1. #21901
    Quote Originally Posted by Edward Wu View Post
    Fuck your Zereths. I'm not going.
    You can say fuck the Zereth's all you want, but the Design DOES require you to go there anyway. Even if you think you're gonna defy wanting to go, it'll happen.

  2. #21902
    Quote Originally Posted by TheFirstOnes View Post
    You can say fuck the Zereth's all you want, but the Design DOES require you to go there anyway. Even if you think you're gonna defy wanting to go, it'll happen.
    I mean, there's always the boars in Elwynn.

  3. #21903
    We're almost certainly going to visit at least some of those other Zereths at some point, though whether or not it'll be a whole expansion is another thing.

    But its like how they name dropped various Uld-'s over the years. We've yet to see Uldorus and Uldaz but they're certainly coming (particularly Uldorus, I imagine, given how its name is similar to Antorus, likely key to Azeroth's World-soul).

  4. #21904
    The Lightbringer
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    It would be kinda terrible to have Light and Void buildup in Legion/BFA resolve ten years later imo. And im not talking about fundamental things like Burning Legion conclusion after ten years of expansions, but about certain plot lines that cant be put on hold in-universe: Scarlet Crusade, Turalyon v Genn/Shaw tensions, Alleria and Locuswalker deal etc. These details fit the overall Light vs Void narrative.
    Especially if they want to make 10.0 Legion-like big and vast, it would allow them to freely weave in both those plot lines, Yrel's Crusade into Dragon Isles 'locale' plot, just like they built Burning Legion stuff around Suramar 'local' plot line.

  5. #21905
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I mean, there's always the boars in Elwynn.
    Only cause that's how the Pattern works.

  6. #21906
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheFirstOnes View Post

    Always been this way? Just was a slow build up.
    Frankly? Because while a cosmic-oriented "myth arc" can be pulled off well, WoW simply hasn't paid the dues for that payoff. Especially a payoff that would essentially see Azeroth taken out back and Old Yeller'd in favor of a 10-year Zereth Tour.

    As Varodoc says, a lot of people didn't like how the Shadowlands essentially was created out of nowhere. This isn't the Shadowlands that was built up in Classic, or Wrath, or hell even in BFA. It was created out of thin air to make an expansion around it. Only right everyone should fear Blizz doing that 5 more times.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  7. #21907
    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    It would be kinda terrible to have Light and Void buildup in Legion/BFA resolve ten years later imo. And im not talking about fundamental things like Burning Legion conclusion after ten years of expansions, but about certain plot lines that cant be put on hold in-universe: Scarlet Crusade, Turalyon v Genn/Shaw tensions, Alleria and Locuswalker deal etc. These details fit the overall Light vs Void narrative.
    Especially if they want to make 10.0 Legion-like big and vast, it would allow them to freely weave in both those plot lines, Yrel's Crusade into Dragon Isles 'locale' plot, just like they built Burning Legion stuff around Suramar 'local' plot line.
    The scarlet crusade has been a joke the entirety of the game, it can be ignored forever. Plenty of governments/monarchies have tension among those in power for decades.

  8. #21908
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Fundamentally we're going to go for another Narrative Whiplash, I suspect. We go from some Azeroth stuff onto Light versus Void or something else cosmic. Maybe an End of the Universe expansion where it Fortnites itself into a new Azeroth or something.

    I mean again, the Zovaal Cinematic could lead into a Cosmic expansion but lets' not go that direction. Honestly I would've preferred 10.0 to be on EK and Kalimdor.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  9. #21909
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    I mean again, the Zovaal Cinematic could lead into a Cosmic expansion but lets' not go that direction.
    inb4 this is our raid epilogue and 10.0 is "Reign of The First Ones!" or some wack shit

    2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft
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  10. #21910
    The Lightbringer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    The scarlet crusade has been a joke the entirety of the game, it can be ignored forever. Plenty of governments/monarchies have tension among those in power for decades.
    I mean, for some reason Blizzard decided to write in this stuff, that supposed to be long time used, reused, abused and forgotten. And that person isnt some rabbit but supposedly "true heir to throne", among other Ligh-base plot lines. I certainly wouldnt throw it away as a joke.

