1. #23321
    This week is being... Long. Hopefully we get some news tomorrow alongside the Hearthstone announcement. Maybe they show the mobile game too?
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  2. #23322
    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    They're referring to a recent, different, actually decent story.
    That's...uhhh...not much better of a description. What is it?

  3. #23323
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    What Sword? That Sword!
    9.2 announcement tomorrow. 2/22/22 release date. 10.0 news after 9.2 goes live (probably mid/end March).

  4. #23324
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    9.2 announcement tomorrow. 2/22/22 release date. 10.0 news after 9.2 goes live (probably mid/end March).
    Hm, head to head with Destiny 2's new expansion, Witch Queen. WoW's new bitter rivalry. Microsoft vs. Sony!

    I'm thinking March 1st actually.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by musicallittle1 View Post
    Overwatch's creator experimental card was delayed from yesterday until tomorrow, they forgot to fix the date on the announcement. So maybe some crap came up internally?
    Nintendo had a direct today. I think Blizz is trying to find the date where they could draw the most attention that day.

  5. #23325
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    It's far from full.

    Add Dark Rangers to it since it's been so heatedly debated on these forums. For the added effect have the Dark Ranger looming creepily over the tinker.

    To add to the conversation, I'm wondering if the Jailer couldn't mass raise the dead all over Azeroth as a last ditch effort to screw us all over once he realizes he's losing. Then we return to an ever scourgier Azeroth, a true zombie apocalypse and have to amass forces from the newly homeless Northrend races and those already in the Horde but not represented (like San'layn/Undead elves, taunka, ogres/mok'nathal, vrykul, etc.) to join our depleted armies in addition to seeking aid from the dragonflights who we must aid. Galakrond is risen. Eventually we go to the Dragon Isles in search of a mcguffin to re-empower them in 10.1.

    Could introduce Dark Rangers or necromancer as a class, but I believe that Dragonsworn would be more likely in this case.
    On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.

  6. #23326
    Quote Originally Posted by Three Faced Goddess View Post
    To add to the conversation, I'm wondering if the Jailer couldn't mass raise the dead all over Azeroth as a last ditch effort to screw us all over once he realizes he's losing. Then we return to an ever scourgier Azeroth, a true zombie apocalypse and have to amass forces from the newly homeless Northrend races and those already in the Horde but not represented (like San'layn/Undead elves, taunka, ogres/mok'nathal, vrykul, etc.) to join our depleted armies in addition to seeking aid from the dragonflights who we must aid. Galakrond is risen. Eventually we go to the Dragon Isles in search of a mcguffin to re-empower them in 10.1.

    Could introduce Dark Rangers or necromancer as a class, but I believe that Dragonsworn would be more likely in this case.
    I feel like a super zombie apocalypse bringing back a bunch of known characters as enemies could be really interesting if done right. Kinda reminds me of the original plan for WoD where Garrosh would simply resurrect all of the warlords without AU shenanigans

  7. #23327
    9.2 looks great, but am I right in thinking it's shaping up to be the least power we've gained over the course of an expansion between the first & final raid tiers?

    Tighter iLvl jumps, no big socket gains over the course of the expansion, weaker borrowed power compared to the last two expansions, & losing (at least) one raid tier to all that's gone on all seem to be adding up to a patch where we don't look that much more powerful than we did in CN. Obviously we'll do more DPS, but compared to the 4-6x gains of Legion/BfA & even the 3x~ gains of WoD*, it's not looking like we'll get that feeling of absurd power this expansion.

    (*Just looking at some Warrior logs over the course of each expansion for some quick comparison data. Some classes are likely a bit higher/lower, but I think the numbers are fair).

  8. #23328
    add ascending mr incredible and gobby kotick we also need bill gates face on some wow character
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  9. #23329
    Quote Originally Posted by bruxx View Post
    I feel like a super zombie apocalypse bringing back a bunch of known characters as enemies could be really interesting if done right. Kinda reminds me of the original plan for WoD where Garrosh would simply resurrect all of the warlords without AU shenanigans
    I know I'd love it if done right, but I am biased as I love the undead races and related classes in game.
    On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.

  10. #23330
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    It's far from full.

    Needs this one

  11. #23331
    Question; what does Taylor Swift have to do with it?

  12. #23332
    Quote Originally Posted by Melorandor View Post
    Question; what does Taylor Swift have to do with it?
    If you @ Shadochi three times in the mirror tonight you will know the answer.
    2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft
    For Azeroth!

  13. #23333
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    If you @ Shadochi three times in the mirror tonight you will know the answer.
    This sounds like fun! @Shadochi

  14. #23334
    Quote Originally Posted by Melorandor View Post
    Question; what does Taylor Swift have to do with it?
    Just that there's a couple regular posters in the threads who talk about her each speculation/beta/etc. cycle.

  15. #23335
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skildar View Post
    I'm quite psyched about 9.2
    What is making you psyched about this patch?..

  16. #23336
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Does the 9.2 release date really counts as something to be super excited about?

    I mean.. 9.2 is not that suoet excited in general anyway. Most people just want to move on.
    This may shock you, but some people like to play WoW and big content patch is something they are waiting for. Especially with current droughts. Of course 10.0 news are way more exciting, but this is something in distant future, 9.2 is (almost) now.

    Personally I don't find anything groundbreaking in this patch (beside cross faction, but it will take few more months), but it looks solid and zone - big, open, with flying and devoid of Maw doom&gloom is nice change of environment. As last patch it also has advantage to be one when we can 'finish' our chars before next expansion, but of course it has nothing to do with content itself.

  17. #23337
    So, we are fast approaching middle of Feb.2022 and no date for 9.2... anyone think we will still get it this month? And 10.0 announcement? Everything seems so slooooowwwww and dragged out to the max over at Blizz

  18. #23338
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Mr.GM says he has a good feeling about today.

    Take that how you will.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  19. #23339
    Brewmaster Skylarking's Avatar
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    Any minute now...

  20. #23340
    Quote Originally Posted by LordKharon View Post
    So, we are fast approaching middle of Feb.2022 and no date for 9.2... anyone think we will still get it this month? And 10.0 announcement? Everything seems so slooooowwwww and dragged out to the max over at Blizz
    We need to be realistic, unless Blizzard releases an unfinished expansion like WOD we're not gonna see 10.0 in 2022.

    While I'm eager to know what 10.0 is about, this curiosity is more to judge if it's worth staying in WoW or if it's time to leave, and less about wanting new content ASAP.

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