"This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin
Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff
Lol no. If we are to get vs Naaru expac, Turalyon would be an obvious character choice there to make him confront with his previous masters. Plus his relationship with Alleria and Arathor.
If it makes sense, bring characters back. We had Thrall as a main dudr for how long? Yet he was still brought back for BfA finale and SL.
Last edited by Makabreska; 2021-05-01 at 10:09 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Why kill him then, though? It wouldn't add anything to the story. Might as well kill random Stormwind citizen #34443 for all the relevance that has. You'd first have to involve him in a new story arc for his death to even matter.
Besides, your argument applies to Arator all the same. You're arbitrarily treating them differently.
There is still story to tell, but there isnt much.
If he doesnt get min-controlled/become a fanatic then he is pretty much just one in a long list of characters who would be in line for pretty much exactly the same plotline, important characters including Anduin, Arator, Calia, Velen, Yrel, all the lightforged and generally all the light aligned characters in the story.
If he is mind-controlled then that would be a regressive move, and more importantly be too perfect an end for the character to pass up.
There are still nuggets of story to be mined if you really want, and obviously it is always possible to add more story if you want to, but at some point you have to ask why the character is still around if it comes at teh expense of other equally if not more interesting storylines.
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Because leaving him alive doesnt serve any narrative purpose, whereas killing him does.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Which means you give him purpose, Khadgar went with us to Draenor and even involved in Legion even though the faction leaders could of been involved to. A character that has little things defining them doesn't mean "WELP JUST KILL THEM" Its lazy.Because leaving him alive doesnt serve any narrative purpose, whereas killing him does.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Turalyon and about 10 other extremely notable characters.
If Anduin is too obvious despite his direct contact with Naaru at several points then we have Velen, who likely has just as intimate a relationship with the Naaru as Turalyon, if not more. We also have Calia, who was ressurected by a Naaru, and Yrel who we know has become fanatical.
Turalyon is hardly the only viable character for that storyline, and you cannot really give narrative space to all of them, so why would you focus on the one with one of the least interesting dynamics.
Velen owes his life, and the life of his people to the Naaru.
Calia was ressurected by a Naaru for mysterious reasons.
Even Arator could be a more interesting focal character to explore Turalyon than Turalyon himself is.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Keeping him alive does serve a purpose for future stories, just like it was explained. And it was also explained that they can cook up something new for him as a high ranking alliance commander. How long Thrall has been around with all the stories he participated in? They could easily retire the dude after Cata, yet he still gets more and more development even to this day.
Are you sure this is not a case of "I don't like this character so kill him"? Because it sure does sound like that.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
That doesn't follow logically. You're merely making an assumption with no evidence to back it up. You ought to support your arguments with evidence instead of assumptions. Otherwise, your argument is fallacious. I do like Alleria and Turalyon, too (albeit more due to their association with the Void Elves and Lightforged, both of whom I like as races), but your arguments simply do not follow.
Furthermore, it could be good development for the Void Elves to kill Alleria. Although her going to the Void isn't entirely out of character for her, given we've always seen her as resourceful and somewhat pragmatic since Warcraft II, it would do well to both set up the stakes of what happens if Void Elves fail to keep up their guard and focus on the, in my honest opinion, far more interesting identity of the Void Elves as Lovecraftian scholars rather than more generic Elf rangers and magisters (but edgy this time).
Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2021-05-01 at 10:23 PM.
Simply killing him doesn't serve any narrative purpose either. Randomly killing people for no obvious reason has never been good storytelling.
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Turalyon has a vastly different relationship with the Naaru than any of those, as well as being a completely different person due to having been a military commander for the vast majority of his life. None of the rest are even remotely comparable. The stories you can tell with Turalyon and the rest of these characters are completely different.
If you want to kill one of them off, Velen or Calia would probably be more practical options, since you have replacements for them. Turalyon is the sole character of his particular type and affiliation.
It probably would depend on the relationship with Arator. I personally oppose killing him, though, because he both opens the plot to allow the Alliance as the aggressors (which is something both Alliance and Horde players seem to want, since Alliance players want to finally do serious damage to the Horde in revenge for the damage done to them without being held back by Anduin and Horde players want to stop being the villains and losers in the faction war) and opens a connection between the Alliance to the Army of the Light.
Oh dude, you are fanboying waaaay too hard. The reason they are not nearly as popular is so simple - Saurfang, Sylvanas, or Arthas have been around on the forefront of the main story line for 15 years and more, going back to Warcraft 3, while mentioned duo went completely AWOL after Warcraft 2. You think a CGI movie or two will bring Alleria in any remotely close vicinity to Sylvis "for the Horde" from BfA intro? Not even mentioning Arthas, whose fame went way beyond WoW franchise years ago.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
Sure, but that would require first spending at least a little time exploring that, not just killing him, otherwise the impact is lost.
Sondrelk seems rather intent on killing him off without reason.
That aside, i'd prefer holding off on faction war stories in WoW. The track record for those is... less than great.
Can we not do the Blue Horde stuff(Alliance evil) like its lazy and not a highly desired thing. I've seen more desire to use the actual world not throw the villain bat for a faction that isn't known for it. Turalyon can get a new story if Blizzard wanted to and he's already being set up(Hes a big Paladin dude and he's sitting on the stormwind throne right now). Its pretty obvious stuff is being set up. It just takes time to get there.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
How would making the Alliance evil be "Blue Horde"? For one, they do have a history with being villainous (Daelin and Garithos, for one) and such a thing would surely not come out of left field, but there is a pretty obvious gap in how the Alliance and Horde would express themselves as villains. There is a difference between an army of rampaging barbarians and the traditional evil empire.
Those new Maw shoulderpad models are kinda cool and will work well together with the normal Sanctum of Domination sets.
After being separated for countless years, Turalyon, Alleria, and Arator deserve a happy ending. This is all I'm going to say.