1. #28061
    Why do all these "villains" that try to save us from the big baddie never tell us what or who that big ominous mysterious baddie is? It's pretty laughable at this point, all this gaslighting, but being as vague as possible.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  2. #28062
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    You know he's literally only been lead writer for one expansion right? Half that depending on when everything went down internally..
    only one expansion and he is saying "wait and see" a lot, kinda weird right? no wonder why its in shadowlands that the lore reach the lowest point, he took what happened in legion and bfa and throw into the dumpster

    Regardless of him being the lead only in shadowlands, he was already a high rank designer before in BfA, you can see him doing Q&A instead of Ion in some interviews.

  3. #28063
    Its downgrading the Cosmic Forces.

    They set up for something outside the Planes and „Reality, like

    The First Ones

    Or adding „Cosmic Forces“

    A „unknown 7th“ Force…

    They just keep adding possibilities for Future Expansions.

    Now that we know that a divided Cosmos cant stand against whats to come suggests something NEW no way he is talking about The Void.

    The Void is part of the Cosmos.

    Now Face The unknown Forces from beyond the Planes or the Counterpart’s of the First Ones.

  4. #28064
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Pretty sure SL isnt WoD so no the lore hasnt hit its lowest point. Its been better sure but it's really not that different from their usual tiny brain storytelling.
    Wod was 10x better than shadowlands in terms of lore and storytelling, so yeah, lowest point was BfA and now is shadowlands. Multidimension and time travel bs made more sense than those planes of the death, and at least Draenor was a cool word

    "draenor is free" is a better final than yet another "wait and see" from a failed villain.

  5. #28065
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Pretty sure SL isnt WoD so no the lore hasnt hit its lowest point. Its been better sure but it's really not that different from their usual tiny brain storytelling.
    What's wrong with WoD lore besides the time-traveling stuff? WoD has done less damage to Warcraft lore than Shadowlands exactly because it's alternate universe stuff. As soon as Shadowlands lore is treated as "serious" and real it becomes highly problematic. WoD just contained one of many universes, but Shadowlands is representing "death" everywhere.
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  6. #28066
    Quote Originally Posted by Nyel View Post
    What's wrong with WoD lore besides the time-traveling stuff? WoD has done less damage to Warcraft lore than Shadowlands exactly because it's alternate universe stuff. As soon as Shadowlands lore is treated as "serious" and real it becomes highly problematic. WoD just contained one of many universes, but Shadowlands is representing "death" everywhere.
    I know quite a few people who completely stopped following lore in WoD because they didnt want to invest the time to understand who was a WoD copy and who wasnt.

    I honestly think that did much more damage then an expansion like SL that is just going to be forgotten in a few years(much like bfa).

  7. #28067
    Breaking News: People are now trying to say that WoD had good writing to put Shadowlands down.

    What's next, WoD actually had excellent content outside of raiding and Shadowlands is way way worse than it?

  8. #28068
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Unlikely, Blizzard baked the concept of Entropy into Fel and Void magic.
    The old writers did. But the new writers have this amazing new idea about Entropy being an almost unstoppable outside force that threatens all life in the universe, and only by fighting together we stand a chance against it.

  9. #28069
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Pretty sure SL isnt WoD so no the lore hasnt hit its lowest point. Its been better sure but it's really not that different from their usual tiny brain storytelling.
    WoD was a shit xpac but is miles ahead of SL now. Even the time travelling shite in WoD is better than this. At the very least we got lots of cool characters in WoD.

  10. #28070
    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    I know quite a few people who completely stopped following lore in WoD because they didnt want to invest the time to understand who was a WoD copy and who wasnt.

    I honestly think that did much more damage then an expansion like SL that is just going to be forgotten in a few years(much like bfa).
    It's easier to forget a completely irrelevant alternate universe than forgetting the afterlife, isn't it?
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  11. #28071
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Breaking News: People are now trying to say that WoD had good writing to put Shadowlands down.

    What's next, WoD actually had excellent content outside of raiding and Shadowlands is way way worse than it?
    Nope, it was shit. Was shit then, it is shit now. But that got nothing to do with how shit SL is. Shite for different reasons.

    At the very least WoD was a clusterfuck of a story but we got known and relateable characters. It was also a nice segway to Legion. What is SL? A huge patch?

  12. #28072
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    Breaking News: People are now trying to say that WoD had good writing to put Shadowlands down.
    Better, not good.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  13. #28073
    Quote Originally Posted by Austilias View Post
    Two terrible expansions in a row - BfA and Shadowlands.

    They really need it to hit it out of the park with next expansion.

    Some immediate, easy improvements would be getting rid of Hazzikostas and Danuser.
    The story will NOT improve as long as Simpuser quartermasters the ship. And god forbid he ascends to captain
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  14. #28074
    Stood in the Fire Dragon ANX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crusadernero View Post
    WoD was a shit xpac but is miles ahead of SL now. Even the time travelling shite in WoD is better than this. At the very least we got lots of cool characters in WoD.
    Exactly, WoD was bad, but... man... SL makes it look like a 9/10 or 8/10 xpac

  15. #28075
    We're going to get a Deathwing 2.0 character but worse. They will be female and far more generic than the Jailer. Mark my words. Also? They will cover up Alexstrasza until not a scale is showing
    "You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."

  16. #28076
    Imagine the trailer of 10.0 and we hear the laughter of N'Zoth right at the end.

    The [virtual] crowd would go crazy like when they heard Palpatine's laugh at the end of the trailer.

    Since Danuser is likely a fan of Disney Star Wars, why not bring back the most manipulative villain in WoW?

  17. #28077
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    The force the Jailer was referring to is very clearly going to end up being what force the Devourers belong to. They are the only part of the Shadowlands story that wasn't given any explanation or motivation. They also don't use any magic that correlates to Light/Void/Fel/Life/Death/Arcane.

    I imagine the Crooked Serpent mentioned in Legion is their leader or their chief entity.

    I can also see a scenario in which the Devourers are the Warcraft version of Mass Effect's Reapers.
    In addition to this, there's that strange reaction the devourers have when consuming stuff from Zereth Mortis, falling apart and whatnot. I don't think that's explained in any real detail yet.

  18. #28078
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Imagine the trailer of 10.0 and we hear the laughter of N'Zoth at the end.

    The [virtual] crowd would go crazy like when they heard Palpatine's laugh at the end of the trailer.
    I honestly think this would be the coolest and most bad ass thing they could do. Unfortunately, it will not become reality. Unlike Shadowlands lore...
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  19. #28079
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragon ANX View Post
    Exactly, WoD was bad, but... man... SL makes it look like a 9/10 or 8/10 xpac
    Yeah. WoD was horrendous but atleast we got a closure/continuation of the story and we werent left hanging like morons after the last patch. We knew what was coming and all that. There were also plenty of awesome characters spread all over WoD. In the zones, dungeons, raids.

    Its clear Blizzard has something planned and are probably looking at the 5 next years(as the previous 5) thinking "yeah this will be great!" but along the way the players(most important ones) are all the time left in the fucking dark.

    Ask yourself - whatever comes next, was SL as an xpac ever really needed? Like, did this xpac serve any purpose whatsoever? Except for absolving Sylvanas for any guilt whatsoever, nothing was done.

  20. #28080
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Imagine the trailer of 10.0 and we hear the laughter of N'Zoth right at the end.

    The [virtual] crowd would go crazy like when they heard Palpatine's laugh at the end of the trailer.

    Since Danuser is likely a fan of Disney Star Wars, why not bring back the most manipulative villain in WoW?
    "somehow n'zoth has returned"

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