Yeah, I could see 5 a day. We might even get to 1800 or so, but I don't see anything above 2000 as even possible. Unless there is some big leak that we all agree is real.
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I wonder is Queen Azshara will play a part in the next expansion. Shes done with Old Gods, so I dont see her playing a big part in a void expansion. Im guessing she wants Azeroth's power.
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Eh, I think they would-be bosses, but I see the final boss of a dragon Isles expansion being Moruzond. He's very intellegent.
So were many other villains who ended up just having a "support" role, like Xavius, Azshara, Denathrius, Kel'thuzad, Kael'Thas, etc.
The Infinite Dragonflight has a unique role in the Story, because they can affect and alter timelines, which makes them a great asset to the Void/the dark powers they serve. I can imagine a scenario or long questline where the Infinite Dragonflight has to be dismantled, maybe even a mid-expansion raid about dismantling the Infinite Dragonflight, but it simply doesn't give me vibes that they are the "real deal", so to say.
Murozond himself, as a villain, only has ties to Nozdormu, since he is a twisted future version of Nozdormu.
Just tweeted by the official account.
As someone who doesn't really want a Tinker class, does this mean what I think it means?
The comment of "Did someone say Goblin Mode?" is a bit of an odd one. Not really sure what they're trying to say there.
Probably nothing. "Goblin Mode" is being reference in various articles over the last couple of days to describe work from home employees who have stopped getting dressed for work, showering, etc.
It would be an improvement to add another superfluous layer to the preexisting superfluity for the sake of a shocking swerve that ultimately does a little tiny bit to maybe tie things together?
I really don't see this as an improvement. Maybe if it were that the Primus had ulterior motives, I could understand it, but all that making the Primus be the secret puppetmaster behind Zovaal does is do exactly what everyone was already worried about—some other bad guy is manipulating Zovaal and everybody else through him. This kind of shocking swerve is unnecessary and exists only to "gotcha" a bored audience.
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Honestly, I still haven't managed to understand the whole "Kyrestia is bad" narrative—I definitely get that the Kyrian are mind-numbingly stupid beyond any reason because "le pattern le purpose le duty", but as far as I've seen it 100% makes sense to brainwash the Kyrians because otherwise a bunch of independent, possibly-malicious actors would make hasty decisions based on short-term emotional judgements of a person. It frankly would've been a better plotline to instead show what happens when something like that does happen and have people agree to stop trying to hijack nature for the sake of freedom, especially since it's rather hypocritical to be upset about failing a set of trials that are opt-in in a place which is also opt-in.
I think it actually just makes things look even more mind-numbingly dumb when they try to frame the whole Kyrian approach as "yeah, people getting to potentially make judgements about where people go after they die is totally the best system." When can people whose entire deal is their devotion to some lofty, higher ideal possibly ever make an incorrect or skewed judgement about someone who doesn't share that ideal?
Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2022-03-17 at 10:10 PM.
Essentially, the whole thing is founded on a misconception that convolution = smart. The plot is easy to understand, but not intuitive, which is a common mistake I've seen made—often, people will say that the plot makes no sense and others will mock them because they think it means they consider it too complex or too difficult to understand. In actuality, it's very simple in terms of how it flows, it's just that the way it moves is haphazard and the introduction of moving parts makes it too weighty. Everyone understands full well precisely what's going on (well, save for a few), but instead it simply becomes annoying when the plot is suddenly hijacked by "hah! Gotcha! This is the new baddie!"
The only time the increasingly-nonsensical sequence of shocking swerves actually worked was probably with the Dreadlord retcon, namely because it actually received reasonable foreshadowing and answered more questions than it raised—we went to meet a guy named Denathrius who transparently resembled a Nathrezim and shared many of their traits, and then we find these books and watch the mystery sort of unfold. Of course, the way we solve it is mind-numbingly stupid because it involves the assumption that everyone in Revendreth is a complete moron who can't see past their noses, but the buildup was good and the twist itself is good, even if the characters involved are stupid.
10.0 prepatch: Scarlet Rising
The recent events with Anduin and the other leaders has led to the perfect opportunity for the scarlet crusade to make their move. They have teamed up with a few familiar enemies in order to raise the true heir to lordaeron to the throne but their leader seems….different. Stop their assaults and use the currency from defeating the enemies to buy gear and other rewards
10.0: Launch
The scarlet crusade has revealed secrets that have led to a few changes in the alliance and the return of the black prince. Wrathion leads us to the dragon isles where he needs our assistance in uniting the factions of dragons. The twilight cult and scarlet crusade have made their way to the floating isles as well and we must discover their connection.
10.1: the infinite flight
Nozdormu is missing and Chromie has tracked him here with a message left behind saying “do…rescue…time’s….end…coming…isles” the time fragment has led the bronze flight here under Chromie’s supervision and led us to the time lost wastes. We find Nozdormu and he doesn’t remember sending any message but has found members of the infinite flight and is investigating. Nozdormu finds a time rip and prepares to sacrifice himself to seal it putting an end to the infinite flight by breaking the loop and plans on leaving Chromie as the next leader of the flight. Chromie is then taken hostage by moruzond and Nozdormu decides to save Chromie thus allowing the infinite to remain and now they can harness the rift. When Chromie asks why he did that Nozdormu replies “your future is the future of our flight” and then the rift turns him and multiple bronze dragons into the first of the infinite. The rift is then used to turn other bronze members.
