's nothing slight about being chained to the memories of your mortal life, especially if they haunt you, as they do with Uther. I don't recall the scene in Halls of Reflection, so I can't speak to that. But in the end, what's the big deal if they retcon a bit to tell a cool story, or try to? This isn't the estate of Tolkien rewriting LOTR and telling us the hobbits were secretly dwarves or something.

    And I really liked the short, and the art style, but, to each their own.
    Yeah a "cool story". Not a good one. A cool one. A "Transformer" level story. Something that will please someone who has absolutely no taste.
    Something that they served us for years. A good old "the flying dutchman scourge must always have a captain Lich King". Or pretty much every main story they made since vanilla.

    And that part of the soul can think for itself, make long conversations with mortals, also mass resurect 25 people, or well... being raised as a death knight.

    Yep. It will be pretty fun to see all these Death Knight players meeting there twin in Shadowland.

    And it was allways stated that forstmourne steals souls. Nothing about hurting it, or spliting it.
    You can't make a good or even a cool story if you spit on every inch of lore all the time.
    I don't even know when was the last time they did one. Good or cool.
    Last edited by Tarba; 2020-08-27 at 07:49 PM.

  11. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by taishar68 View Post
    It's possible the sword takes the part of your soul that doesn't allow you to rest in peace...there's nothing slight about being chained to the memories of your mortal life, especially if they haunt you, as they do with Uther. I don't recall the scene in Halls of Reflection, so I can't speak to that. But in the end, what's the big deal if they retcon a bit to tell a cool story, or try to? This isn't the estate of Tolkien rewriting LOTR and telling us the hobbits were secretly dwarves or something.

    And I really liked the short, and the art style, but, to each their own.
    Hell Tolkein was retconning all the time. The Hobbit that everyone reads today has entire chapters different to how it was when it was first released. The big one being Riddles in the Dark. Later works have retcons of Hobbit and LotRs.

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    Hell Tolkein was retconning all the time. The Hobbit that everyone reads today has entire chapters different to how it was when it was first released. The big one being Riddles in the Dark. Later works have retcons of Hobbit and LotRs.
    True, I remember reading the discussions about Riddles, I have an edition that broaches the subject in a foreword as well.
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  13. #33
    so what i got from this afterlife video is that all the crap in shadowlands is uther's vengefull side fault by bypassing arthas soul past the arbiter and sending a redeemable soul to the maw. thus giving the jailer the means to escape. arthas is the feather to the jailers Tai lung

  14. #34
    Prediction that somehow, someway Arthas will make it out of the Maw, make it out of SL and we will see him next expansion......only to fight Illidan again.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darknessvamp View Post
    Frostmourne, the sword that is most definitely known and established as the 'Soul-splitting' sword and definitely not the 'soul-sucking' sword. /s The same sword that held Uther's whole soul until WotLK as shown in the Halls of Reflection. The same spirit that turned up in Legion to give Paladin's some guidance.

    This is what you call a retcon.
    not really. what we saw doesn't change past events, it adds to what we know happened.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Darknessvamp View Post
    Frostmourne, the sword that is most definitely known and established as the 'Soul-splitting' sword and definitely not the 'soul-sucking' sword. /s The same sword that held Uther's whole soul until WotLK as shown in the Halls of Reflection. The same spirit that turned up in Legion to give Paladin's some guidance.

    This is what you call a retcon.
    I don't think this counts as a retcon. Just emergence of new information. Uther's soul had no idea it was split in two, in fact the part of the soul we see on Azeroth probably has no idea of the shadowlands. Uther died and that half of the soul went directly into the sword. Keep in mind the information we have about the sword Frostmourne is not given by any being that has been to the shadowlands and back. The information Uther gave us on Azeroth was incomplete not retconned. He told us as much as he knew given his present situation. Also remember the light saved as much of his soul as it could. There's no way of knowing if it wasn't for Uther's strong connection to the light that all of his soul would have gone in. According to Devos the sword has Maw runes (maw magic) so I'd assume all other souls were indeed sucked into the sword.

  17. #37
    Light comes from darkness shise's Avatar
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    Uther is one of the biggest betrayers in Azeroth. He left Arthas alone and then he sent him to the Maw... wow.

    Amazing to see this clip, how well connected with 2009´s end... Amazing job.

  18. #38
    That was badass as fuck. I love these animated shorts.

    And of course we have people complaining about it. I wouldn't pay much attention to these people. They'd still be bitching if William Shakespeare was enlisted to create his magnum opus on WoW lore. They just want happy little updoots from other disenfranchised players so they can get warm and fuzzy feelings for having the super edgy opinion that WoW sucks while posting on a WoW fan forum. So brave!

  19. #39
    I remember in wc3 when muradin was reading the swords description and telling arthas not to take it there were words, like "this sword is cursed, just like weapons cut flesh, it cuts souls". Makes sense for me. Uther's soul was wounded, part of him was captured by the blade and main part went into bastion.

  20. #40
    Mechagnome Chromeshellking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Treetoppz View Post
    I don't think this counts as a retcon. Just emergence of new information. Uther's soul had no idea it was split in two, in fact the part of the soul we see on Azeroth probably has no idea of the shadowlands. Uther died and that half of the soul went directly into the sword. Keep in mind the information we have about the sword Frostmourne is not given by any being that has been to the shadowlands and back. The information Uther gave us on Azeroth was incomplete not retconned. He told us as much as he knew given his present situation. Also remember the light saved as much of his soul as it could. There's no way of knowing if it wasn't for Uther's strong connection to the light that all of his soul would have gone in. According to Devos the sword has Maw runes (maw magic) so I'd assume all other souls were indeed sucked into the sword.
    If that isn't a "no it isn't" platitude rearing its head when 20+ years ago the lore was set and then promptly burned and ripped with a you think you do but don't mindset I dont know what is.
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