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  1. #1

    Shadowlands Afterlives: Animated Shorts Series Premiere - Gamescom 2020

    Shadowlands Afterlives: Animated Shorts Series Premiere - Gamescom 2020
    Gamescom 2020 Opening Night Live has started! The first of a new four-part animated series "Afterlives" will premiere during the livestream.

    Last edited by Lumy; 2020-08-27 at 06:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Hmm i see, well thats one way of doing it.

  3. #3
    Holy crap, Christopher Lloyd reprising Doc Brown.

  4. #4
    Okay, that shit game me goosebumps when she said "Your soul... is damaged?"

  5. #5
    If Blizzard wanted to get some hype with these cringy still pictures, they've seriously miscalculated.

  6. #6
    So launch is October 27th. Puts prepatch around September 28th. Well now we know about how long we have to grind different things. Which is about roughly where I was putting it in my predictions. Kind of wish November/December just to have more time, but this is fine too.

  7. #7
    Pit Lord Omians's Avatar
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    much sooner then i thought it would

  8. #8
    Wouldn't the most altruistic thing be to spare Arthas? Uther has a mad grudge

  9. #9
    Herald of the Titans Sluvs's Avatar
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    Damn, I need more time! Still got stormwind 5 masks to complete
    I don't want solutions. I want to be mad. - PoorlyDrawnlines

  10. #10
    Stood in the Fire Mazzic518's Avatar
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    Shadowlands releases October 27th!!

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ThePainTrain69 View Post
    Wouldn't the most altruistic thing be to spare Arthas? Uther has a mad grudge
    Uther was only ever and utter failure

  12. #12
    Uther knows that's Arthas is just a puppet in Ner'zhul hands, why did they punish him like this? Why not save his soul to redemption?

  13. #13
    In case of emergency, break glass. The Illidan meme for Legion.
    Another bad xpack later: Tease the King

    So our boy will be in the Maw as expected. Probably being tortured by Sylvanas. I'd rather she stay away from him though, we have an opportunity for a good lore moment, it's been a few years.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogalicus View Post
    If Blizzard wanted to get some hype with these cringy still pictures, they've seriously miscalculated.
    Uhh... the "cringy still pictures" as you so articulately described have been some of the best video content (apart from their big boy videos) they've ever done lore-wise. Critical thinking is hard, but you'll get there one day.

  15. #15
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.

  16. #16
    Pit Lord Omians's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.
    watch it again, his soul was split in two
    Omians- 80 Troll Enhancement shaman, Emerald Dream

  17. #17
    The Lightbringer Darknessvamp's Avatar
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    Wow, look at all those retcons and inconsistencies just flying out of this one short. GG Blizzard ganked your lore utterly.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rogalicus View Post
    If Blizzard wanted to get some hype with these cringy still pictures, they've seriously miscalculated.
    Strange, worked well for them with the others they did. Guess you know better.

  19. #19
    Warchief taishar68's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tarba View Post
    So... frostmourne don't trap souls. It just slightly wound them.
    And Uther in the hall of reflection is just swiped away.
    Stupid retarded writers.
    It's possible the sword takes the part of your soul that doesn't allow you to rest in peace...there's nothing slight about being chained to the memories of your mortal life, especially if they haunt you, as they do with Uther. I don't recall the scene in Halls of Reflection, so I can't speak to that. But in the end, what's the big deal if they retcon a bit to tell a cool story, or try to? This isn't the estate of Tolkien rewriting LOTR and telling us the hobbits were secretly dwarves or something.

    And I really liked the short, and the art style, but, to each their own.
    "Can't you see this is the last act of a desperate man?"
    "We don't care if it's the first act of Henry the Fifth, we're leaving!"

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Oxiizu View Post
    Uhh... the "cringy still pictures" as you so articulately described have been some of the best video content (apart from their big boy videos) they've ever done lore-wise. Critical thinking is hard, but you'll get there one day.
    Considering this is their only video content "apart from their big boy videos", it's not hard to be second best. Doesn't make it less poorly executed.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

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