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  1. #1

    Lightbulb Why you unsub? What woud make you come back?

    Let´s talk a little...

    1. Why you unsub?

    2. What woud make you come back?

    3. Anything else

  2. #2
    Here's me hoping that this thread is bait by the mod team to find out who the whiners are that cry about everything in the game while not playing to ban them once and for all
    Armory Link
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    Everything wrong with gamers in one sentence:
    Quote Originally Posted by Cavox View Post
    I want Activision-Blizzard to burn, but for crimes against gaming, not because they got me too'd.

  3. #3
    No fun content I want to do makes me unsub.

    More fun content I want to do makes me sub.

    I unsubbed half of BC, about half of Cata, most of WoD, the last half of Legion, and through almost all of BFA. I stayed subbed almost the entire time of MoP and maybe around 70% of WotLK. When I started playing, Classic was ending, and BC was months from coming out, so I'm not counting classic. MoP is my favorite expansion and WoD is my least favorite. Draw from all of that what you will.

  4. #4
    Please wait Temp name's Avatar
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    1) Didn't enjoy BFA. Felt like a watered down Legion
    2) Shadowlands launching
    3) wat

  5. #5
    1. Lack of friends on MOP (srsly, no friends or guildies, after Cata lot of ppl left the game)

    WoD lack of time to play and raid. Couldn´t stay logged for 10h per day to get gold for repair+enchants+consumible

    Legion same as WoD

    BFA Poor lore. VERY BAD lore. False advertisement

    Shadowlands I´m hoping to come back. That might be the reason I´m making this thread.

    First would be some changes at the economy of the game. While I see a lot of players swimming in gold (I heard stories of ppl buying cars with real money from gold selling) I also see players without money to repair one night of raid.

    I really would sugest a hard fix making every new expansion "reset" the gold, making all gold turn to cooper. But I'd say Blizz is smarter than me for changing this kind of thing.

    Something like: I want to raid and not take it as a job to pay my bills to raid. Raid 2h/day but needing to farm mats for gold 6-8h/day

    Secound... Monetization mind

    The game changed a lot with time. But what icks me is the idea of having A LOT OF MECHANICS as paygates/timegates. It's just like browsing internet and pop-up ads spaming in front of you.
    As some ppl might say "Blizz needs to make money" I'd say if they make a good game, ppl will pay. There is no need to push us to keep subbed to complete things in game.
    Trying to explain a little better would be like: Instead of focusing on the joy of play so I can continue playing, Blizz try to milk our money and while we are distracted with the game.
    Everyone here can do some quick research on google and check ways to monetize some game. I´m already paying, I don´t want to pay more to enjoy the game I'm already paying.

    (I'm sure I took it hard to understand, but when I was writing this post was pretty late here...)

    Taking a hike with the new transmog set (sprite darter) for sale...
    I'd say it was supposed to go with shadowlands Night Fae covenant. Or anything related to that.
    Having made the release the way they did, it all looked like something that was supposed to go with the game, being aquired with play time and was removed and pushed back turning to be monetized
    Like: It's so good that we would rather sell for more money instead of just giving for what they are already paying.
    It might be some meter for some really bad decisions on the future.
    Just imagine having poor pvp/raid sets and blizzard making us pay even more so we can have some transmog that was supposed to be loot from raids/reward from pvp.
    Think like Blizzard are trying to sell skins in a game that have a lot of skin hunt in it's core... Did I make myself clear?
    F2P games have this way to sell skins because they are already free to play...

    This kind of monetization mind really makes me sick, makes me avoid to play, and most important of all, spreading to everyone: "Stay away from Blizzard/activision"
    I'm already paying once, I won't pay twice for the same thing I always paid.
    It opens a lot of space/"oportunity" for blizzard to remove good content and make if behind another paywall.

    Third... the history/Lore

    It's somewhat linked with the monetization...

    BFA was poor because it was all like: Check out the next patch we gonna launch to understand the reasons why things are like they are now.
    And when BFA ended, IT IS like: Want to know/understand the reasons of what happened? Let's go to shadowlands. And be sure to keep sub so you can understand why things happens on our next release patch.

