I'm basically playing 9.2 for the campaign and raid RP/cutscenes. That's about it. So ready for 10.0 news at this point.
I'm basically playing 9.2 for the campaign and raid RP/cutscenes. That's about it. So ready for 10.0 news at this point.
Im going into it mainly for the mount crafting(tho I still will be doing the raid on M and M+, but that is just a new flavor of existing content). I love patches for collectors
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They overhyped the water, but it does actually look nice
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
Wait, isn't the zone like Nazjatar / Mechagon where you can go around gathering gear, currencies, killing elites and discovering stuff after finishing the main questline?
I mean I saw lots of people shit talk how bad the zone looks…and they said the zone looks “good for 2003 graphics”
God I hope they realize WoW’s style is made to look more cartoonish than FF and Lost Ark’s…
Even a good zone (not saying that zm is good since I have no clue what it looks like) can get a little boring with time. However, that’s a problem with Blizzard’s atrocious content patch pipeline, not the zone’s. The maw, korthia, torghast , oribos, etc. all that stuff looked like low effort low budget rush jobs from day 1.
I don't agree with you often, but I share this opinion with you. I don't really thing that ZM is bad per se, the art is well done but it feels off and doesn't appeal to me personally. I may not like Shadowlands that much, but I will vouch for how beautiful Ardenweald is and how much I like the architecture of Revendreth.
On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.
We've already seen Zereth Mortis for 3 months, and personally I'm excited for it a little bit more now with the music than I was before, but have felt just as positive about it since the November reveal.
We've had Korthia for 6/7 months, it was announced/revealed nearly a year ago, and personally I've grown to like it more in time with the music, in comparison to the initial reveal. However I still find the zone's aesthetic exactly as displeasing as I did the day it was revealed on that 9.1 livestream.
Considering you're more or less proposing this person's personal views would change to be just as negative as Korthia in 8 months, I just figured it was worth listing an example of personal views on these two zones that doesn't align with the implied 'typical downtrend of zone appeal' you're suggesting is default.
Even from the majority of feedback observed, it seems to be that for many, Zereth Mortis' base zone appeal is much more satisfying and comfortable than the Maw-Subzone Korthia.
Have you truly not witnessed that sort of feedback as well?
DRAGONMIRE BINGO2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of WarcraftFor Azeroth!
Yeah, ZM definitely isn't the worst thing I've seen in a videogame, but it definitely lacks the immersion of other zones.
I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with 10.0 in terms of zones. For all its faults, I thought Zandalar and Kul'tiras were fantastic for questing and exploration, and I'm looking forward to seeing how much they've improved since BFA.
Oh gosh, sure Lost Ark has more realistic graphics than wow, but don't get me started at how bad I find their world/level design. And the fact that something I hate about MMOS, loading screens between the smallest of zones
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For me personally ZM looks really nice, and goes by something I've been saying every expac should have for zone diversity.
A zone/subzone with the following:
- Green meadows/rolling hills
- Desert area (glacier and sandy both work)
- Mountainous peaks with snow
Bonus for shoreline subzone
These for me are staples that can be done in many different ways easily to fit any theme. And with ZM Shadowlands got 2 of the 3 done in interesting new ways. I also like the architecture style and actual buildings/walls in the outdoor zone, havent seen within the raid
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
I'm going to wait and see if T come back for 10.0 instead of pre-ordering like a doofus, but I won't deny that I am excited to see what the new zones will look like, what new races we'll meet and the the general art assets. I'm going to try detach myself from the lore and story, though and hope it improves. AN underground zone beneath Northrend where the remnants of the living nerubians are hiding could be absolutely beautiful with phosphorescent fungus and worms to light the darkness.
Don't let this side track the thread, but the Dark Ranger questline has been updated in the database to 9.2 which makes me think that they're going to be merely customization of some sort or at the most (unlikely) an AR rewarded upon completion in either 9.2.5 or later.
Last edited by Three Faced Goddess; 2022-02-23 at 01:39 AM.
On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.
Haven't gotten that far, got bored of the zones and quests pretty fast. But I was more referring to the zones being designed Diablo style, but with less interesting stuff. Opening up the map while leveling just makes me snore since I can predict the path the quests will lead. And the ones I went through are rather bland and unmemorable
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
One of my wishes that probably wont happen is to have the zones layered for 10.0
Have 2 zones be on an island on water, 2 of them are on Dragon Isles floating in the air and 2 underground (or 1 underwater and 1 underground). All part of the same map and flying can be unlocked in the first month or two of expac release.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread