1. #27841

  2. #27842
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    ??? He just explicitly explained his motive. He found the check and balance system of the six/seven cosmic forces implemented by the First Ones to be flawed and unsustainable, and so he was going to rewrite the universe into a monolithic autocracy where he, as the ruler of death, had complete control of everything.
    Well yeah, but he spoke about flawed design before if I remember it correctly. We still don't know why he thinks the original design is flawed and his design or his reign should be better. It's so fucking vague...

  3. #27843
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    Digging the train of thought that his final line refers to the 7th force, and not the Void. Alleria and Locus Walker have already shown we're supposed to harness the Void.
    I really don't like that. I think it undermines the Cosmic Horror nature of the Void to make it be something you can just harness. "The Void is a tool like any other" was a terrible decision and hopefully they roll back on that a bit.

  4. #27844
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    "A Cosmos divided will not survive what is to come"

    Once more the Void Lords are confirmed to be the ULTIMATE and MOST POWERFUL threat of the Warcraft Cosmos.

    Who else would he be talking about, after all?
    Who else? Another lame villian with no purpose whatsoever - THE ACTUAL master who stood behind Jailer. Zovaal's death was the last step in his master-plan and now the super-villian can rule the cosmos or some horseshit like that

  5. #27845
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post

    It might as well not exist
    is exactly why it's outright terrible. It does nothing for the expansion. It leaves the Jailer the same villain without personality, ambition, goals, backstory. It's empty and devoid of information. As you said, it's excistence adds nothing to the expansion.
    This is why it's impossible to take you seriously. That was the only thing IN the cinemtatic.

  6. #27846
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    They were never outright dominated, but Zovaal did very much had influence over them.

    He probably just kept nudging Arthas' mind until he built it.
    Eh, that doesn't really fit with Zovaal considering the Lich King failures if he got them to do what he wanted anyway. Just seems like very messy storytelling.

  7. #27847
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why is it when villainous characters get defeated they suddenly seem remorseful?
    Cheap pathos from writers who dont know how to build it authentically.

  8. #27848
    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why is it when villainous characters get defeated they suddenly seem remorseful?


    In this case it makes more sense. Kil'jaeden has a very close connection to Velen and had a great degree of remorse for his actions as he gradually realized that the Burning Crusade was doomed to failure. This feels like a fitting end, as opposed to the Jailer suddenly acting vaguely sympathetic when he had never done so before, especially since Zovaal's ulterior motive was one which I think is more deserving of a villain going down ranting and raving.

  9. #27849
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    This is why it's impossible to take you seriously.
    Ironic, lol.

  10. #27850
    Quote Originally Posted by lachlol View Post
    Who else? Another lame villian with no purpose whatsoever - THE ACTUAL master who stood behind Jailer. Zovaal's death was the last step in his master-plan and now the super-villian can rule the cosmos or some horseshit like that
    Its literally going to be Amon 2.0.

    Let me guess, there's going to be some ancient First One prophecy we find next expansion. And then we have to unite all the cosmic forces into one pure force to defeat the ultimate evil in WarCraft's universe.

  11. #27851
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by username993720 View Post
    Why is it when villainous characters get defeated they suddenly seem remorseful?


    Well, Deathwing didn't nor did Garrosh :P

    Funny, not an ending cinematic but I was just thinking how the Siege of Orgrimmar cinematic patch was pretty cool.

  12. #27852
    Quote Originally Posted by Landrisser View Post
    Ironic, lol.
    This coming from the guy who never has an actual counter-argument.

  13. #27853
    Mechagnome Akta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rezzyk View Post
    So I think part of my issue is.. if you guys aren't aware, there is another Sylvanas cinematic in the campaign this week. So she has (at least) two dedicated to her this patch (2.5 with Anduin's), and they are both longer than what we got for the end-of-expansion boss fight. I don't really understand what's going on with the storytelling.
    we are still missing the .5 patch
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  14. #27854
    Quote Originally Posted by lachlol View Post
    Who else? Another lame villian with no purpose whatsoever - THE ACTUAL master who stood behind Jailer. Zovaal's death was the last step in his master-plan and now the super-villian can rule the cosmos or some horseshit like that
    I'm still baffled that they tried to establish Zovaal as the force behind Arthas and Sargeras. It's hilarious when you think about it.
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  15. #27855
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I really don't like that. I think it undermines the Cosmic Horror nature of the Void to make it be something you can just harness. "The Void is a tool like any other" was a terrible decision and hopefully they roll back on that a bit.
    I can appreciate "Void is a Tool" but they haven't explained why that Tool was specifically never used successfully yet. Well, outside of the Stormwind Nightmare.

