1. #21161
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    And considering that they gave mirror image to Mages, and Shadowclones and Windwalk (stealth) to Rogues, and Bladestorm to Warriors, and a Trinket that allows multiple classes to use the Blademaster's version of Mirror Image, it appears that we know what they want to put into the game.

    - - - Updated - - -

    There were Blood Elf, Draenei, Undead, Human, and Gnome Monks in WoW before MoP. Some of their abilities found there way into the eventual Monk class.
    Is SEF a blade master thing or a take on the WC3 thing because you have now made arguments for both

  2. #21162
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post

    It's pretty optimistic schedule. I don't know what your smoking if you think they'll reveal next expansion less then month before current is finished without any event that force their hand.
    Litterally the first thing I said was that the schedule makes sense, but ok.

    There have been a few events in the last half year that could be described as "forcing their hand" if it came to that, though.

  3. #21163
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ersula View Post
    That they aren't literally japanese? No shit. Pandarians aren't contextually chinese either.
    True, but Blizzard built up Pandaren culture to mirror the Chinese, even down to the names. The lore behind the Blademaster is decidedly not Japanese-based, and is far more shamanistic and tribal.

  4. #21164
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    True, but Blizzard built up Pandaren culture to mirror the Chinese, even down to the names. The lore behind the Blademaster is decidedly not Japanese-based, and is far more shamanistic and tribal.
    And that dissociates it from Japan how?

  5. #21165
    The Undying Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    Is SEF a blade master thing or a take on the WC3 thing because you have now made arguments for both
    A WC3 thing.

  6. #21166
    Quote Originally Posted by Plehnard View Post
    Sounds more Icelandic to me if I read it out. Like the volcano "Eyjafjallajökull" there.
    As an Icelander, I can tell you it sounds nothing like any Icelandic word

  7. #21167
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    Litterally the first thing I said was that the schedule makes sense, but ok.

    There have been a few events in the last half year that could be described as "forcing their hand" if it came to that, though.
    If there's nothing to show, best to not show anything at all. I want to see 10.0 to but better to wait instead of releasing it early. *Grumbles about cyberpunk2077*
    Last edited by Aeluron Lightsong; 2022-01-28 at 04:53 PM.
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  8. #21168
    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    If there's nothing to show, best to not show anything at all.
    Very fair, the last thing they need is an underwhelming reveal.
    I'm just very impatient for shadowlands to be over, but they should take as long as they need for the next expansion to be good.

  9. #21169
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    There have been a few events in the last half year that could be described as "forcing their hand" if it came to that, though.
    (Sorry, blended your comment with next one.)

    Scandal/exodus was more Summer thing, I think since 9.1.5 population is pretty stable, maybe even slightly growing. Beside Blizzcon/Gamescom only "forcing hand" event is Alpha, but starting Alpha before major patch left PTR would be rather impossible as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    If there's nothing to show, best to not show anything at all. I want to see 10.0 to but better to wait instead of releasing it early. *Grumbles about cyberpunk2077*
    Not really, expansion could be revealed in really early stage (Legion, SL). And in WoW last ~8 months of testing are public, situation is nothing like Cyberpunk.
    Last edited by Dracullus; 2022-01-28 at 05:06 PM.

  10. #21170
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Have there been any credible leaks so far?
    The Empire of Dragons logo is probably the closest we have gotten to a truly credible leak by this point.

    As for actual feature leaks, no.
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  11. #21171
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    Not really, expansion could be revealed in really early stage (Legion, SL). And in WoW last ~8 months of testing are public, situation is nothing like Cyberpunk.
    I disagree, I think if things are still in flux they should be honest about it so people can't go "BUT YOU PROMISED" or something like that. I used an extreme example to point that well showing too early can cut you in the long run.
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  12. #21172
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    What are the top 3 things you guys are most excited about coming in 9.2?

    Trying to get a feel for the patch.
    Mounts and transmog, collection grinding in general.

