Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
This was the beginning of MMO-Champion's radicalization. They gradually grew to hate Abramization—a hatred which would grow, and have consequences wide-ranging and unpredictable.
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The tone is ...
... uh ...
We want the story to have a tone. That's for sure. Man, Sylvanas sure is having a redemption, isn't she? No one saw that coming except for as soon as last expansion happened.
Imagine if they limited it to where it actually was always sufficient—the Old Gods. That's what started the Mystery Box storytelling, and that's where it was effective and people actually enjoyed it. It made sense to gradually build up a Cosmic Horror-themed baddy whose entire shtick is manipulation and long-term schemes. They were unpredictable, greater-scope, and very mysterious—this made it very interesting to deconstruct their foreshadowing. Conversely, no one cares what the fucking Bald Man we just met is up to. You can't foreshadow anything substantial about someone we just met, you have to actually establish them for them to be interesting. The Old Gods were around for a good while and we knew their themes and tendencies—any action could've been their handiwork. The Jailer was just a nobody dicking around who we can't really foreshadow anything interesting with because we have few themes to associate with him.
Honestly, as hacky as it was, the best foreshadowing or cryptic "next episode on ... " thing they ever did with him was somehow his mind-numbingly cliché "what is to come" line.
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The reason why some think "Pelagos" instead of "Turalyon" is because it would imply, by association, villain-batting the lunatic who is actively meddling in powers beyond her comprehension and has generally only been acting out of suicidal envy and a desire to bring her kooky cult of time bombs to Silvermoon—you know, the place where it is already established that there is a massive fountain of energy that could be turned into a world-ending portal to the Void just by the passive presence of one of the Void Elves.
...tune in to find out what they are!
Also, yeah, they took the best mystery box they had, the Old Gods, and demystified and defanged them THE MOST of ANYTHING.
To the point that their most frantic adjacent fan is in absolute denial.
They keep giving answers to all the stuff that should be mysterious and outside our understanding, but continues to play coy with very "human" and real connections when it should be the opposite. It's like I'm asking my neighbor for answers to a test and he passes me a copy of fucking Ulysses.
Last edited by Vakir; 2022-03-10 at 03:43 PM.
So, instead of gradually unraveling a massive conspiracy that connects several smaller threats together with plenty of foreshadowing and which will help provide a very interesting conclusion to a good chunk of the plot whilst also bringing in a degree of moral profundity which could be explored to make players question whether or not they are really the heroes, we ought to instead follow more evil bald men speaking in deep baritones and hot waifus getting redemption because of their lovely pair of personalities?
So many missed opportunities to do a good job with the storyline. I really hope they eventually understand what makes a story great is how well written its characters are, and how coherent the plot is, rather than constantly going for a bigger Mr. Evil and fitting trying to fit squares into triangles cause "we thought squares were cool lol". What pains me is that people taking decisions on these topics should be lore experts but also good storytellers, people who KNOW what they're doing and have proven so; clearly it is not the case. And it's not isolated to Warcraft, Star Wars is another good exemple of how a handful of people with not enough knowledge of a universe can easily ruin it.
Anyway, remaining hopeful for 10.0, but the frustration is real. It's not all bad, of course, but the execution on some key aspects of the story just baffles me.
Remember the entire Defias conspiracy and Onyxia plotline in Classic, where with very minimal timegating they gradually revealed a very interesting underlying plot which starts as soon as you meet the Defias ~level 5 and gradually extends through the entire Alliance questing experience to reveal a satisfying conclusion which ties these disparate but vaguely-connected plotlines together into one plotline?
That's precisely what constitues good storytelling, especially for a videogame medium, in my humble opinion.
I believe we can have that again, and it will make the bigger villains even more interesting... we just need the people in charge of the story (Steve and others, cause let's face it, he clearly isn't alone in this mess) to shift paradigm. One can dream right?
Another thing that made this work that people underrate is that it unfolded largely in gameplay and not soap opera cutscenes where we're god powered flies on the wall or in a tie-in book that'll be obsolete in 6 months.
You can argue RP walking with Windsor feels like a slow and plodding experience compared to the fast gratification we're used to now, but after experiencing everything up to that, the environmental storytelling, all the clues, and putting the pieces together, to have that march to the keep, it's a damn MOMENT because it feels so earned and authentic. To connect it to such a major mark of player power, your key to the raid, is some peak implementation to the medium of a damn game.
Breaks my heart there's no strong Horde equivalent, but they made out like bandits in Cata to compensate, especially having the best overall zone in Silverpine.
Last edited by Vakir; 2022-03-10 at 03:57 PM.
I expect to be proven right about a great many things I predicted on April 19.
I think we still have some of it, just not in the greater overarching plots. Drustvar had a really solid and engaging (if campy) plot where it took us on an odyssey across the zone until we finally learned that one of the people we were trying to save was the mastermind behind the whole disaster, all ending in a solid dungeon.
I have said before, and I stick by that the writers are at least decent at their work, but that it would take a genius to write epicstorylines on the fly even as random bits gets set in stone and valid criticism is hailing in.
Afterall, it isnt like Blizzard could change the Sepulcher cinematic once it was out, but once it was they were bound to it and likely couldnt change much of the remaining plot of Shadowlands in a natural way as the assets were already made and the work on the next expansion was already ongoing.
What Blizzard needs is to completely disentangle themselves from the overarching plot, and instead focus on smaller zone specific plotlines that require little easing into or out of.
Doing this they can then take the lovely cinematics and general effort that goes into often doomed projects like the Sadfang cinematics, and instead put them into showing a ressurected Ragnaros blow up Blackrock Mountain. Or Feralas being attacked by a giant Botani.
Something that lets the writers really focus on writing solid stuff, and also let the greater development team do what they are the best at without needing to share the baggage of Sylvanas' botched speech about Arthas.
The world revamp dream will never die!