Idiot posted the DM with a dev
Probably going to delete
Idiot posted the DM with a dev
Probably going to delete
"We don't even know if we kill the Jailer at the end & if we do it seems like we use the total might of the First One's eternity engine."
"Famed SLAYER of the Banished One"
We also slay Argus, and N'Zoth. Granted, we use Azeroth and Titan power there, but we still SLAY THEM!!! We also have a hand in slaying Deathwing and the LK also, but back then we HELPED the NPC's and were still earning our renowned title of "prophesized badass" and shit like that.
Well atleast were getting a new build tonight
Pretty much called this didn't I. Yay new build!
Good question.
For me personally I never really focus so much on the endgame so there are a lot of things I'd be okay with so as long as the other things I care about are there.
I liked the Legion Artifacts the most though. The lore for every class and strong existing history for many artifacts really had me engaged, and the progression was balanced so that throughout the entire expansion I looked forward to rares and chests even if they had nothing in them but artifact power. I didn't mind some of the ways the Azerite equipment was handled in Battle for Azeroth either though, I just wish it had the story engagement of the artifacts. By comparison, I don't like the Renown progression at all. I can imagine worse, I like that it's straightforward and has decent catch-up now, but it also makes the whole thing feel super mechanical.
Hoping we get a music build that could perhaps have music for the next xpac similar to bolvar or was that added in 8.3.5?
Something I liked from Legion: Class Halls and the Artifact Weapons/appearances/storylines that came with them.
Something I liked from SL: Covenants since we got 4 different storylines, again, that I could do on multiple toons (since swapping wasn't realistic at launch)
Something I would like to see in 10.0: The ability to have new content on my alts more similar to Legion. I don't really like re-doing the same content on different toons with the only reason difference being the gameplay (different class, abilities, role, etc.). I'm not saying I need to have 12 classes of content like Legion but at-least something that will have longevity, flavor, and keep me playing!
Outside of it obviously needing another AP abbreviation to keep up with theme so far, I liked Legion the most out of the three. Having a weapon that was like, a very clear visual thing I was progressing and gaining appearances for was really cool. Most of all, however, I'd like to be able to PvP again without having to do all the systems like the MoP/WoD glory days, but sadly I don't think we'll ever go back to the days of legendaries being disabled in PvP.
As for leak ideas, I love the idea of class themes. Imagine being able to change your ability effects etc, that'd be a super visual cool thing! The one consideration is obviously the visual identity of spells, it'll be hard to keep track of what spell is what when they all have 5 appearances but forgetting that it'd be very cool anyway to have say, sun themed spells on a Tauren paladin, or transform my monk's mistweaver abilities into red crane-styled stuff.
I feel this, I play for content more-so than story and having to re-do the Necrolord campaign/everything on my 5th alt (PvP healers tend to be necro for some reason) just felt so boring, especially in 9.0. At least I don't have to re-do Korthia every time now.
Last edited by Baedril; 2022-02-02 at 07:33 PM.
Don't forget today build doesn't exclude tomorrow annoucement + release build. Still I don't expect it this week though.