    In other words... Blizz want to make mistery every now, they don't explain anything, they even can't see WHERE the history is going or if it's good. Because what matter is keep players curious about what come next, so they keep paying.

    Sorry to say that... All this Sylvanas maddening is poor. Very poor writing.
    BFA start with Sylv saying "For the horde" and it ends with her saying "Horde means nothing". WHY? HOW? 1 expansion don´t make that.
    Does being undead turns the character bipolar now?

    Also with that... EVERY expansion seems like it´s a tottaly new team to write the history.
    Like... the old team plan to make something big with some character (like Wrathion, lets pick it for example...)
    He started in Cataclysm, his future wasn't really defined... but somehow it was Thrall that would serve as the black dragon aspect at that time
    In MoP Wrathion is builded for facing the legion (remember the ring quest? fel flame and all stuff?), and somehow making what dragons do with mortals... (serving as a new black dragon aspect)
    SO... WHAT HAPPENS AFTER? WOD, and Wrathion is gone.
    And after? Legion! Yay. Now it's time to face demons with him. But here is Wrathion? Gone? At background?
    Srsly, I don't know. It's like the team forgot his existence for 2 expansions!

    With that in mind...
    I'd say the same happened with Garrosh in mists...
    If ppl played the quests with Cataclysm release... Garrosh slashed the idea of using mass destruction weapons (aka mana bomb), he called an abomination for doing that...
    AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED ON NEXT EXPANSION!?!?!?!? It's the first thing he does!

    As someone once pointed... If you are a writer, how hard is to check things on wowpedia before starting to write?

    Let's go back and check things before...
    On Vanilla, the history was explore the world.
    On BC, the history was explore the new land and see what has happened with some of WC3 heroes
    LK: Finally let's stop that Lich King

    It had a flow.

    Cata had an issue because it was more of the same, but not so good.
    Another big villain? After Kael, Illidan, and Arthas?
    Who the hell is that dragon again?

    Mop had some good poinits with history. All the panda land. Pandas. Even the bugs had a fun origin.
    Garrosh maddening? It was a bit hard to swallow, but wasn't that hard as BFA, if wasn't for mana bomb starting it all it could be easily fix saying the pandaria land twisted his mind...

    WOD felt like a filler expansion
    I've felt it was good to understand the orcs origin and old leaders... but that was it all...
    What happened with arakkoas? Why they mattered?
    I really don't see anything special besides this two points...

    Legion finally got some good history
    See all that campaign quests from all classes?
    I'm excited to go back to play and check them all with my alts.
    I want to see the priest history with the shadow dagger... From where the deep Arthas' sister came and who the hell is her (besides being Lordaeron princess)
    I want to get the mounts from all classes too...
    AND... want to know WHY I didn't make that before?
    Because I couldn't find ppl to go with me on some dungeons/raids or couldn't solo content.... (hope the level squish didn't blow this up)

    I'd say that is some way to make content...
    It's just not keep adding end-game content, but making content replayable. Giving the player joy of going back and make something that was missed, or could not do at the time back (this one was because you would rather play with your main instead with your alt... and was a bad call....)
    So, anyway... Could be made better if there wasnt that AP insane grind...
    Players would enjoy if they could log out their main and check how the history goes with some other class...

    And we reach back BFA...
    Remember start of Legion? Nathanos was suspect and Sylvanas was going to be a good warchief, avenging Vol'jin...

    It was also reforced at the start of BFA... Sylv was supposed to be a leadering (Idk if that word exist...) warchief...

    So after 2 expansions, she just turn evil? pure evil?
    "NO! WAIT! Keep subscribed to check it if it's true that she turned evil and we will explain it all at the end"
    At the end:
    "Hey, check our new expansion, we gonna explain it all there!"

    Remember where I write about looking out WHERE the history is going?
    EVEN if Blizz make a GREAT END explaining WHY this all happened (like some ppl pointed Sylvanas redemption or killing her for good) all the things that made us reach here is just full of emptiness.
    It's all "the princess is in other castle" super mario way.

