Don't let these fake leaks bury our channel! Speculate!
Don't let these fake leaks bury our channel! Speculate!
I was thinking she'd have a personality akin to an Oath of Vengeance Paladin from D&D. She shouldn't be evil or anything, but simply extremely violent and retributive. I was thinking she wouldn't be impolite to the PC at all, but would ask us to do increasingly questionable things in the name of her developing enthrallment with war.
Why not? Besides, I never suggested her being cold. I was imagining something like a general, or some kind of Khorne-style Blood Goddess who enables our violent actions. It would also make sense because it would give us more reason to continue to be petty mercenaries between world-saving expeditions—of course a war goddess would choose mercenaries and ruffians as her champions.
so, what the expansion "Explosion of Dragons™", truly means?
That The dragon will explode within ourselves, we will explode the dragons, or something will actually explode into dragons? the premise and the mystery is fascinating, are the dragons the friends we exploded along the way?
This is potentially the best wow expansion to date
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
So the confirmation there will be a 9.2.5 means there's a good chance the 9th expansion pre-order will include allied races, right? At least a 70% chance?
Well, here we are again! We're about to start another week with the hope of good WoW related news!
Pre-order something, most likely. Whether that's a race, class, or something else remains to be seen. Race seems most likely if for no other reason than Blizz has never released a new class that early.
But even without the 9.2.5 confirmation, I'd be amazed if they didn't have something spectacular for a pre-order bonus this time. A marketing win like pre-order races would do them & the community some good.
My hope is for a new pair of races (allied or otherwise) coming with 9.2.5 as a pre-order bonus as well as a class which will come with the pre-patch.
Non-zero chance for sure. I personally feel like Kyrian (Alliance) & Venthyr (Horde) are the more likely races for us to get of the four.
Last edited by AngerFork; 2022-02-07 at 05:08 AM. Reason: Responding to Golden Yak
If they will go class skins route I could see first 2 or 4 come with pre-purchase. Smurfs or vampires as AR sounds boring as hell, nevermind how little sense they make for playable race.
Venthyr horde, night fae alliance.
the other two can stay in hell, blue humans and weird undeads are not necessary imo, but if they come, obviously blue humans is alliance and the other is horde.
I would be fine with that, as this expansion was a waste with no class or race whatsoever and the customizations are lackluster.