1. #28881
    Christ, we're back to "this class can't work for X reason or because I like Y class more"

    Anything can work, any justification can be made, it's absolutely stupid to argue anything on those grounds. The only plausible argument to make is why one thing could work better, but saying something can't work is absolutely stupid.

  2. #28882
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Dude you have nothing to support that a mount released after an announcement has something to do with the next expansion
    I thought we agreed that the next expansion is dragon-based correct?

    Then at the VERY least a Dragon mount should be a hint of said dragon-based expansion. You're simply dismissing it because it's mechanical.

    The artifact Demon Soul is a dragon artifact
    Actual demon souls aren’t
    Its a call-back to the original dragon soul.

    The pet was released later
    With the exact same skin as the Steamscale.

    Just take a breath and stop trying to force connections
    It's a mechanical dragon released at the end of an expansion filled with technology class and dragon hints. What connections do I need to force?

  3. #28883
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If you think the store mount is the only clue, you haven't been paying attention.
    No sorry, even in your ramblings I've never seen it hinted that GNOME ENGINEERS can make -actually- "authentic Dragon Souls"

    ARE YOU SERIOUSLY suggesting that Tinkers individually will be as powerful as the 5 Dragon Aspects combined!? AND then the power DW granted it when it became a Demon Soul?

    The fact that you just replied to my post there seriously shows just how completely unpracticed you are in the art of self doubt.
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  4. #28884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    No sorry, even in your ramblings I've never seen it hinted that GNOME ENGINEERS can make -actually- "authentic Dragon Souls"
    You do know that the original Demon/Dragon Soul was constructed by Goblin artificers/engineers led by a Goblin named Meklo correct?

  5. #28885
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Thank you to everyone for helping to push above 1500 pages to make my prediction true!

  6. #28886
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Honestly my bet would be way more on the Phoenix being an asset used in 10.0 than the steamscale dragon.

    Also, the story mount never really revealed the theme, just a model of a mob used in one zone. Manasaber wasn't Legion but something relating to Suramar, Dreamer wasn't SL related but just one subzone of one zone (Do the dragons even get used during questing? I cant remember). Closest we had IMO as a hint based on mounts were to 4 Falcosaurs in like 7.2 or something, having new dinos out of the blue hinting at trolls. But then again that was relating to troll zones, not a Faction War or Old Gods
    Honestly the steamscale has zero meaning

  7. #28887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    Christ, we're back to "this class can't work for X reason or because I like Y class more"

    Anything can work, any justification can be made, it's absolutely stupid to argue anything on those grounds. The only plausible argument to make is why one thing could work better, but saying something can't work is absolutely stupid.
    Eh... it's fair to say that given the history of Warcraft, some concepts make more sense than others. WoW classes in particular seem to require a high level of established lore before being implemented as classes.

  8. #28888
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    You do know that the original Demon/Dragon Soul was constructed by Goblin artificers/engineers led by a Goblin named Meklo correct?
    Yea you're right, Goblins really should get back to their Slave Roots.
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  9. #28889
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Honestly my bet would be way more on the Phoenix being an asset used in 10.0 than the steamscale dragon.
    Interesting... I thought we all agreed that dragons would be a major part of the next expansion. When did that change?

  10. #28890
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Honestly my bet would be way more on the Phoenix being an asset used in 10.0 than the steamscale dragon.

    Also, the story mount never really revealed the theme, just a model of a mob used in one zone. Manasaber wasn't Legion but something relating to Suramar, Dreamer wasn't SL related but just one subzone of one zone (Do the dragons even get used during questing? I cant remember). Closest we had IMO as a hint based on mounts were to 4 Falcosaurs in like 7.2 or something, having new dinos out of the blue hinting at trolls. But then again that was relating to troll zones, not a Faction War or Old Gods
    With the (probable) preorder mount though next xpac is going to have dragons play some bigger role most likely.

    Though there’s always the chance that the mount effects that were datamined isn’t for a preorder at all and is just another store mount or a mount from something in 9.2.5 akin to the chromie scenario in Legion or the cut Emerald Dreamway murder mystery in BfA.

    Unless there’s actual proof I missed saying that it’s actually a preorder mount.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  11. #28891
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Honestly my bet would be way more on the Phoenix being an asset used in 10.0 than the steamscale dragon.

