Any underground zones would be good, it's one concept they haven't really explored unless you count those Nerubian dungeons or Deepholm.
Any underground zones would be good, it's one concept they haven't really explored unless you count those Nerubian dungeons or Deepholm.
You don't think Blizzard artists could create a wide variety of Goblin-themed and general underground zones? I think you are underestimating their talents.
In addition, the lore states that there are portions of Undermine that are glassed areas where you can see the ocean around you. So I doubt you get an entire landmass that resembles Dalaran sewers.
I'm stilling thinking it's Dragon Isles but I did just gain more hype for Kezan stuff.
Yeah, anyone who thinks Blizzard artists can't come up with great concepts for underground areas really should check out the art from that expansion.
I believe it'll be a combination of both concepts; Dragon Isles and Undermine due to the subtle connections between Goblins and Dragons.
I'm thinking more "Mechanic" than "Tinker", since Tinkers in their traditional incarnation would be too hard to take seriously—this would also expand it to Dwarves, Dark Iron and Mag'har. They could inherit abilities but be more industrial than just robots and rockets and whathaveyou (whilst maintaining those things in spades).
Last edited by AOL Instant Messenger; 2022-03-24 at 05:52 PM.
Well sure, but a Goblin-themed area would be different from a Goblin-themed continent. Blizzard artists would know innately that they would have to vary up the landmass to keep player interest. They would do that by pulling from several sources. Under no circumstances would they put out a new landmass with multiple zones that have similar appearances and themes throughout. Further, Goblins are unpredictable, inventive, and incredibly greedy. From those racial cues you can really pull out a lot of different ideas for zones.
I'd think it would go the other way, though it would still be expanded to most races. Tinker as the class name, Mechanic as one of the specs. Marketing wise, more people know of Tinkers as a fantasy trope whereas a name like Mechanic tends to be tied more into parts of a raid fight ("This is the fire mechanic, stay out of the circles.") Plus, they've been known as Tinkers since back in WC3.
I think this needs to be said, even with "cosmic" stuff it all boils down to doing menial tasks for lowly NPCs like collecting slimes. It was no different in Shadowlands. Blizzard shouldn't do cosmic stuff because they never actually reach the "cosmic" part, the scope is always so small. They always turn it into circus with the trite shit that just trivializes the supposed "cosmic" threats.
The goblins who run the zeppelin systems, eternally jealous of the gnomes' engineering skills, try to pass the Deeprun Tram off as a rumor and a myth to members of the Horde, who will probably never see it for themselves, as evidenced by comments made by Hin Denburg.
Will it?
Bad impulse control. I held off on SL but knew i’d play it no matter how bad it was so I bought it, but this was a month before actual release.
Wonder how they’re going to bait into purchasing this time. Datamined mount (emerald dragon?) and an unknown outfit are the clues we have.
I don't see why not; main centers of population in Undermine are in volcanic caverns beneath Kezan. Secondary island caverns exist farther away, and the goblins have constructed tunnels of thick glass that lead to these smaller areas. Passing through these tubes means walking along the ocean's floor and looking out to see the colorful fish and hungry sharks nearby.[12]