1. #21701
    Yeah, the thing that bothers me that still goes unmentioned is that, in Warcraft III, there were four factions. I don't need to be reassured that the Alliance and Horde will continue to mean something in the game even if we aren't limited by them, partially because it's sort of obvious that they will. I would like to be reassured that other forces not just be allowed to have an identity, but sometimes even an identity on the level of the Alliance and Horde, just like we had in Warcraft III.

  2. #21702
    Quote Originally Posted by therewillbedragons View Post
    this info is quite old, but tldr

    yes, dragon isles
    5 zones - blue/red/green/bronze surrounding black zone in center. center has a huge tower like wyrmrest but massively bigger.
    there's one very large island off coast and a few small ones.

    leveling - players align with a draconic house immediately when they start expansion
    basically covenants but there is no/little player power, all cosmetic. no covenant abilities.
    renown, soulbinds, mission table were all in but straight copy pasted from SL. they will likely be changed and/or removed.
    there is anima type power to collect. covenants have a shared pool instead of 4 separate. 'anima' can also be spent on open world powerups.
    linear story for leveling, but there are 4 variants based on which house you choose (determines order that you go through leveling zones)
    stories converge at 68 when you enter center zone

    black dragonflight zone central tower contains the big expansion system. it's sort of like torghast but each room is a single encounter with a miniboss or group of enemies (no trash). some rooms also had a non combat event/challenge. complete a room and choose the next one from a branching tree map. you can see type of encounter + room reward (ie anima power) type before choosing. final boss at end. unsure of permanent rewards/legendaries/etc tied to this system. it was more fun than torghast in my very limited experience.

    story: wrathion trying to reunite aspects, etc. healing the land (center zone) with green dragon's help. infinite dragonflight sees him changing the timeline and interferes - they are subject of first raid. in the bronze zone because timey things.

    cross faction is in. group through group finder only. could talk in party/raid chat but not in open world or public channels. no xfaction guilds.

    no new class
    talk of adding tank specs to some pure dps classes. hunter and warlock were being worked on. doubt this will actually make it to release.
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.

  3. #21703
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    Quote Originally Posted by Graden View Post
    I was arguing with a guy I know earlier because, according to him, ''this will utterly destroy immersion and RP in this game''.
    Because rpers totally don't play with opposite faction players all the time and chug down 25 gallons of that flask you get in Dalaran that lets you communicate cross faction each day.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #21704
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.

    Hope not. No new class would be a big disappointment.

  5. #21705
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Because rpers totally don't play with opposite faction players all the time and chug down 25 gallons of that flask you get in Dalaran that lets you communicate cross faction each day.
    Ye, people also keep forgetting that story-wise factions officially worked witch each other since vanilla. Immersion breaking my ass.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  6. #21706
    Quote Originally Posted by Redzonetode View Post
    Hope not. No new class would be a big disappointment.
    Not just that, it doesn't really have any selling points at all. It sounds like a stripped down Shadowlands, with a simpler Covenant system and simpler Torghast. The cross-faction instances is the only thing notable about it and that's coming in 9.2.5.

  7. #21707
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    Was the most believable in my eyes anyways because of that Torghast rip-off alone. It has very little fan-service and reeks of "but why...?!?". No playerpower tied to the "covenants" sounds about right, too. And I personally would like new specs for existing classes a lot more than a new class. Not just tank specs for some, but different roles for every class, perhaps added in patches because 12 new specs for a single x.0 patch sounds like too much work.
    Then again: a leak is just a leak. I don't believe anything until it is officially announced.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Jokubas View Post
    Not just that, it doesn't really have any selling points at all. It sounds like a stripped down Shadowlands, with a simpler Covenant system and simpler Torghast.
    That alone makes it believable for me. Sounds like something Blizz would do.

    And it is possible that they changed their minds about cross faction since the leaker got his information.

  8. #21708
    What's the point of races joining factions now? Isn't it beneficial then to remain neutral and work with everyone?

  9. #21709
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    It's a possibility, but let's hope it's just a coincidence.

  10. #21710
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    Not necessarily
    If they were going cross faction it would make sense to just do instances a lot like the pvp system that is essentially the same thing

  11. #21711
    Over 9000! Makabreska's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    Lucky and educated guess, especially after Ion confirmed previous year they are looking into some form of cross faction.
    Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.