    Also, the story mount never really revealed the theme, just a model of a mob used in one zone. Manasaber wasn't Legion but something relating to Suramar, Dreamer wasn't SL related but just one subzone of one zone (Do the dragons even get used during questing? I cant remember). Closest we had IMO as a hint based on mounts were to 4 Falcosaurs in like 7.2 or something, having new dinos out of the blue hinting at trolls. But then again that was relating to troll zones, not a Faction War or Old Gods
    The feathered dragons are only referenced in ONE world quest (where you mount them and shoot at incoming flying gorms) and in the wildshape delivery. Outside of that, they are just there in the labirynt part of Ardenweald and they are all agressive (not neutral).

  12. #28892
    The Lightbringer Nightshade711's Avatar
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    I am interested to see what the transmog set for the deluxe edition is. All datamining has found was a few encrypted wearables in a set.
    (Again assuming it’s for the deluxe edition/preorder)
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Chen isn't a Monk
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Uh Demon Hunters literally had an ability called Spellbreaker.

  13. #28893
    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Unless we have confirmation the new scarlet leader pushing the false heir is a guy
    It's possible that when they were refering to the heir of Lordaeron they weren't being totally literal: They were talking about Turalyon, the oldest living human of the Lordaeron aristocracy. The next question would be "what was the point of this storyline?" Why were they sowing dissonance within Stormwind? Was it to set up that the Alliance rejects Anduin post-shadowlands? That they prefer Turalyon as a leader? That would put the Alliance & Horde in an interesting juxtaposition: The Alliance, led by union of Light & Void with Turalyon & Alleria, and the Horde led by the union of Day & Night, with Lor'themar & Thalyssria.

  14. #28894
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Interesting... I thought we all agreed that dragons would be a major part of the next expansion. When did that change?
    If you read the rest of my post you could see that I am not saying that dragons aren't the major part, I am just saying that the phoenix is a model that they might use in a zone/part of a zone. The store mounts never gave the main plot away. That is where post announcement Deluxe Edition mounts come in (Which for now as far as we know for 10.0 is in fact and Emerald Drake). The Steamscale mount is not released in the current expansion to be used as a hint, and if you were to read all the descriptions of all mounts in the store you could pull many threads about possible expansions.

    And especially if you looked at store mounts descriptions that were part of the following expansion:

    Dreamer - Nothing to do with Shadowlands or Ardenweald (BfA)
    An artist in the magical city of Dalaran fell asleep on her brush, and dreamed of painting a beautiful feathered dragon. Her artwork lept from the page, and when she awoke, she found it sleeping gently beside her.
    Vulpine Familiar (BfA) - Nothing to do with Shadowlands or Ardenweald
    A fiercely intelligent and curious species, these fox-like creatures have traveled the Great Dark Beyond and found their way to Azeroth. Drawn to Azeroth's champions, they seek adventure and companionship.
    Mystic Runesaber (WoD)- This one is closest because it mentions the Nether. But Leylines are pretty much just a Suramar and a bit of Azsuna thing. Still not Burning Legion themed
    Infused with arcane power, the Mystic Runesaber has long been hidden by chaotic nether energies. Recently they have emerged from the shadows in search of ley lines to sate their thirst for magic.

    As for the 2 possible creatures used in 10.0:
    Sapphire Skyblazer - not native to azeroth?
    These brilliant blue birds burn brighter (and hotter) than their orange cousins, though the origin of both remains a mystery.

    In-Game Store:
    It's not quite certain why Sapphire Skyblazers flocked to Azeroth, but what's known for sure is that they burn brighter (and hotter!) than any avian to ever soar across the skies.
    Sunwarmed Furline - enemies of birds on Azeroth
    The presence of the giant felines heralds the beginning of the end for the birds of Azeroth.

    So based on this I guess the next expansion is steering away from Faction conflict and is Birds vs Cats (didn't one of the leaks claim a catlike race?) /s
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  15. #28895
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    They're mechanical dragons, thus they would be tied to a dragon expansion.
    But it's not a mount tied to any future expansion. That's the point.

    You're arbitrarily talking about a store mount that is unrelated to any future expansion. I mean you might as well start bringing up the Pirate ship mount and talking about that too, because it's got nothing to do with the future expansion tie in.

    There's only one mount and it's already datamined as being the one with the drakemountemerald_buff.

  16. #28896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    But it's not a mount tied to any future expansion. That's the point.
    And you know this how exactly?

    You're arbitrarily talking about a store mount that is unrelated to any future expansion.
    Any future expansion that we know of.

