I have to wonder whether we will be seeing an anima sink in 9.2.5. already kinda weird that we have not gotten one already in 9.2, but I guess the intention is to use it on other covenants or even other alts.
The world revamp dream will never die!
Not really, I find this pretty cool. But not in a way of trying to fix the lore f*ck ups from Shadowlands.
I don’t know the NPCs off the bat but if they would have some lines that indicate that they’re Mal‘ganis would be even better and prove that they planned this. But I guess it’s just an afterthought without having been planned for years and years.
Maybe Jaina was Mal‘ganis too…
MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again
Why would you need both of these?
what the actual fuck are you talking about?- cross realm instances (confirmed) - I hope it will come with option to trade between H/A, this restriction make no sense anyway since WoD when auction house become cross faction
We just got 2 new arenas.- new arena (confirmed)
Scaling content up is a lot more complicated than scaling it down- Chromie time for 50-60
As far as we've seen, she doesn't "forgive" her. She just chooses a punishment other than immediate execution: Which is apparently the same as forgiveness to most people.
DRAGONMIRE BINGO2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of WarcraftFor Azeroth!
They already clarified it won't. You'll be able to trade raid loot with your group but thats it, as clarified by their "non-invasive" premise of maintaining faction integrity. Calling the current raid loot rules "instance-bound trading" is very weird. And they wrote "cross-realm instances" instances are already cross-realm. Server-grouping, etc?
Although I wish they had the realm & data center visiting FFXIV had, it would be hilariously scummy for WoW to add the ability to visit & group with any realm you wanted, immediately after selling "gratuitous mass-character transfer microtransactions"
Last edited by Ersula; 2022-03-12 at 04:43 PM.
Maybe small things but the stuff being claimed in the previous posts are rather a lot to slip past dataminers. Entire new buildings and mobs wouldn't go unnoticed. Also the patch was already on ptr and is now live, so this stuff still would have already been discovered ages ago if it was true.
Is it not the case that you have to be grouped with these non-same-faction people in order for this to work?
How then does what you said apply?
Did they specify "Only trading to members of your faction within the cross faction group"
Or "Only trading to members of your group?"
Neither compromise faction barriers.
And honestly, you're so full of shit.
Instance Bound Trading is an apt description of it.
DRAGONMIRE BINGO2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of WarcraftFor Azeroth!
Them knowing certain people and their visage implies that they have at one point in time or another impersonated or interacted with them. Unless they can now observe people from a distance as well, which would just add to the comical powers being ascribed to them.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
Leave it to the WoW community to overanalyze a nice and funny little throwback to old bosses by acting like it ruins the lore or is anything more than that.
Wasn't an issue when Paletress did it, why is it an issue now?
Yeah especially when you're wrong.
Except that its a loot system based on loot credit, and remains tradable when you leave or reset the instance. Making the "instance" part not a qualifier of the system at all.
You mean like, with their eyes?
If they could just observe people from a distance villy-nilly, then they may as well be practically omniscent as a species. That is something one should refrain from when it comes to writing antagonists, unless they are literal gods observing the struggles of mortals. You put yourself in a corner there as you make it practically unfeasible to mount a resinstance to their plans, because they could always prepare a counter-measure. While a good writer could deal with such villains, WoW simply does not have the format to make something satisfying out of that. At best you are stuck with a massive plothole whenever you do get the better of them.
You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.
Send me video footage proof of you acquiring Bind of Pick-Up raid loot items, and trading them with people who did not attend the instance with you.
You'll find that skyblue-text won't let you, and that only grouped players who attended the instance with you can be traded to.
I think to take it further, isn't it boss-specific? I've just assumed that part in particular, makes sense following the trend.
Who's member is so far down your throat that you aren't banned yet?
Last edited by Archmage Xaxxas; 2022-03-12 at 05:24 PM.
DRAGONMIRE BINGO2024 - 11.0 - The 10th Expansion - The 20th Anniversary of World of WarcraftFor Azeroth!