1. #29621
    and I thought I was the one in denial of lore. (I am.)

    Playing by your rules, The First Ones are the new Order-dudes. Titans are out- insignificant, First Ones are in- big deal boys.

    So how is it that the Order they put in place isn't Order?

    The Titans are not the ultimate source or face of Order anymore, per Danuser-cult. Apparently you shouldn't expect anything from them anymore, and if Blizzard is to be believed on this one, Sepulcher is then actually the nail in the Titan's coffin.

    "See this?? Yea that Titan stuff you saw about making robots actually came from here. Nevermind the naming scheme of the Forge of Afterlives btw.. Total coincidence to the uh.. Forge of Wills.. Forge of Origination.. Oh and Zovaal, a big robot dude, made the Forge of Souls! but again don't think about the Titans.."
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  2. #29622
    On the Scarlet Crusade:
    Ah, okay then.

    You know, the one thing I liked about this expansion is that there is no longer either a Lich King nor a need for one. Blizzard usually tries too hard to prevent any villain from being defeated permanently, and frankly the longer they do that, the longer it strains credibility about any of them. I know some will say that a story is nothing without its villain, but there's also no point in telling a story that covers the exact same beats and exact same conflicts as the one that was already told.
    Last edited by Jokubas; 2022-03-17 at 11:18 PM.

  3. #29623
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Padwarle View Post
    Zorbrix tweeted earlier about builds, so I think it's safe to say that 9.2.5 will be on PTR rather soon.
    Yeah, this is on WoWtools under most recent updates for today's date. "Pre-emptive 9.2.5 update"

  4. #29624
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    Instead of blowing off the link to proof I provided why not check it out?

    I'm not the one saying the Shadowlands have "Order" in them on my own, the concept art began with that in mind:
    I remember saying this & being shot down. I kept pointing out that like the Emerald Dream might be adjacent to the Life Sphere, its not actually part of it. The same goes for the Shadowlands & the Death Sphere. The Emerald Dream, the mortal plane & the Shadowlands are separate from the 6 spheres in the cosmology chart. These three make up "the Great Cycle" and only existed after the Ordering of the Universe.

  5. #29625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Padwarle View Post
    Zorbrix tweeted earlier about builds, so I think it's safe to say that 9.2.5 will be on PTR rather soon.
    Furthermore, this just got posted as well. https://classic.wowhead.com/news/sea...-on-ptr-326385

  6. #29626
    Having a brain fart here, but have they ever released a PTR on a Thursday?
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  7. #29627
    Herald of the Titans Graden's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Recent pamphlets and the mention of them having the Menethil heir
    They also can use the hatred for the horde and blame Anduin and house Wrynn. Plus the leader talked about using monsters so they could align themselves with mutual enemies
    I was always a fan of Scarlets. It'd be nice to see them return, hopefully with a joinable option this time.

  8. #29628
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Undermine expansion confirmed.
    I will say that, while I find this unlikely, if they did an Undermine expansion and DIDN'T give us a Tinker class, even I would be pissed.

  9. #29629
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    I will say that, while I find this unlikely, if they did an Undermine expansion and DIDN'T give us a Tinker class, even I would be pissed.
    That would be rather meanspirited of Blizzard to do that. Too meanspirited to deny that crushing people's hopes wasn't the intention.
    On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.

  10. #29630
    Quote Originally Posted by The Stormbringer View Post
    I will say that, while I find this unlikely, if they did an Undermine expansion and DIDN'T give us a Tinker class, even I would be pissed.

    So far, they've seemed content with technology being something literally anyone can do with some knowledge, rather than the domain of a specific combat class. I think it's as likely they'd implement a new iteration of the junkyard tinkering from Mechagon as an expansion long system as they would an actual Tinker class. It would be very easy to roll covenant-esque systems and storylines into that. You chose goblin/gnome/etc. There's a tinkering workshop where you can unlock various gadgets, bombs, world effects (like Mechagon, Zereth Mortis) as well as mounts and cosmetics (Covenants). Combat things are duplicated between the sides but reskinned. Engineers get greater effects, reduced cooldowns, etc.
    Last edited by Hitei; 2022-03-17 at 11:58 PM.

  11. #29631
    That idea of Gnomish and Goblin Engineering Covenants made me wonder..