    There's only one mount and it's already datamined as being the one with the drakemountemerald_buff.
    There's a history of WoW mounts and pets foreshadowing future content. In this case, we have both a mount and a pet.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    If you read the rest of my post you could see that I am not saying that dragons aren't the major part, I am just saying that the phoenix is a model that they might use in a zone/part of a zone. The store mounts never gave the main plot away. That is where post announcement Deluxe Edition mounts come in (Which for now as far as we know for 10.0 is in fact and Emerald Drake). The Steamscale mount is not released in the current expansion to be used as a hint, and if you were to read all the descriptions of all mounts in the store you could pull many threads about possible expansions.
    The difference here is that we got both a mount and a pet utilizing the same skin. There is a history of WoW mounts showing aspects of future content, and we have a history of pets outright foreshadowing future content (Pandaren Monk Pet WotLK). As I said in another post, in the case of the mechanical dragons, not only do we have a mount and a pet, but they're connected because the pet is the companion to the mount.

  17. #28897
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    Eh... it's fair to say that given the history of Warcraft, some concepts make more sense than others. WoW classes in particular seem to require a high level of established lore before being implemented as classes.
    I know you aren't actually going to listen to what I say here, but they can create lore for any of these things at any time. Dev team changes hands, different concepts become popular, they can make whatever they want.

    "Monks" weren't a Warcraft 3 class, Brewmasters were, and outside of a joke pet and a quest, Pandaren were 0% established in WoW itself; over 95% of what WoW Monks are was created specifically within MoP. If there's even a nebulous concept and people like it, they'll work with it.

    You're gonna need to trust me on this, but it's not as cut and dry as you think.

    Besides, since your argument is typically against Bards, they can make direct references to the April Fools joke Bard if they want and go from there.
    Last edited by Zankai27; 2022-03-15 at 12:32 AM.

  18. #28898
    Quote Originally Posted by bagina View Post
    Beautiful. Just to put the final nail in the dragon coffin, all the stuff I posted was fake as well. Was gonna just do the one and done post, but got real lucky with the xfaction announcement so I figured I had to keep it going and made the stupid ms paint map, expecting that it would be laughed out of the thread. I made everything purposely boring to make it sound more realistic.

    I hope 10.0 blows all our pants off and makes everyone's leaks look bad.

  19. #28899
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zankai27 View Post
    I know you aren't actually going to listen to what I say here, but they can create lore for any of these things at any time. Dev team changes hands, different concepts become popular, they can make whatever they want.

    "Monks" weren't a Warcraft 3 class, Brewmasters were, and outside of a joke pet and a quest, Pandaren were 0% established in WoW itself; over 70% of what WoW Monks are was created specifically within MoP. If there's even a nebulous concept and people like it, they'll work with it.

    You're gonna need to trust me on this, but it's not as cut and dry as you think.
    Uh what? Pandaren got quite a bit of lore from WC3;

    Hailing from the secretive Pandaren Empire, the mighty brewmasters travel the world in search of exotic ales and the finest brewed spirits. These affable warriors rarely seek out danger or trouble, preferring instead to spend their time concocting new and tasty beverages for any brave enough to imbibe them. However, if attacked, the laughing brewmasters bring all of their pandaren agility and ferocity to bear! They even bring their beer to war! They are peerless warriors and world class drinkers all in one![1]

    A warrior Hero, the brewmasters of Pandaria have emerged from the bamboo forests of their ancestors to bring their unique fighting style (and robust ales) to the highest bidder
    That's just from the Brewmaster hero.

    Then there was this;


    Some of those items should look familiar.

    Also if you follow this link;


    And skip down to the RPG, you get a load of more lore about the Pandaren, and all of that was BEFORE MoP. Blizzard used quite a bit of lore from that and the Brewmaster RPG class to build the eventual monk class.

    BTW, there was no Bard hero in WC3, and no Bard class in the TTRPG.
    Last edited by Teriz; 2022-03-15 at 12:37 AM.

  20. #28900
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by therewillbedragons View Post
    Beautiful. Just to put the final nail in the dragon coffin, all the stuff I posted was fake as well. Was gonna just do the one and done post, but got real lucky with the xfaction announcement so I figured I had to keep it going and made the stupid ms paint map, expecting that it would be laughed out of the thread. I made everything purposely boring to make it sound more realistic.

    I hope 10.0 blows all our pants off and makes everyone's leaks look bad.
    Well, I would certainly say that today was a productive day indeed. We learned a lot about these "leaks" which can finally shine a light on some speculation. Excited for April 19th!

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