1. #31321
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    oh damn, I missed that, thanks for sharing
    Poor Marlamin, I hope things pick up for them soon.

  2. #31322
    What happened to the parrot friend????

  3. #31323
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    You know, every single race has at least 1 or more classes that heavily align with that race's values, culture and lore that let's players emerse in such fantasies or be like certain lore figures

    Human: mages, warriors, paladins, DKs

    Dwarves: hunters, shamans

    Nelves: druids, hunters, hell even mages(highborn), DH

    Draenie: priests, paladins

    Worgen: druids, warriors

    KT humans: shaman, druids, priests, mages

    Velvet: mages, warlocks, priests, hunters

    LFD: paladins, priests

    DID: sam as regular dwarves

    Orcs: warriors, shamans, warlocks

    Troll: hunter, shaman

    Taurean: druids, shaman, hunters

    Forsaken: death knights, rogues, hunters

    Blood elves: hunter, mage, warlock

    Pandaren: Monk

    Maghar: warrior, shaman

    Zanda: shaman, priest

    NB: mages, warlocks

    HMT: see taurean

    Vulpera: rogues, hunters

    Now obviously combos not included here are viable as well but there's just something about those that resonate well given the lore.of.each race and significant lore figures.

    Now can you say mechagnomes, gnomes, and gobs have the same? Nearly every single significant lore gnome, gob, and MG is a tinker. This is partly why their pop numbers are low.

    Not a single player for those races can truly play as what those races embody, mechanical inginuity.

    Tinkers are the last archetype wow needs to feel complete when it comes to playable classes. No other class can fill in that void.
    While I agree with gap in class fantasy of tinkers, I do not agree with race definition combos. For me - its more for overall aestetics+lore+actual class fantasy.

    My list more "classic" and for some people - lame and boring, but - its still prefered option for me. And for ref - its all MY opinion. A looong opinion.

    Humans - Paladin (Northshire is in fact abbey - so its natural for paladins to start here, plus human tendency for church, knights, and other high fantasy things), DK (dead paladins, you know, old fantasy of DKs) and for a bit less - Mages (probably Dalaran refugees). For warriors - paladin is more like warrior with Light for me, so why stop myself with some buffs?

    Dwarfs - warrior. Heritage quest was about Mountain Kings, great deal of warrior skills comes from Muradin. Avatar, Clap, SBolt. For hunter is a bit less, bc hunters are mere riflemans while warrior is champion for their people. Dwarfs was born to wear plate armour, wield axes and hammers. But that rifleman from classic cinematic was cool, I agree.
    Some may say about shamans, but its more Wildhummer thing, and for player - you are Ironforge dwarf, not Wildhummers. But real hero of Ironforge imo is warrior.

    NE - druids and hunters. probably most 50\50 choise. Druid is made for NE, shaped for NE, class sets (most of it) is intended to use for NE. Even skills and talent made with NE in mind. Not worgens, not trolls or kultirans. NE and their slaves - taurens druids.
    Hunters, while not so prominent and flashy, are too iconic to NE too. Archery is a key fragment of their fantasy. Wilds, animals - all of that.
    Than we have DH. Not so iconic comes against race fantasy, but as only choice for Alliance - ok.
    And finally - priest. While moonpriests are solid fantasy behind them - priest as class in modern wow are not moonpriests. Too yellow, too Naaru-centric to be proper moonpriests. and they dont wear a bow, you know.

    Gnomes and their disabled mates mechagnomes- and here we have a hole. They are too tach based race to be any other class but tinkers. a bit less come Mage, in a name of their huge minds. But - their minds are more about machinery, robots and guns. Heritage armour, Gelbin, even mounts and pets are all - mechabased. And for me - they are too kind to be warlocks.

    Draenei - Oh, its not a simple task. To me - its paladin. Mounts, sets, weapons, history. All scream about paladins. But we have some minus in that theory. Draenei are too Naaru-centric. That crystals, Naaru ships, all of that. And what class is most Naaru-centric? Its priest. Oh, and their leader is priest. Hope in a future with heritage questline I can define that question. And before that - their allies - Lightforged. That a paladin for sure. No other class couldn't be more definitive to that race.
    So my call - Lightforged paladins and original ones - paladin too, with close call of priests. Still hopes for future ofc.

    Worgens - another hole. On one side - fur(r)y warriors. Anger, fury, flurry of strikes. But - worgens fights with their claws, not weapons. And are more agile and fast that armoured juggernauts warriors.
    Another thing is rogue. Fast, stealthy, agile. Duelists and nobles. Gun and rapier. But again - not their claws, just daggers and sword+guns.
    To me - more rogue than warrior, but with there can be some skin/talent/glyph to unarmed fight.

    Pandarens are ofc monks.

    VE - warlock, with mage close second. Lets look in similarities with them - forbidden knowlenge, shadow spells, banish, edgy as fuck. That I describe - warlock or VE? So my call - warlock, aff in particular.

    DID - warriors, warriors, warriors. Some may say shaman - lava stuff, fire elemental. But I say - DID have nothing to do with balance of elements and lightning. And for mages - they are too militarictic for that. Some DID can be mages, even their emperator was mage. But - definition of DID is forge, plate and hummers. So - warrior.

    Kul-tirans. Warriors. Too bulky for rogues, too civilised to druids and shamans. Seapriests without water, heh. No, its warriors all along.

    For Horde

    Orcs - warrior and shaman. Warr thing I`ll not discuss, its pretty evident. Shaman - a bit less, but to iconic, as NE Archers or human dk/paladins. Ench is created for orcs and for Thrall.

    Forsaken - another bit of a hole. Warlock is too iconic to ignore, but forsaken are not demonmasters. Another (non-canonic for now, I believe) shot is shadowpriests. Church of Forgotten Shadow, you know?
    But most iconic archetype for them is alchemist. Poisons, flasks, acids. Maybe most iconic call is assa rogue. Necromancers are a bit less, bc forsaken fights against new undead, and not more.

    Taurens - Totem at back, city is totem, street light is totem. Their religion is balance of all thing, and their ancestors. Cant be anyone that shamans. Druids as pupets for NE.

    Trolls - hunters and shamans. Shamans miss some voodoo skins and spells aside of hex, and hunters dont throw spears or axes (why Blizz, why?). Shadow hunters are not a playable class - and its a mix of hunter+rogue+shaman. So in current game mechanic is unreachable.

    BE - Mage and Paladin. Mage as most prominent fire mages in franchise, paladins for that blood knight quests and Light(Sun)well. For lore reasons Ill say paladin, but for myself - i leveled a mage.

    Goblins - same thing as gnomes. To tech-based to be anyone that tinkers. But for goblins - they have stong vibe to rogues, with all of that robery, stealing and bribery.

    Nightborne - arcane mage, arcane mage. And no other.

    Mooses - surv hunters. Spec was reworked to them. And maybe shamans.

    Maghars - warriors (same as original orcs) and hunters (just look at their racials and aestetics)

    Zandalari - paladins. Paladins - zealots with their faith made it more, but ingame paladins are too human centric, while druids are too NE centric. DKs are same as paladins - too human to be right choise. And with all of that - I`d choose paladin in believing for some race customize in a future.

    Vulpera - fur pillow for orgies ok, ok - I never liked them as playable, but for me - its rogues with a little shaman thing.

  4. #31324
    Quote Originally Posted by Kiivar86 View Post
    Don't know if it counts as a "continent" precisely (I wouldn't count Kezan as one either though), but Tel'abim.
    It's more or less just a collection of zones belonging to a single expansion. So for the context of the discussion, the Shadowlands are a "continent".

  5. #31325
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    I was more asking if, after the Suramar cloak and KT questing set, they continued that pattern with some armor item in 8.3 that has a very firm connection to Shadowlands. Because then presumably there'd also be one in either 9.2 or 9.2.5
    I'd say the Lordaeron shield was plenty enough, and that's one of many reasons I'm hedging my bets in that corner—not to say that I'm certain, of course. There's no way of telling for sure, and I won't be making an ass of myself by refusing to err on the side of caution, but my intuition definitely leans with a world revamp or at least a Lordaeron expansion.

  6. #31326
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I'd say the Lordaeron shield was plenty enough, and that's one of many reasons I'm hedging my bets in that corner—not to say that I'm certain, of course. There's no way of telling for sure, and I won't be making an ass of myself by refusing to err on the side of caution, but my intuition definitely leans with a world revamp or at least a Lordaeron expansion.
    Also the Lordaeron shield seemed like an asset that they already had seeing how quickly it was released after 9.2 launch, and that it was blocked from dropping (old model) and added back with new model a few days later in hotfixes.

    This to me implies that it wasn't planned to be the model and they just couldn't finish it in time. It also look to me like they didn't just go through concept to a finished model in a few days. If any of the items added so far is a pointer like those previously mentioned, I would believe it to be this one (unless it was an asset already ingame and they just recolored)
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  7. #31327
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    How would people feel about ONLY a Lordaeron revamp expansion, similar to the Light's Judgement "leak"? I'm not saying that "leak" is true, I'm asking how would you feel to have an expansion similar to what that "leak" is referring to?

  8. #31328
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    How would people feel about ONLY a Lordaeron revamp expansion, similar to the Light's Judgement "leak"? I'm not saying that "leak" is true, I'm asking how would you feel to have an expansion similar to what that "leak" is referring to?
    So leak confirmed to be true /s

    Honestly I wouldn't be against it, but moreso to revamp all of the northern part of EK (and bring the Belf zones on the same map). And then maybe in future patches do more updates?
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  9. #31329
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    I'd say the Lordaeron shield was plenty enough, and that's one of many reasons I'm hedging my bets in that corner—not to say that I'm certain, of course. There's no way of telling for sure, and I won't be making an ass of myself by refusing to err on the side of caution, but my intuition definitely leans with a world revamp or at least a Lordaeron expansion.
    The original versions of those shields were in Shadowlands beta though, as part of the new set of shields they made for Exile's reach

  10. #31330
    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    which ones were added?
    Nightborne, you can buy them through timewalking.

    Though they ended up not putting in the two handed sword (the one that looks like a glaive). But 1h sword, 1h mace, staff, two shields. There is a bow as well though its more Draenei, both by its name and how I only recall seeing it used by Draenei on Argus. Link to the MMO-Champion post with images.

    So saying they're going to do more isn't that surprising. Its like predicting they are going to do more heritage armor sets. Its an easy guess amongst a sea of far fetched ideas, meant to try and make the rest of their "leak" seem more legit.

  11. #31331
    Can we put the "The Primus was originally the villain" theory to bed? It's really just "The Primus created Domination magic" Yeah he did: The game tells you that right at the beginning of Shadowlands. It was conceit of the Legendary Equipment system. The Jailer's power is in extracting memories, because that was his job as Arbiter. These would have been the first ideas formed for this expansion. There's no story if it was just "Once there was this guy & he had domination magic."

    The "Primus was originally the villain" theory doesn't account for the question, "If he had this power all along why didn't he start his plan eons earlier?"

  12. #31332
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    The original versions of those shields were in Shadowlands beta though, as part of the new set of shields they made for Exile's reach
    One of them is a new model, if I recall correctly. The dark shield looks different from any of the beta models in terms of mesh and texture.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    Also the Lordaeron shield seemed like an asset that they already had seeing how quickly it was released after 9.2 launch, and that it was blocked from dropping (old model) and added back with new model a few days later in hotfixes.

