In case someone has missed
Ion gave an interview talking about a lot of things, i just finished reading it and compared to previous interviews i really got some good vibes from this one.
In case someone has missed
Ion gave an interview talking about a lot of things, i just finished reading it and compared to previous interviews i really got some good vibes from this one.
But we would have been the people defending Ardenweald against waves of the Jailer's forces. Instead, Sylvanas got there before us.
There's no "evidence" Ardenweald was supposed to be a raid, it's just a guess. Based on being in this fandom long enough to remember devs referring to every other raid as a "filler" raid. There are just beats of the story in every expansion that can be expanded into big raids but also aren't exactly necessary. Or how 9.1 had 4 cinematics when usually each major patch gets 2 or 3. We're guessing Ardenweald because it fits thematically with the two 9.1 cinematics set in Ardenweald. Nazjatar could have been skipped if BFA was lagging in development. Just like in WoD, there is unused assets and even maps eluding to a Shattrath raid & that raid would have gone between Hellfire & Foundry, not after.
I would hope the next patch has more areas that look like Zereth Mortis and less like Korthia and the Maw, along with never having the non mountable bullshit again would be amazing. Also i hope the class balance is as good as it is currently in 10.0, people dont seem to mention it much but overall most specs have been balanced in most content and should get some praise for that small nugget.
The music of patch 9.2 is absolutely lovely, getting the same Westworld vibes as I did in some places of Naz'jatar.![]()
I will not reply to posts that are non-constructive or contain flaming and/or trolling.
Sure it was a shock to the corporate game system. But it's also an environment that can be acclimated to: The biggest obstacle being people like Ion suddenly having to learn how to manage workers remotely. See: Smaller studios where WFH was the norm before the pandemic were impacted the least.
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I love the sci-fi elements of WoW, but it looks like 10.0 will feel more like BFA or WoD than Legion or Shadowlands: Aesthetically speaking. They recently talked a lot about having to return to the classic fantasy "roots" of the franchise every other expansion. Though that's historically hard to do after you focus so much on the afterlife: That's the reason D&D never set any major content in the 9 celestial planes.
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Totally. The Jailer's leveled-up form definitely incorporates a little drust/devourer motifs with all those blue gashes: I expect if they had time we would have got a direct connection between the devourers & zovaal.
Honestly they took so much time to balance the covenant abilities probably should have been the same for all classes.
This is also why former devs describe Ion as a "backseat" developer, as his biggest weakness: Other than actually adding new abilities (shocking) we've just been rehashing Legion systems, but making them more complicated. Or the Dominion shards, a more complicated version of tier bonuses. Which as most players describe, just being complicated makes them less fun. This is because unlike past senior developers, Ion doesn't have either a programming, art or writing background. He's got the job just by being a high-tier raider. It means his era has been considerably less innovative. (The systems in Legion were largely credited to Holinka)
You really tried to blame ion for this??
Literally every big studio is still having issues and still delaying stuff so while you might have an opinion and think it should be back to normal the truth is it isn’t and you should accept that
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You do realize while he has input he doesn’t literally control the system
"big" being the key word here. Which is what I said: Big studios had a harder time acclimating to a working from home model. 2nd Quarter 2020, probably nothing got done in terms of development. But they would acclimate to this style of work, and style of management, which Ion probably had very little experience with at that time.
I think they will & have been getting better at WFH as time goes on. Since being effective at WFH is possible.
Last edited by Ersula; 2022-02-23 at 06:15 PM.
They have a point though. About a year of delays is reasonable given that everyone was trying to acclimate and normalize new processes. But beyond that, a normal company should of adapted by now.
I work in the US legal system. One of the most old school and antiquated facets of American society. And if 70-80 year old, obstinate judges can adapt to zoom trials and virtual hearings then I find it hard to believe a gaming company is still struggling 2 years later. That's not to say there can't be other reasons for delays that ultimately go back to COVID as a reason, but I agree with Ersula that WFH simply isn't one of them at this point.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I still don't understand why they removed the currencies we used in Wrath and Cata. They should just have the justice points for older tiers and valor points for current tier item level (or whatever they want to call them) and then they don't need to come up with a new currency and system every new patch. There is nothing wrong with letting little Johnny Casual get a tier piece every few weeks of point grinding (or grinding however much he wants for justice gear) while the raiders are getting their gear drops every week. He literally cannot get his tier set faster than a raider who had the worst luck in the world because they would just be collecting their points faster than him from raid bosses and buying their own pieces that haven't dropped yet before he can. It worked, it was lovely, I miss it.
I was referring to game systems. Artifact power, Azerite, Anima, Mythic+, Gearing, etc. The exact things he is supposed to be in control of per his job description. Rather than "Systems developer" who is making those systems work on a numerical level.
That's the Senior Dev's job: Brainstoming ideas & Management
Last edited by Ersula; 2022-02-23 at 06:23 PM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.