Tyrande's storyline was a pretty on-the-nose illustration of the theme they were going for with Sylvanas. Sylvanas' thirst for vengeance led her down this path, a path that without repentance would lead to her destruction. And Tyrande took a bargain of Vengeance that would literally kill her if she completed it. So they both decide to let go of that Vengeance.
Technically we don't know the formal ending of these plotlines because the actual conclusion is next week.
Challenge Mode started in MoP.
I really enjoyed WoD, so just let go this idea that more content means good content.
Last edited by Ersula; 2022-03-22 at 09:18 PM.
Well, good news, these arguments combined with 9.2.5 datamining are rapidly pushing the page count. Hoping to hit 2000 asap
Maybe we will be getting a kind of "care package" for all races in 2.5? Dark Iron are getting a questline(?) and mount and heritage weapons, Blood Elves are getting a questline and mount and Blood Knight armor (that you don't need PVP for), Forsaken are likely getting a questline and would definitely get a mount.
Either that or it's exclusively Eastern Kingdom races, which means we would be getting Humans, Bronzebeard Dwarves and Gnomes next.
Could it be??
"You know you that bitch when you cause all this conversation."
Wrath and TBS were raid or die. You had a very small amount of daily quests and aside from professions, that was it. It was fantastic for the time, but any expansion before MoP or Legion doesnt compare to the level of content of any modern WoW expansion. Even WoD and Cata had more outdoor world content than Wrath and previous.
Let's touch on just what we see so far.
A mini season of mastery with timewalking themed dungeons from past expansions? Check.
A potential invasion involving past villains? Check.
Return to the Burning Crusade Orphan? Check.
Reliving Quel'thas being invaded by the scourge? Check.
For the first build, which are generally pretty scant, we check a lot off that list, and the major system, the 9.2.5 season 4 season of mastery thing is the big one for me.
A hell of a guess.
Gotta disagree there. If you swapped out the four covenant races for four Azeroth races (let's say Sethrak, Ankoan, Hozen, Taunka) and had the expansion take place on Tel'Abim while still keeping the same long wait for new content, the same endgame style from Korthia/ZM, the same Domination Shard loot style & the like...I'm pretty sure it would still be hated. While the setting is part of the issue, I'd argue it's at least as much gameplay & systems as setting.