    A lot of things are out of character. Not only saying that Blizz got a taste to destroy horde leaders AND female characters...
    Incoming Tyrande madness, Bolvar's daughter going mad too. Write that up.
    (and plz, don't say they treat Jaina well... just because they save one it means that there is nothing wrong threating all others bad?)

    Edit: Sylv is Garrosh 2.0, Blizz denied that and it still turns out being true

    On forth...

    Content and development

    When BFA started, I got excited with Kul Tiras heritage armor. Thinking now it was the time to have 3d armor added on the game, coats/jackets, new skirts (with the updated NPC models from the faction leaders)
    The pirate dungeon leather set.. all hype killer... I had really hope that BFA would change how sets were going to be stetical, but turned out to be more of the bad same

    Borrowed power = stupid design

    Shadowlands got advertised as "Old spells going back"

    I don't see camouflage for hunters (it´s odd, but I liked that spell)
    I don't see Divine intervation for paladins (game breaking? Stealth from rogues and mages do something very close of that)
    I don´t see Ghoul Ressurection (the skill from releasing LK, when a DK dies and return as a Ghoul)

    I was expecting this spells to come back. I liked them a lot

    Ghoul ressurection was the reason I started playing wow. Divine Intervation was what made me change my main to paladin.

    The art from spells are awesome. I really enjoyed corruption on the last patch (it could be visually better..) but the dragon wings from the azerite trait was a really good job.
    I still miss the art from souls building on shadowmourne, and I hope that it comes back to the game. Just as I hope the spell art from corruption (improved) and this last patch spell art come back another time.

    (All below was added after posted first time)

    Still in development and false advertisement...

    Race costumizations...
    Nightborne still got 3 skin color, 5 face options, 3 earings and that's it.
    Way to make if a feature for a expansion.

    Human, dwarf, elfs got some love. Other races (even allied races, they are races inside the game, right?) didn't get a lot.
    Trolls and undead still need spine straight...

    I wanted it race costumization complete with the expansion release, not at the end of it.
    I wanted 20 face options for all races, 40 hair for them all (I know it's a little bit hard for fur ones, but hey, check out that panda fur. With the adition of death knight fur color, it's better than before)

    Undead armor even with the hidden bones are still a mess

    More beards... make even for womens to have beards (joke, besides dwarf female, they deserve a beard)

    More gear with foot covered for races that don´t have feet covered
    Like.. there are some like only 2 foot pieces that cover the feet of some races...

    I still miss something good for druids. I wasn't playing a lot with my druid, so I missed the guardian new bear form. I dream of a way to get it somehow, or at least something close to it.

    The snowflake mounts and gear...
    I know it´s rewarding to only a few ppl have, but can other have it some way too? Make the transmog name being: Replica of awesome gear, or Noobish replica of the top 0,01% players achieve but got back because of whinning

    Like... I miss the pvp paladin set that looks like Venger from Dungeons and dragon cartoon...
    I miss the WoD challenge dungeon achieve weapons
    I miss the gladiator mounts being only for the top 0,01% while the raid drops one we can always go back for a chance

    Costumer service

    I am still missing a removed mount from MoP release. With the MoP pre-patch some mounts got really bugged (changing chars between accounts) and fixing this removed one of my flavor mounts...
    Never got it back, still went every week to the raid to get it back without sucess
    Last edited by Rolling; 2020-10-21 at 09:53 AM. Reason: adding more

  6. #6
    1. Raiding/Game burn-out at the start of Cataclysm. I spent a good chunk of time during TBC/WOTLK raiding in the Oceanic 1st Guild with achieving all of those realm firsts. Eventually my raiding team slowly quit and so did I. I decided to take my obsessive min/max mindset to real life to apply for it and I see it can do wonders in a sense of things as it came from the gaming world. Plus it was purely an age thing as well, I spent all my teen years playing games and I converted to real life full time.

    I've never been able to commit myself to any other game properly due to my mix/max mindset I had achieved from WoW and no other game has ever grasped my mind like WoW had.

