I also have massive respect and hope for Tom Chilton who has been working on an unknown project since 2016. The only thing we've even heard from him since was the classic with the creator's clip showing he still has a passion for WoW, so it very well might be a WoW 2 / TITAN successor he is working on.
So many Blizzard vets are leaving the company now. I wonder what they know that we dont?
Literally just 2 rich guys promoting their hobby project.
Yeah that worked so well for Classic past the initial hype. Or any of the dozen MMOs that tried to appeal to the nostalgia of the early WoW days. The industry has changed and Kaplan is stuck in the past. I'm happy for you that you like him but I'd trust some posters on these forums over him when it comes to MMOs tbh.
AchaeaKoralin - Are you still out there? | Classic Priest
I did not expect this. I was hoping that Metzen would join up with Mike Morhaime and become a creative director for Dreamhaven or something. Feels like we have way to many different studios made by former Blizzard employees. They should just all combine and call themselves ''The Real Blizzard'' while starting all over with new IP's.
I was curious because I keep seeing posts like this, so I checked and the average length of time employees work for their current employer is 4.6 years, according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics. This dude lasted nearly three times your average tenure while working at Blizzard. I'm sure they take shitty working conditions into consideration when they poll these numbers, what information do you have that would imply the length of time this dude worked at Blizzard was shorter than normal? Have you created a scenario in your mind because you have a chip on your shoulder and you're looking for anything, literally anything, to justify your prejudice? Some things to think about, it might make you less miserable.
All the good Blizzard people are jumping ship. I wonder why...
The Horde has given up the title of Warchief...
...But the TRUE Warchief hasn't!
Hopefully he can still lend his voice to WoW characters in the future.
Activision better be sweetening up any OG Warcraft devs if they want any chance of surviving at this point.
Yeah, because things such as one button rotations, insane class imbalances, 1-3 mechanic(s) boss encounters or utterly broken PvP systems is essential to old school RPG's.
Not to mention that Blizzard made it objectively worse by sticking strictly to the 1.12 code.
Maybe you should seperate the issues that simply stem from the game being made in 2005 from the philosophy that was applied to create the game.
All OG people who gave a shit are gone and now we get fairy wings paid DLC.
And 2 more cult of personality projects that have yet to deliver on anything.