  11. #21911
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Frankly? Because while a cosmic-oriented "myth arc" can be pulled off well, WoW simply hasn't paid the dues for that payoff. Especially a payoff that would essentially see Azeroth taken out back and Old Yeller'd in favor of a 10-year Zereth Tour.

    As Varodoc says, a lot of people didn't like how the Shadowlands essentially was created out of nowhere. This isn't the Shadowlands that was built up in Classic, or Wrath, or hell even in BFA. It was created out of thin air to make an expansion around it. Only right everyone should fear Blizz doing that 5 more times.
    Barely any different from any other expansion, which typically have maybe a zone or two that are based on the existing concept and then have the entire rest of the expansion produced "out of thin air".

  12. #21912
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    I mean, there's always the boars in Elwynn.
    Where is the "Hogger's revenge" dungeon, where we fight a mercenary bandit, a shockingly large boar, magical mayhem from the Tower of Azora, and finally Gnasher, daughter of Hogger?
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  13. #21913
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Where is the "Hogger's revenge" dungeon, where we fight a mercenary bandit, a shockingly large boar, magical mayhem from the Tower of Azora, and finally Gnasher, daughter of Hogger?
    And we get to the real reason for the new human assets, Hogger-centric Elwynn forest revamp.

  14. #21914
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Yeah, thankfully Blizzard ignores this fan forum. Some of the ideas here are atrocious.

    "Players hated how Shadowlands came out of nowhere and all its zones and characters were asspulled into existence and had no connection to Azeroth at all, so let's make 5 more expansions about Cosmic BS that has no connection to Azeroth!"
    We clearly see Zovaal plucking Azeroth's power for a good reason, so I'd argue the other Zereth's CLEARLY have that same connection going about it.

  15. #21915
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    And we get to the real reason for the new human assets, Hogger-centric Elwynn forest revamp.
    Yes please.
    Give me fun stuff in Goldshire, and max level content in Northshire Abbey. Increase the size of the mountain area with bandits, and make the Logging Camp the new city themed questing zone.

    First raid in a giant tunnel network underneath Elwynn that tries to dig into the Stockades to free Hogger.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  16. #21916
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    Frankly? Because while a cosmic-oriented "myth arc" can be pulled off well, WoW simply hasn't paid the dues for that payoff. Especially a payoff that would essentially see Azeroth taken out back and Old Yeller'd in favor of a 10-year Zereth Tour.

    As Varodoc says, a lot of people didn't like how the Shadowlands essentially was created out of nowhere. This isn't the Shadowlands that was built up in Classic, or Wrath, or hell even in BFA. It was created out of thin air to make an expansion around it. Only right everyone should fear Blizz doing that 5 more times.
    Ok? The Legion came outta nowhere too in WC3, but it works cause your view was VERY VEEERRRRYYYY limited outside of Azeroth, and just now we're actually starting to see the forces that MADE THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE, not just the Great Dark.

  17. #21917

    "NEW CREATURES" confirmed?
    2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft
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  18. #21918
    Bloodsail Admiral Foreign Exchange Ztudent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post

    "NEW CREATURES" confirmed?
    I am pretty excited for the general fanbase reaction when they realize we are stuck in Cosmos soup for the next decade AND also the realization that the Azeroth they know will be rebooted with a completely new Azeroth at some point.
    I no longer reply to quotations beyond if you're asking a genuine question or have a non-confrontational stance.

  19. #21919
    The Pattern can go fuck itself. It's nothing against the almighty retcon, anyway.

  20. #21920
    Quote Originally Posted by Foreign Exchange Ztudent View Post
    I am pretty excited for the general fanbase reaction when they realize we are stuck in Cosmos soup for the next decade AND also the realization that the Azeroth they know will be rebooted with a completely new Azeroth at some point.
    For all we know they could be naming the new dragon isle native animals, like ducks.

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