    This to me implies that it wasn't planned to be the model and they just couldn't finish it in time. It also look to me like they didn't just go through concept to a finished model in a few days. If any of the items added so far is a pointer like those previously mentioned, I would believe it to be this one (unless it was an asset already ingame and they just recolored)
    Agreed. That's precisely why I thought that—originally I was thinking it just seemed pretty obviously like a reuse of an asset from Exile's Reach development and that the shield itself was simply added to reference the history of Mal'Ganis, but then the revelation that the model has differences made me more interested in the Lordaeron idea.

  13. #31333
    Banned Teriz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    How would people feel about ONLY a Lordaeron revamp expansion, similar to the Light's Judgement "leak"? I'm not saying that "leak" is true, I'm asking how would you feel to have an expansion similar to what that "leak" is referring to?
    It would seem incredibly lazy, and very Alliance centric. A revamped Lordaeron by itself is not enough.

    Also it would be yet another expansion where the hot Forsaken female leader is a focus.

  14. #31334
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Conceptuel View Post
    One of them is a new model, if I recall correctly. The dark shield looks different from any of the beta models in terms of mesh and texture.
    They are, that's why I said the original versions, rather than just "those shields". But my point is that the exact same thing (a Lordaeron shield) was included pre-Shadowlands, so I'm wary to take it as being an indication of a coming expansion in line with the KT armor or Spellcloak.

  15. #31335
    Perhaps it's been said somewhere before, but with Salandria growing up and being a part of the 9.2.5 Ghostlands content, does anyone think it's a bit suspect to suddenly include her with her future ties to dragons potentially?

    With her plans to own a dragon and the dragons stopping her at the caverns of time, maybe the "things she might do or fail to do" might play a part in the next xpack?

  16. #31336
    Quote Originally Posted by Mishtacody View Post
    Perhaps it's been said somewhere before, but with Salandria growing up and being a part of the 9.2.5 Ghostlands content, does anyone think it's a bit suspect to suddenly include her with her future ties to dragons potentially?

    With her plans to own a dragon and the dragons stopping her at the caverns of time, maybe the "things she might do or fail to do" might play a part in the next xpack?
    That is definitely a possibility. It may just be a fun call-back, but I could see her returning as a sort of Quel'Thalassian Taelia for WoW's next expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    They are, that's why I said the original versions, rather than just "those shields". But my point is that the exact same thing (a Lordaeron shield) was included pre-Shadowlands, so I'm wary to take it as being an indication of a coming expansion in line with the KT armor or Spellcloak.
    I honestly don't see why that is relevant, though. There's no real connection between the Lordaeron shields in Exile's Reach and the Lordaeron shield model here—why else would they create the new model if not for Lordaeron? I'm not ruling it out entirely, but it seems like Occam's Razor suggests that the reason they have a Lordaeron asset is for use in Lordaeron. The Exile's Reach thing is easy to explain—it's likely that was just meant to be loot on Exile's Reach because it could serve as a suitable evergreen image of a generic shield. It could've also been planned for something to do with Sylvanas. However, there now doesn't seem to be much reason to create a Lordaeroni shield model—perhaps I could see it being used in relation with a new Forsaken questline instead of a whole focus on Lordaeron, which does admittedly fit with the new direction of the Forsaken under Calia, but I still think that it offers up a lot of possibility for activity in Lordaeron, especially with all this talk from Turalyon about reclaiming old territory and all the dangling plotlines about the Forsaken, the Worgen, the newly-introduced Blood Elf quests etc.

  17. #31337
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post

    Don't see how people find stuff like this boring, but to each their own.
    Different strokes for different folks. As much as I find the gnome/goblin aesthetic ugly, I would like an underground city, region or both. Also, I'm sorry for my outburst the last time I quoted you. I don't agree with what you said, but I am sorry for being rude to you.
    On silken ebony wings the harbinger of death arrives.

  18. #31338

  19. #31339
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by White Mage View Post
    Fake AF

    Someone used this logo for 9.0 leaks years ago.

  20. #31340
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Fake AF

    Someone used this logo for 9.0 leaks years ago.
    But it looks so good.

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