Anyone expecting anything of any great import pointing to the next expansion in the cinematic is bound to be disappointed. It is shorter than the Anduin one, no less.
My end cinematic prediction:
Big good laser hits big bad boy, end of the story
Part of me hopes we get a glimpse of Azeroth herself.
Formerly known as Arafal
I still feel that Rygelon will (should) do something important, such as redirecting the azerite beam using the Forge of Afterlives to "re-originate" Zovaal to his proto-form. It's just too specific to have a Constellar in the raid to have him do nothing but fall over and give loot.
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It's important to bear in mind that Blizzard is big on emotional "epicness" intensity in finales plus tends to extend out limited dialogue through drawn out pauses.
With a minute and a half, we're likely to see: a visual spectacle of the Jailer being drained, some kind of ponderous musing on how evil that's been conspiring for millennia is finally gone, and maybe some kind of Ewok village style celebration from the Covenant zones. Probably another empty Sylvanas or Bolvar soliloquy. That's about it.
It's possible other stuff happens in the fight, in post fight dialogue, etc. But probably not in the actual cinematic.
I'm putting my money on Lordaeron. In retrospect, it seems more likely considering that the previously-dominant Scourge plotline has now been solidly wrapped up—furthermore, we have the revamped buildings and the new shield models. It could well be a microcosm in a general world revamp, but if it were localized, Lordaeron seems like an interesting start.
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I was thinking set in Lordaeron, not so much restricted to localized themes.
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It could be a microcosm in a general world revamp, or possibly a patch in a Dragon Isles-based expansion.
Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2022-03-08 at 05:06 PM.
More so around everything covering it
The undead and their identity
The scarlet crusade
The silver hand having to pick a side
Insurrection against the boy king who has constantly been absent
The secret history tying together the undead and The story behind the true heir to lordaeron being Talia allowing her and Anduin to marry because of the class system and her kingdom being the tie between horde and alliance showing they can live together
Then a black dragon burns it all down
Not even really expecting that, outside of those "leaks" that claim all sorts of things about how the Jailer is defeated.
Like, I expected something big from the Anduin cinematic and we got bupkis there. And that was longer.
At best we may get a single shot of something, like the Sword, but to those going "that hinted toward BfA" I say bull, all it showed was a big arse sword stabbed into the planet in Silithus. You could've turned that into any number of ideas. Look at the sword and try to explain to me how "We're going to Zandalar and Kul Tiras and the Old Gods are involved too!" from that.
Speaking of, the Antorus ending cinematic was almost 3 minutes long and still didn't hint at really anything.
I doubt that Taelia is going to turn out to be Calia's hidden heiress, as I figure Bolvar would've felt it worth mentioning by now. I also don't think there will be an insurrection—instead, Anduin has already been quietly replaced. Even if he returns to the throne, it may be as a figurehead.
I do wonder if the revamped Stromgarde will play a role—I'm somewhat doubting it, of course, since it is of insufficient size for a real expansion zone, but they do already have the assets. I also am unsure whether or not Blizzard would be that lazy with their content to reuse it.
I get that, and that's sort of my point.
Most of what you said is either fairly concluded or can be concluded through a literal questline. Like, I wouldn't call Legion the 'Broken Shore expansion' or the 'Suramar expansion', since that covers so little of what Legion is actually about.
You could literally throw that plotline into any other broader expansion theme and still carry it on, similar to how any and all Gnomeregan or Darnassus lore progressed in tandem with the rest of the expansions.
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Yeah but still is there enough to warrant an expansion on? What would actually be new to explore here?
Well, Lordaeron is near the Dragon Isles...
I'll bet
- Restored Lordaeron
- Revamped Silvermoon City and Plaguelands
- Dragon Isles
Last edited by Gloriandus; 2022-03-08 at 05:17 PM.
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That could tie in with the one plotline I can't see fitting near Lordaeron—Azshara, that is. I think the one major flaw with an expansion centered on Lordaeron is that it couldn't pick up on that very important thread.
I'd say that when I think of it, the only expansoin that could actually solve all of the new plotlines would be a world revamp, of course—still, Lordaeron seems like a good, localized place and it's definitely of some importance going off the shields and the Scarlet plot.
So, any raid streams?
Formerly known as Arafal
Bolvar lost his wife
Calia was using a false name and lost her husband and daughter
Both happened during a scourge attack and they presumed the people they lost were dead
Calia’s hubby was a soldier
They had all three characters together in shadowlands for 0 reasons
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Limit is clearing heroic last 3
Already hitting bugs