    2. COVID life is boring being kept in doors. I'm based on my PC rather than work PC, plus a lot my real life mates are playing again. I'm sure I'll be quitting the game but keeping informed once Shadowslands and real life fixes itself up.

    3. Nope

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Rolling View Post
    Let´s talk a little...

    1. Why you unsub?

    2. What woud make you come back?

    3. Anything else
    1. Ongoing costs are only worth it for ongoing benefits, pvp is currently too shit and PvE gets boring after you've seem it once or twice, maybe one more time per difficulty but that's still very little. Also classes need to feel a lot better for the content not to feel like shit, gear rewards need to not feel as if they're locked behind arbitrary thresholds and/or luck and i gotta say the whole gold inflation thing really put me off as well as it basically signifies a slide into the state of most mobile games where the point of the game becomes either retarded grinding for collectibles or spending retarded amounts of money for collectibles, neitherbof which appeals to me.

    2. Fixing the issues identified at 1.

    3. There is so much wasted content in there due to their insistence to remove stuff and do stuff outside of their games in books and what have you that the game experience has become severely disjointed. If they ever want it to feel like a world again they're going to have to invest heavily in creating a more cohesive story, in its essence, how it is presented and in how it integrates with the rest of the game.
    Because right now it just feels like a soulless jumble.
    This is a signature of an ailing giant, boundless in pride, wit and strength.
    Yet also as humble as health and humor permit.

    Furthermore, I consider that Carthage Slam must be destroyed.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Rolling View Post
    Let´s talk a little...

    1. Why you unsub?

    2. What woud make you come back?

    3. Anything else
    1. Game was unfun in terms of gameplay and the story kept deteriorating to a point where it didn't even feel like classic Warcraft storytelling anymore.

    2. Fixed classes (pretty much any version of pre-Legion class design is ok for me), little to no borrowed power systems (like corruption, azerite etc.), fixed PvP with better balancing and reward structure, a soft story reset with big retcons so they can clean up this mess and return Warcraft to its roots.

    3. It's not going to happen. The game will stick on this path until it's dead but until then Blizzard is going to increasingly milk the game with new monetization strategies while firing employees.

  9. #9
    1. Why you unsub?
    BFA was a disaster, but I resubbed since a month ago to play horde on classic since there are no decent MMORPG's out there

    2. What would make you come back?
    Come back to retail? Being able to experience old content at its intended difficulty level and be able to get rewards no longer in the game such as mage tower

    3. Anything else
    As soon as a good MMORPG comes out, I"m leaving WoW for good because my wish in #2 will never happen.
    Last edited by RemasteredClassic; 2020-10-21 at 09:32 AM.

  10. #10
    1. I don't enjoy all these convoluted systems (axerite farm, corruption, covenants, thorgast anima, legendaries, conduits, etc. Also, the constant dependence on tools like SimCraft/RaidBots. As a DPS you need to sim, then sim, then sim some more. Then sim again. I know sims are the logical improvement for theorycrafting, but I hate the style. In the past there was more napkin math. Now all we do is run massive sims with all gear & talent combos and pick the best.
    I think SL will also suck in that regard.

    2. I always come back because of the people. I have a very few real life friends playing wow (only 1 of them constantly) but also some people from around the world with whom I have a great time for many years now. If it wasn't for these people, I would have quit a long time ago, forever.

    3. I will eventually loose touch with these people and delete this shitgame from my PC.
    Last edited by DeusX; 2020-10-21 at 09:37 AM.

  11. #11
    already unsubbedd. It expired. BFA is trash ghetto legion 0.5 feeling. It actually killed my desire to ever play wow competitively again. Did mythic raiding in legion. BFA and everything onwards just feels like the passion died. I'm okay with legion being the end of wow with the defeat of Sargeras. Now I sip my tea and watch things unfold while free from the shackles of WoW.

  12. #12
    Herald of the Titans czarek's Avatar
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    Still this question ? Since 2005 ? Rofl ppl just goin bored/tired thats all about. Come back on big patch/exp or just want to play some. Cheers.

