I like it more than the other fakes, i wouldn't mind if the actual expansion logo looked like that.
Unless you losers are talking about the quality of the fake then idk
I like it more than the other fakes, i wouldn't mind if the actual expansion logo looked like that.
Unless you losers are talking about the quality of the fake then idk
The world revamp dream will never die!
Doesn't look brown on my LGCX, it looks nice.
Also, the image itself is really low quality, so I think even it's the real deal it will come off as flat
edit: on my only shitty monitor it looks more bronze brown, but on my IPS display and my OLED it actually looks alright.
It is certainly more orange than brown, but that doesnt excuse how its horrendous to look at. It's too dull to be proper flames, and it's too dark to be sand or desert colored.
Maybe a bit more time in Photoshop trying to make it more of a pale yellow sand color, and some more vibrancy to the various elements to make them really stand out.
The world revamp dream will never die!
I don't think its supposed to be flames, just a gold sheen.
Formerly known as Arafal
Im sure the people in charge of making the logo look good thought "Ah its ok, it looks alright on this guys LGCX monitor, and looks like shit on everyone else's. ship it."
1500! Yes...yes...YES! One more page and we, indeed, will be closer to 2000 pages than 1000 pages by the time the announcement (April 19th) happens!
Furthermore, if we do get a real "leak" I am expecting it to come within a few days/weeks before April 19th. I remember the Shadowlands being leaked a week before Blizzcon. Ah, that was such a crazy time of speculation and HYPE. Everyone saw Lich King and went nuts! If we only knew...
you guys ok? Should we call your parents?