1. #281
    Quote Originally Posted by GhostPanini View Post
    My two cents on the major patches, I have no idea what the x.5 patches will be though.

    9.1: The Jailer unleashes his plan, and we go to a new place to get more anima/allies. I am thinking Broker home world. New raid with Kel'Thuzad as a boss.
    9.2:The Jailer's plan is starting to take its toll on the shadow lands so we go fight with Sylvanis and Tyrande kills her. This is bad because she was trying to free all of us(I know this is dumb but the way things are heading it seems that way). With Sylvanis dead the Jailer moves to a new realm to seek revenge on the first ones or whatever he is mad at.
    9.3 We follow the Jailer and end up fighting with Anduin, but Arthas shows up and takes his power from Andy boy and jails the jailer but the jailer's plan messes with the realm of light. Blizzard really likes their bad guys to sacrifice themselves to stop a greater evil.

    The light finally had enough the shit Azerothians do, so the send its armies to kill us for 10.0

    Note this isn't what I want to happen, just what I think will.
    I'm sure we'll deal with the Light and Shadow stuff next expac. Idk about "rejailing the Jailer" or "Arthas messing with the realm of light" shit at all tbh. But I doubt it'll happen.

    We still also have to finish off the Ardenweald plot, btw. Ya know? The one regarding the Drust, the Female Dreadlord, and the realm of Life?

  2. #282
    Void Lord Aeluron Lightsong's Avatar
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    In some Sanctuaryesque place or a Haven
    Quote Originally Posted by RemasteredClassic View Post
    I speculate it will be fun for 1 week and boring for 1 year.

    I have uninstalled WoW for the first time since vanilla. Kept switching to other games so much in-between the one hour a week of me touching boreghast that it no longer made sense for WoW to be on my hard drive and keep the sub.

    Currently playing BDO for art style and combat as a waiting game while looking forward to New World, Outriders, Crimson Desert, PSO2 NG for 2021 and OW2, POE2 and Blue Protocol...etc for 2022.
    Then why are you even here?
    #TeamLegion #UnderEarthofAzerothexpansion plz #Arathor4Alliance #TeamNoBlueHorde


  3. #283
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    What if Mueh'zala escapes and kills Bwonsamdi? And then Vol'jin (Who I hope will be awakened by then) throws a fit and brutally murders Mueh'zala, and kills him forever?

    Or... Mueh'zala just escapes and Bwonsamdi freaks out and loses some souls or something? I really hate the tought of him dying

    Just a few thoughts that have been at the back of my head lol
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  4. #284
    Elemental Lord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aeluron Lightsong View Post
    Then why are you even here?
    Addiction and/or asking for attention, we both know that.

  5. #285
    I think next patch we will be dealing with mind controlled Anduin as the main story arch for 9.1 (Leading to him maybe being a boss in Maw Raid later on) This will most likely also give us a new zone with daily quests , new rep and such. I think the most imminent threat we have is from the mawsworn so im guessing that giant Kyrian temple that is in the distance from Spires, which looks to be in the direction of the citadel of loyalty, will be the next raid where we take them out and learn more about the Jailers master plan and maybe more about Sylvannas ultimate scheme..

    As for future beyond that, assuming we will have a kel'thuzad raid, Drust raid and then finally Maw raid maybe with a smaller 2-3 boss filler raid somewhere in between, i do like those raids personally!

    Had a couple conversations about what future expansions could be, there are a few ideas i have heard. Dragon Isles, Void Realm, Light Realm, Centre of Azeroth with Nerubian Empire but to be honest the past 2 expansions have kind of come out of nowhere so i think we will all be surprised with what comes next

  6. #286
    Are we expecting Nathria to last until what? End of April? Done Heroic but we don't have the 20 man good enough for Mythic.
    Quote Originally Posted by Firedemon View Post
    No. On these forums any updates mean an expansion hint.
    Wrathin comes back? Dragon expansion clearly!
    LK part of a quest? Wotlk 2 clearly!
    Sylvanas working with a death master? Shadowlands clearly!

    At the point we're headed for Wrath of the Shdowlands Dragon Isles Lich and tinkers.

  7. #287
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiradon View Post
    Are we expecting Nathria to last until what? End of April? Done Heroic but we don't have the 20 man good enough for Mythic.
    Sounds about correct. PTR usually lasts roughly 5 weeks, which could put its release at the end of March if we further assume PTR opens after Blizzconline.
    Then we have 4 weeks of waiting for the raid to open.

    I wouldn't stress too much about how long we have to wait until the next raid, especially if you have already completed your guilds main goal. Just have a slow de-escalation of raid activity until the next raid opens to give your guildies a break and recharge for the next one, raiding continuously is a surefire way to have everyone burn out.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  8. #288
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Sounds about correct. PTR usually lasts roughly 5 weeks, which could put its release at the end of March if we further assume PTR opens after Blizzconline.
    Then we have 4 weeks of waiting for the raid to open.

    I wouldn't stress too much about how long we have to wait until the next raid, especially if you have already completed your guilds main goal. Just have a slow de-escalation of raid activity until the next raid opens to give your guildies a break and recharge for the next one, raiding continuously is a surefire way to have everyone burn out.
    Yeah I'm just doing keys at this point..
    Quote Originally Posted by Firedemon View Post
    No. On these forums any updates mean an expansion hint.
    Wrathin comes back? Dragon expansion clearly!
    LK part of a quest? Wotlk 2 clearly!
    Sylvanas working with a death master? Shadowlands clearly!