  12. #21712
    I go to bed early, I wake up and now cross-faction grouping is official.
    A bit sad this is not extending to guilds but it is still great news.

  13. #21713
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I go to bed early, I wake up and now cross-faction grouping is official.
    A bit sad this is not extending to guilds but it is still great news.
    I feel like this is just another thing where they implement certain expansion-level tech changes earlier to check adoption/use/major issues before expanding it wider to e.g. guilds, which requires more effort on the technical side of things, in the actual expansion.

  14. #21714
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I feel like this is just another thing where they implement certain expansion-level tech changes earlier to check adoption/use/major issues before expanding it wider to e.g. guilds, which requires more effort on the technical side of things, in the actual expansion.
    I truly hope so! Cross-faction guilds are something I have wanted for a long long time!

  15. #21715
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Surprised they actually went through with it. Gameplay-wise it's been a no-brainer for a while. Storywise it hinges entirely on whether they actually use the potential they have. The factions at the end of BFA are copy-pastes of each other value-wise anyway and also have races with compatible aesthetics, so it's not like anything is lost by actually wringing some gameplay value out of it. As Ion references you can show a multitude of racial perspectives regarding this and maintain individual motive more re: groups like the Night Elves, Forsaken etc. He's right on paper too, but in practice, it removes the last barrier keeping us from World of Humancraft narratively.
    I don't think that night elves Vs forsaken or night elves Vs orcs is from the table story wise. Or forsaken Vs worgen.
    As you've described in one of your long posts yourself those auto-sticking two mega factions make not much sense apart from the classic orcs+trolls+tauren and humans+dwarfs/gnomes+high...uhm...void elves
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  16. #21716
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    It didn't even get how crossfaction works correct.

  17. #21717
    Epic! Pheraz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redzonetode View Post
    Hope not. No new class would be a big disappointment.
    Which one? Sorry I've lost track. I hope not that cosmic thing with the weird zone names...
    Zorn | Vynd | Pheraz | Sylwina | Mondlicht | Eis | Blut | Emerelle - Plus 20 more...

  18. #21718
    Quote Originally Posted by Edoll View Post
    Wait. Does this mean this leak is true then? They got the cross faction part right and even excluded guilds.
    lol no. maybe it would have credibility if it mentioned that it's coming in the patch before, but it specifically outlines it as a selling point of the xpac. most ppl could guess that cross faction was coming after Ion's comments.


    if they introduced cross faction guilds then 'factions' would cease to exist because it would render it meaningless. it would be a huge change if they went all the way and would impact the stories they can tell and how people view the game, they're probably taking this into consideration before they go all the way. a factionless world of warcraft is a very different wow
    Last edited by Zexaniro; 2022-02-01 at 08:35 AM.

  19. #21719
    Quote Originally Posted by Zexaniro View Post
    lol no. maybe it would have credibility if it mentioned that it's coming in the patch before, but it specifically outlines it as a selling point of the xpac. most ppl could guess that cross faction was coming after Ion's comments.


    if they introduced cross faction guilds then 'factions' would cease to exist because it would render it meaningless. it would be a huge change if they went all the way and would impact the stories they can tell and how people view the game, they're probably taking this into consideration before they go all the way. a factionless world of warcraft is a very different wow
    The cross faction functionality was most likely being developed for the expansion. Them releasing it in a separate patch could be an early sign of Microsoft influencing the development team, or a sign that 10.0 is far enough that they want to release something during the drought.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say that leak was right, but it did say that it was outdated information.

    As for cross faction guilds making factions "meaningless", I disagree. As long as you can't level up Stormwind reputation with an orc, as long as you can't do the other faction's zone quests, and as long as you can't casually visit the other faction's capitals, factions won't be meaningless.

    If anything, heroes banding together and ignoring faction conflicts is what Warcraft has been about ever since Warcraft 3, and our characters were never meant to be obedient soldiers, but adventurers who interacted with pretty much everyone in the world without issue. We've always been lesser Thralls and Jainas, not grunt #57352.

  20. #21720
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    It didn't even get how crossfaction works correct.
    The only things wrong are that it is not 10.0 (the leaker says his informations are old) and that they forgot people from your f-list...which is easy to miss. The rest about cross faction seems completely on spot to me.

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