and I thought I was the one in denial of lore. (I am.)
Playing by your rules, The First Ones are the new Order-dudes. Titans are out- insignificant, First Ones are in- big deal boys.
So how is it that the Order they put in place isn't Order?
The Titans are not the ultimate source or face of Order anymore, per Danuser-cult. Apparently you shouldn't expect anything from them anymore, and if Blizzard is to be believed on this one, Sepulcher is then actually the nail in the Titan's coffin.
"See this?? Yea that Titan stuff you saw about making robots actually came from here. Nevermind the naming scheme of the Forge of Afterlives btw.. Total coincidence to the uh.. Forge of Wills.. Forge of Origination.. Oh and Zovaal, a big robot dude, made the Forge of Souls! but again don't think about the Titans.."