  13. #13
    1. Shit quality and massive server issues (WoD) and when I have better things to do IRL and don't feel the game anymore (couple of times over the years).
    2. When I feel like it.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  14. #14
    1. paid monthly since classic and finally unsubbed a month ago. my sub has 14 hours left as of now. I am so fucking done with borrowed powers. I just want to get my item, put a few gems get enchants and be done with it. I pay money already to wow, I do not want to pay money (which I did a few times) to simcraft or
    Back in the day, I could figure out what is better for my character but now? Impossible. Too many convoluted stuff. I am also done looking for guild after guild after each patch as people keep quitting.

    2. I will definitely come back for shadowlands. I would like to see the story. But will it keep me stay subbed? I want this game to thrive, full of people but it's becoming more and more desolate.

    3. I was a person saying on this forums "If blizzard packed a shit I would pre-order it immediately, no second thoughts, knowing it is good crap". THat was 2 years ago. Seeing where I am now making me deeply sorry. I am just one person but If I was blizzard, I would ask me for more info. what did they do to lose a customer of 16? 17 years? now. actually longer if you consider warcraft 1, 2 and sc.
    Last edited by Gref; 2020-10-21 at 10:02 AM.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Azerate View Post
    Here's me hoping that this thread is bait by the mod team to find out who the whiners are that cry about everything in the game while not playing to ban them once and for all
    I recently recieved an infraction worth 4 points for having a signature that was 7 pixels in height larger then the allowed maximum. I recieved no warning, and only after the infractio nwas i told i should(and i'm not kidding here) use f12 to inspect the element and look at its pixel size to compare it to the allowed pixel size thats clearly meant for pictures(mine was a quote).

    The mods on this site are far to busy with their personal agendas to moderate anything that would actually make the site better.

  16. #16
    1. Quit retail before 1st big patch in Legion.
    There is no single 'thing' that was responsible for that decision.
    It was a lot stupid and pointelss ideas and system beginning from last patch of WotLK like LFR, LFG, pet battles, WoD lore, Pandas, Artifact/AP grid, legiondaries, less and less RPG elements, guilds do not matter anymore... and many, many more.

    2. Uhhh... I do not have any faith anymore that the game will become better but i would consider be partially back for 1-2 months if irl friends would need me in raids or dungeons.

    3. Enjoying Classic, IRL and other games now.
    Last edited by Mendzia; 2020-10-21 at 10:17 AM.

  17. #17
    Scarab Lord
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    In the same urn as Vol'Jin
    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    I recently recieved an infraction worth 4 points for having a signature that was 7 pixels in height larger then the allowed maximum. I recieved no warning, and only after the infractio nwas i told i should(and i'm not kidding here) use f12 to inspect the element and look at its pixel size to compare it to the allowed pixel size thats clearly meant for pictures(mine was a quote).

    The mods on this site are far to busy with their personal agendas to moderate anything that would actually make the site better.
    Really confused as to how you think enforcement of rules relating to the size of a sig is a "personal agenda" lol.
    "A youtuber said so."

    "... some wow experts being interviewed..."

    "According to researchers from Wowhead..."

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Rolling View Post
    Let´s talk a little...

    1. Why you unsub?

    2. What woud make you come back?

    3. Anything else
    1.I resubbed and bought SL. Now they wont release it and the game sucks so I unsubbed.
    2. Already payed for SL and they didn't allowed me a refund. So I guess when it releases I've already paid for it...
    3. What?

  19. #19
    1. I unsub just because I don't find the game very fun anymore. Most of my friends who do play left, I used to love raiding but nowadays I can't really just keep a dedicated time to play a video game anymore. I always say its time to quit wow when you realize your on the treadmill.

    2. Honestly nothing is going to let me return in any serious status. I don't HATE the game but my wife still plays and I'll play with her and might keep a semi serious max level for that. But the entire system of the game just isn't fun to me and I always wonder if it was ever fun.

    3. I am the terror the flaps in the night?

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Eurhetemec View Post
    Really confused as to how you think enforcement of rules relating to the size of a sig is a "personal agenda" lol.
    Because those rules are made against people who post large pictures obviously and it was ->7<- pixels.

    They hate me cus i aint friends with their friends

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