    Could it be worth really reading through the April Fools Patch Notes this year before the 19thto find a clue to 10.0? Would they dare?
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  12. #29632
    Reforged Gone Wrong The Stormbringer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post

    So far, they've seem content with technology being something literally anyone can do with some knowledge, rather than the domain of a specific combat class. I think it's as likely they'd implement a new iteration of the junkyard tinkering from Mechagon as an expansion long system as they would an actual Tinker class. It would be very easy to roll covenant-esque systems and storylines into that. You chose goblin/gnome/etc. There's a tinkering workshop where you can unlock various gadgets, bombs, world effects (like Mechagon, Zereth Mortis) as well as mounts and cosmetics (Covenants). Combat things are duplicated between the sides but reskinned. Engineers get greater effects, reduced cooldowns, etc.
    That wouldn't be too bad, I guess. Though if it wasn't an evergreen system, or in other words, if it went away at the end of the expansion, they can shove it.

  13. #29633
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    That idea of Gnomish and Goblin Engineering Covenants made me wonder..

    Could it be worth really reading through the April Fools Patch Notes this year before the 19thto find a clue to 10.0? Would they dare?
    Pandaren->Pandaria aside, has that ever been a thing?

  14. #29634
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    Pandaren->Pandaria aside, has that ever been a thing?
    New female draenei joke maybe? though honestly I forget if WoD was already announced at that point.

    but I'm specifically thinking in regards to the fact that our expansion reveal falls uniquely close to April Fools this time around, and you could throw some wild bones in that blue post for the 2 and half week wait left.
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  15. #29635
    Quote Originally Posted by Archmage Xaxxas View Post
    New female draenei joke maybe? though honestly I forget if WoD was already announced at that point.

    but I'm specifically thinking in regards to the fact that our expansion reveal falls uniquely close to April Fools this year, and you could throw some wild bones in that blue post for the 2 and half week wait left.
    I don't think they would. Just because they'd have to deal with the fallout of "LITERALLY AN APRIL FOOLS' DAY JOKE!" like they did with MoP.

    Maybe if they could find something that they were sure would be universally liked when implemented, but also wouldn't piss people off in the interim where it seemed like just a joke. Something like "-added winter effects to some zones" "-removed added winter effects due to complaints that fire mage players were having trouble warming up".
    Last edited by Hitei; 2022-03-18 at 12:11 AM.

  16. #29636
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    They just announced ZA for TBC Classic a few minutes ago

    - - - Updated - - -

    New Classic SoM AND TBC Classic news tonight. Retail INC??

  17. #29637
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    They just announced ZA for TBC Classic a few minutes ago

    - - - Updated - - -

    New Classic SoM AND TBC Classic news tonight. Retail INC??
    The expansion reveal is 4/19, and then a mobile Warcraft game announce in May

  18. #29638
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by choom View Post
    The expansion reveal is 4/19, and then a mobile Warcraft game announce in May
    You completely missed what I was saying. 9.2.5 PTR, nothing relating to 10.0

  19. #29639
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    They just announced ZA for TBC Classic a few minutes ago

    - - - Updated - - -

    New Classic SoM AND TBC Classic news tonight. Retail INC??
    Probably next week

  20. #29640
    The Lightbringer Izalla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vakir View Post
    Attached video source is basic bitch, but it's still the best, and I never miss a chance to sing the praises of it.

    Pretty much exactly how it would make sense to see 95% of the Warcraft villains to see us. Should all of them do it? Nah, that'd get old just like the 80s Saturday Day Morning Cartoon schtick they have going now. But it would be nice to see it, and you're on point that the most appropriate would be the Old Gods/Void Lords.
    I'm always just reminded of how in Diablo II the only time Diablo talks to you is when you summon him to fight him and then all he says is "not even death can save you from me." Until then you are so unimportant to him he doesn't give a shit that you're following him. The obstacles he placed in your path are not for you, they are for anyone who would attempt to follow him just so that he doesn't have to be bothered by your interference. The one time you think you've caught him he just casually strolls away from you and then poofs into a bunch of those flesh beasts. He is just utterly unconcerned by you.

    And then in Diablo III he taunts you constantly and you reply telling him how much you are gonna beat his ass and then you beat his ass and it isn't satisfying and he wasn't scary.
    give up dat booty
    Quote Originally Posted by Pendra View Post
    For the matriarchy.

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