10.2: Twilight Scales
The Twilight cult has succeeded in their goal. The heart of the Isles has given them the resources to revive the greatest dragon to ever be created…Chromatus. Chromatus is back better than ever with two extra heads and new void and death powers. His new form also grants the ability to appear as multiple mortals which must all be defeated in order to be killed and he aims for dominance over the isles by revealing he was the rulers of each faction including the black dragon behind the SCARLET CRUSADE?!?!?! Now we must put an end to him and the cult once and for all.
That’s all I got so far now just take it and remove all creativity and good twists then you’ll get Blizzard’s version of the concept
Actually, I'm going to further add to this because after thinking about it, the whole deal with Bastion makes no fucking sense. Firstly, why are people who would become Forsworn even going to Bastion at all? Wasn't the Arbiter supposed to be an absolutely-impartial and objective moral—well, arbiter? Assuming you have an inherent, absolute understanding of every single person you ever meet from an instantaneous glance, how could you possibly make the mistake of sending someone who wouldn't agree to the whole brainwashing shtick to Bastion?
In fact, drawing from that, why do they need to have trials in Bastion at all? There's already a trial that has determined plenty about if they're worthy to be a Kyrian—life. That's how an afterlife works. You're judged and you're sent to a place you're deemed worthy of—why would you go to Bastion if you aren't worthy of being there in the first place? It would be pretty easy to determine from a person's entire life history if they'd agree to give up their memories and history to become an impartial spiritual deliveryman. Why would the Arbiter send souls to Bastion if her observation didn't already confirm that they're absolutely worthy of being there?
We already see that the Arbiter can determine the value of memory—she sent Mograine to Maldraxxus precisely because his personality made him more suited for it and because his memories and history motivated him, as opposed to his devotion to ideological concepts. He was better suited to it for precisely the reasons that the Forsworn shouldn't have been sent to Bastion. Why did the Arbiter make that call correctly with him, but not with the Forsworn? I suppose it could simply be that they'd be better off without their memories but would simply refuse to have them expunged regardless, but even then that offers up the question of why the Arbiter would send them there when she would, as aforementioned, just know that they'd refuse anyway based on her analysis of their personality? It puts the Arbiter's nominally-perfect judgement far more into question than the function of Bastion or anywhere else.
Perhaps a better motive for the Forsworn could've been that they wanted to be interventionist, not that they wanted to keep their memories. Instead of being passive psychopomps, they want to actively intervene in the world of the living to pursue their agenda—they don't necessarily oppose the brainwashing and may even be more supportive of it to maximize their own impartiality, but instead their misunderstanding of the system comes about because they decide they want to LARP as Maldraxxus. They feel like they have the right to not only ferry people to the afterlife, but also to make judgements about the living, as well—they'd want to invade the living world and start meddling in its affairs to maximize abstract achievements of valor by any given civilization, and that would even tie better in to Uther casting Arthas into the Maw. Rather than simply presenting a motive to maintain his memories, it would instead motivate Uther and co. to intervene more when they come to believe that their passivity is a problem.
Whilst remaining objectively wrong, they would be far more sympathetic than a coterie of sore losers who couldn't pass their trials. They would misunderstand why they were sent to Bastion and confuse service there for service abroad, trying to shift their role from that of a passive bulwark to that of a spearhead, taking the role of Maldraxxus with personalities unsuited to it.
Or maybe Zovaal tried to create a new Shadowlands. I don't like that Zovaal's original role was the jailer because precisely Sargeras also had a jail (Mardum), and the similarities between Zovaal and Sargeras go too far (unless Blizzard wanted that).
I prefer to look Zovaal and Sargeras as opposites sides of the mirror:
- Sargeras defeated his family///Zovaal defeated by his family
- Sargeras created a jail /// Zovaal sought redemption for the true evils.
Last edited by KainneAbsolute; 2022-03-17 at 10:27 PM.
That makes no sense. Where would Chromatus get the new heads? Why would the Dragons use the Scarlet Crusade (well, save for them just being plain moronic)? Why would Nozdormu become Murozond just from being caught in a rift? Isn't it already established that the Infinites aren't """corrupted""" (in the Blizzard vernacular), but have an actual ideological motive underlying their behavior?
Interesting thing crossed my mind, we didn't see any Order or Chaos cosmic forces in Shadowlands, other cosmic forces are represented. I guess you could stretch the Dreadlords as Chaos presence but I don't think it is well since they originate from the Shadowlands and were just on a mission among Chaos forces.
Death is obvious.
Light is present in the form of Naaru in Revendreth.
Void invading Bastion.
Life in the form of Elune's magic.
But no Titan stuff for Order or demonic stuff for Chaos
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