    Alleria just kinda snapped her fingers and boom she can control the Void. There was no arc about her struggling with the same thing that plenty of others even just in WoW's lifespan have succumbed to, the whispers and the corruption.
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  16. #27856
    Quote Originally Posted by Rezzyk View Post
    So I think part of my issue is.. if you guys aren't aware, there is another Sylvanas cinematic in the campaign this week. So she has (at least) two dedicated to her this patch (2.5 with Anduin's), and they are both longer than what we got for the end-of-expansion boss fight. I don't really understand what's going on with the storytelling.
    In-game scene, not a proper cinematic, also not sure if that's the one we know little about or not.

  17. #27857
    The Undying Slowpoke is a Gamer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Its literally going to be Amon 2.0.

    Let me guess, there's going to be some ancient First One prophecy we find next expansion. And then we have to unite all the cosmic forces into one pure force to defeat the ultimate evil in WarCraft's universe.
    Geeze it took me reading that whole post to realize you were talking about Starcraft because I just figured "Yeah I can see the ultimate villain being some depressed First Ones genius who decided the universe had no meaning and created plans that laid undetected for millenia to destroy it to prove his point."
    FFXIV - Maduin (Dynamis DC)

  18. #27858
    Quote Originally Posted by Slowpoke is a Gamer View Post
    I can appreciate "Void is a Tool" but they haven't explained why that Tool was specifically never used successfully yet. Well, outside of the Stormwind Nightmare.

    Alleria just kinda snapped her fingers and boom she can control the Void. There was no arc about her struggling with the same thing that plenty of others even just in WoW's lifespan have succumbed to, the whispers and the corruption.
    What is important to remember is that, unlike every other mortal up to that point, Alleria was lucky enough to meet Locus-Walker, an ancient being who studied and wielded the Void at an exceptional level. We see in Mac'aree through a questline that Locus-Walker was training Alleria to wield the Void as a weapon. And at the culmination of the story, when Alleria absorbs the Void Naaru at the source of Mac'aree, the Locus-Walker tells her that she has become the weapon itself.

    Alleria is very cunning, resourceful, and dedicated to the goal, but we must not underestimate the importance of Locus-Walker; as a teacher, mentor, and above all else, a genuine friend to Alleria. I think Locus-Walker is one of the most ominous, but also wholesome, characters in WoW. He selflessly helped Alleria control her powers (powers she accidentally took while on a Legion world) and he is a true friend to her. To the point that he is now training Alleria's disciples, the Ren'dorei.

  19. #27859
    I don't even know where to begin how I feel about this.

    Disappointed, certainly. I think the line was crossed so hard this time, though, I'm just laughing.

    I really didn't expect them to pull the "I'm a secret good guy trying to save you from a bigger mystery threat" again. I really didn't. They did that so much leading up to the Jailer that they really had me convinced that the Jailer was finally the bigger mystery threat.

    Maybe this means that N'Zoth was trying to warn us about this new mystery threat and not the Jailer after all? That still doesn't explain any of his actions. If anything it just makes them worse. Now both N'Zoth and the Jailer openly did evil they knew we would try to kill them for, instead of just asking for our help, when both of their goals were apparently heroic all along. >_>

    There was a time when I really hated the "bad guy reveals upon their defeat that they were actually a good guy doing necessary evils to stop something worse" cliche, but it got played out so much that I thought it finally died. I absolutely cannot believe we're getting that plot right now, especially after everything that led up to it.

    The only thing that kinda upsets me right now and isn't just making me face palm, is that it's continuing the modern tv show writing trend of "never resolve, always tease" that makes modern stories a complete drag to watch. There's nothing to ever enjoy anymore, because anything that should be satisfying is swept under a rug in favor of what's next. It's supposed to keep you addicted, but instead it just makes me exhausted. If there wasn't a game connected to this story that I occasionally feel like playing, I would have abandoned this years ago like I have most similar tv shows.

    I wasn't expecting anything grand for this cutscene, but I just rewatched some of the cutscenes leading up to this yesterday (not because the ending was coming, but because I was showing some context to someone else) and I actually started to look forward a bit to the idea of the Jailer finally getting comeuppance for all the evil he's done. Instead, he just falls pathetically on the ground and still gets to act like we failed, and no one gets to feel good about it.

    That's not even getting into the fact that we're apparently still escalating. This isn't a surprise for many, but the method highlights it so much that it almost feels like a joke at this point.

    They can still keep me busy for awhile if I get to play some ogres or get a spellbreaker, but I don't expect to be engaged in this story anymore. I don't want to sound mean about it, but this comes off like a checklist of everything that ruins stories for me in modern storytelling. The only upside is that it's only the bland, exhausting type of modern storytelling, not the hateful, mock-you-for-caring modern storytelling.

  20. #27860
    Not to mention the similarities to Archimonde's Death:

    And the closing of a portal:

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