Have there been any credible leaks so far?
Have there been any credible leaks so far?
Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2022-01-28 at 04:53 PM.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
(Sorry, blended your comment with next one.)
Scandal/exodus was more Summer thing, I think since 9.1.5 population is pretty stable, maybe even slightly growing. Beside Blizzcon/Gamescom only "forcing hand" event is Alpha, but starting Alpha before major patch left PTR would be rather impossible as well.
Not really, expansion could be revealed in really early stage (Legion, SL). And in WoW last ~8 months of testing are public, situation is nothing like Cyberpunk.
Last edited by Dracullus; 2022-01-28 at 05:06 PM.
I disagree, I think if things are still in flux they should be honest about it so people can't go "BUT YOU PROMISED" or something like that. I used an extreme example to point that well showing too early can cut you in the long run.Not really, expansion could be revealed in really early stage (Legion, SL). And in WoW last ~8 months of testing are public, situation is nothing like Cyberpunk.
#TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde
Mounts and transmog, collection grinding in general.
I want to be cynical and say I am glad to be one step closer to being rid of Shadowlands, but instead I will say I am happy to just have some forward momentum in the patches again. I miss being able to look forward to things without feeling like those things are half a year away.
- - - Updated - - -
Saying things are in flux never works out anyways. The players always take it to mean either that it is guaranteed if it seems good, or guaranteed to be removed if it doesn't.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Yeah, I saw that one. I don't think it's real, but I'm happy to see someone else is carrying on with the tradition of fake expansion logos.
This "leak season" in general is confusing me a bit, but maybe that's just because I'm so out of the loop with everything relating to WoW and Blizzard now. As far as I know, Blizzard isn't set to make any major announcements anytime soon and seeing as BlizzCon is cancelled and there aren't any major game conventions coming up, I'm confused why people are even expecting a real leak to pop up. Why now?
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
I think the general expectation is for them to be ready to make an announcement soon given that blizzcon was supposed to be next month (tho obviously, having nothing ready might precisely be the real reason that they cancelled)
Other than that, many of us have just disconnected from shadowlands and don't even care to check the 9.2 stuff and are just waiting for other wow news to discuss, hence the "leaks"
Meant to post this yesterday about the person who predicted WoW’s expansion cycle.