    I want to be cynical and say I am glad to be one step closer to being rid of Shadowlands, but instead I will say I am happy to just have some forward momentum in the patches again. I miss being able to look forward to things without feeling like those things are half a year away.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    I disagree, I think if things are still in flux they should be honest about it so people can't go "BUT YOU PROMISED" or something like that. I used an extreme example to point that well showing too early can cut you in the long run.
    Saying things are in flux never works out anyways. The players always take it to mean either that it is guaranteed if it seems good, or guaranteed to be removed if it doesn't.
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  13. #21173
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The Empire of Dragons logo is probably the closest we have gotten to a truly credible leak by this point.

    As for actual feature leaks, no.
    Yeah, I saw that one. I don't think it's real, but I'm happy to see someone else is carrying on with the tradition of fake expansion logos.

    This "leak season" in general is confusing me a bit, but maybe that's just because I'm so out of the loop with everything relating to WoW and Blizzard now. As far as I know, Blizzard isn't set to make any major announcements anytime soon and seeing as BlizzCon is cancelled and there aren't any major game conventions coming up, I'm confused why people are even expecting a real leak to pop up. Why now?

  14. #21174
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    I’m assuming the light has a very big naaru with little naaru following it
    I like to imagine the Naaru are all parts of a whole like one large TNG Crystalline Entity/big cosmic chandelier.

  15. #21175
    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    On one hand, this schedule seems to make enough sense, on the other, I hope we don't have to wait until mid-march for news on the expansion
    It makes sense to have WoW related stuff towards the end of February. Guild Wars 2 will get its next expansion on February 28, so I think right around that time we can at least expect 9.2 launch.

    10.0 announcement already? I don't think so.
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  16. #21176
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Yeah, I saw that one. I don't think it's real, but I'm happy to see someone else is carrying on with the tradition of fake expansion logos.

    This "leak season" in general is confusing me a bit, but maybe that's just because I'm so out of the loop with everything relating to WoW and Blizzard now. As far as I know, Blizzard isn't set to make any major announcements anytime soon and seeing as BlizzCon is cancelled and there aren't any major game conventions coming up, I'm confused why people are even expecting a real leak to pop up. Why now?
    I think the general expectation is for them to be ready to make an announcement soon given that blizzcon was supposed to be next month (tho obviously, having nothing ready might precisely be the real reason that they cancelled)

    Other than that, many of us have just disconnected from shadowlands and don't even care to check the 9.2 stuff and are just waiting for other wow news to discuss, hence the "leaks"

  17. #21177
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    The Empire of Dragons logo is probably the closest we have gotten to a truly credible leak by this point.

    As for actual feature leaks, no.
    And as I said in regards of that, the lack of a proper written leak for Empire of Dragons makes the leak - in my eyes - way more credible.
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  18. #21178
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Meant to post this yesterday about the person who predicted WoW’s expansion cycle.

  19. #21179
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    A WC3 thing.
    So it’s not a take on blade master

  20. #21180
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Yeah, I saw that one. I don't think it's real, but I'm happy to see someone else is carrying on with the tradition of fake expansion logos.

    This "leak season" in general is confusing me a bit, but maybe that's just because I'm so out of the loop with everything relating to WoW and Blizzard now. As far as I know, Blizzard isn't set to make any major announcements anytime soon and seeing as BlizzCon is cancelled and there aren't any major game conventions coming up, I'm confused why people are even expecting a real leak to pop up. Why now?
    People are getting antsy, that's all. None of us know when the announcement will be so people fire off leaks whenever they can instead of in a leadup.

    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post

    Meant to post this yesterday about the person who predicted WoW’s expansion cycle.
    Meh, it makes for a somewhat interesting pattern but people see patterns where there isn't really one all the time.

    If I had a dollar for every pattern in another game I play that got broken, I'd...well not be rich but be able to pay for a meal at least.

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