    At the point we're headed for Wrath of the Shdowlands Dragon Isles Lich and tinkers.

  9. #289
    La la la la~ LemonDemonGirl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tiradon View Post
    Yeah I'm just doing keys at this point..
    Same, but with a little bit of RP and running Mythic BoD thrown in
    I don't play WoW anymore smh.

  10. #290
    so we get 5 more weeks until max renown
    possibly 5 weeks until the 9.1 tie in event if they do one??
    makes it march 16th
    9.0.5 also got pushed and nobody knows what it actually is
    lets say launch of 9.1 happens in april which would make 5 months of 9.0 about right and allows renown catch up

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by lozza View Post
    I think next patch we will be dealing with mind controlled Anduin as the main story arch for 9.1 (Leading to him maybe being a boss in Maw Raid later on) This will most likely also give us a new zone with daily quests , new rep and such. I think the most imminent threat we have is from the mawsworn so im guessing that giant Kyrian temple that is in the distance from Spires, which looks to be in the direction of the citadel of loyalty, will be the next raid where we take them out and learn more about the Jailers master plan and maybe more about Sylvannas ultimate scheme..

    As for future beyond that, assuming we will have a kel'thuzad raid, Drust raid and then finally Maw raid maybe with a smaller 2-3 boss filler raid somewhere in between, i do like those raids personally!

    Had a couple conversations about what future expansions could be, there are a few ideas i have heard. Dragon Isles, Void Realm, Light Realm, Centre of Azeroth with Nerubian Empire but to be honest the past 2 expansions have kind of come out of nowhere so i think we will all be surprised with what comes next
    next patch is definitely us assaulting the maw
    probably a quest to get rid of the eye of the jailer
    setting up footholds
    assaults similar to the 8.1 assaults
    new rep for the covenants teaming up
    new covenant storylines including
    kael redemption
    reclaiming the house of the chosen
    uther redemption
    finding more night warriors
    new soulbinds
    more soul bind rows
    maw raid with the results of sylvanas and anduin's encounter possibly killing nathanos again or finding out why he wasnt present
    new leggos
    maybe new dungeon

  11. #291
    i really really really hope 10.0 turns wow on its head and does MAJOR changes, becuase if not, then fk retail, will never be good again untill the next gen mmo comes out

  12. #292
    Quote Originally Posted by lolmmofuture View Post
    i really really really hope 10.0 turns wow on its head and does MAJOR changes, becuase if not, then fk retail, will never be good again untill the next gen mmo comes out
    what major changes??

    the only competitor i see breaking WoW is star citizen but thats 10 years out

  13. #293
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    what major changes??

    the only competitor i see breaking WoW is star citizen but thats 10 years out
    Every time some new middling MMO comes out, everyone thinks it's the definitive WoW-killer, then it dies out in like three years.

  14. #294
    Quote Originally Posted by zantheus1993 View Post
    what major changes??

    the only competitor i see breaking WoW is star citizen but thats 10 years out
    I dont see how Star Citizen is remotely a competitor to WoW?

  15. #295
    Quote Originally Posted by Makorus View Post
    I dont see how Star Citizen is remotely a competitor to WoW?
    Because it is a video game that exists, and if a video game exists and has any multiplayer features at all, someone will call it the inevitable WoW-killer at some point.

  16. #296
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    Because it is a video game that exists
    Or so people say. I think it's more of a tumor, really.

  17. #297
    Warchief Progenitor Aquarius's Avatar
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    Have you guys ever wondered about Sylvanas choice? What will happen to Anduin? I saw something on Youtube. Is she going to kill him or what?

  18. #298
    Revamped Stormwind textures are apparently in. Though they may not actually be new textures?


  19. #299
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagawithlegs View Post
    Revamped Stormwind textures are apparently in. Though they may not actually be new textures?

    O.M.G. Don't play with my heart like this!

  20. #300
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagawithlegs View Post
    No, we just know she's searching for a throne somewhere that isn't N'zoth's Black Empire. She could easily ally with N'zoths handlers or Xalatath.

    It's very likely that Night Elves are EVENTUALLY going to get their fight with Azshara that's been a long time in the running. Shandris was the temporary stand-in for Nazjatar, but if Azshara is continuing to be an antagonist then it's likely they will shift gears and have her fight the Night Elves.

    Considering the hints that Night Elf areas are getting a rework, plus all the Cata 2 foreshadowing, I think it's very likely that Azshara will be the main antagonist on Kalimdor while the Light (Turalyon, Lothraxion, Scarlets, Lightbound/Garrosh2/Yrel) attack the EK. Light on one continent, Void on the other. Void fits Kalimdor more due to the shamanistic elements tie (see: Twilight Cult) as well as Azshara, who is an enemy of both trolls and night elves, and the many many highborne ruins there.

    We may also see Magatha as a major antagonist behind the element stuff and Baine will finally kill her (as a conclusion to his Cata 1 arc).

    tl;dr: Azshara may be the "face" of a Void invasion of Kalimdor in a Cata 2 expansion.

    (On another note, the fact that we're seeing a resurgence of Cata-era focused characters like Voss, Baine, Gallywix, Moira and others points to a likely Cata 2 IMO)
    Why would she ally with them specifically? She's not a servant of the void. She's a servant of herself and only herself. If the titans promised her power without being a slave she would totally join them. Especially after what Nzoth did, she has LITERALLY no allegiance to the void specifically and if anything would stay away from or be against the void now. She only joined Nzoth because she had no other choice and even then leveraged said choice.

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