We are now at the point where people are arguing against the extremely obvious amd unanimously well known hint towards Kul Tiras and Zandalar during Legion, just because Teriz has used it as a point of speculation.
Yet many will have you believe that Teriz is the problem in this thread. Absolute madness. Low hanging fruit comes to mind.
Back to the topic at hand. Dragons are the absolute safe bet to play a prominent role in the next expansion due to a magnitude of hints. To deny so is just to be contrarian, nothing else.
The only other hints we have besides Dragons are Undermine, world revamp and to a lesser degree, Lordaeron and Quel'thalas - which would fit in with a world revamp expansion. As would Dragons and Undermine(Cataclysm 2.0).
Face it, we are getting Cataclysm 2.0, but focusing on rebuilding, change and progression as opposed to destruction and annihilation.
Based off words from Ion himself, we will not be getting a cosmic expansion - which rules out Lifelands, other Zereth's, K'Aresh etc.
The only clear hints in Shadowlands, combined with word from Blizzard devs are that we are very likely getting World Revamp/Cataclysm 2.0(Rebuilding, not destruction). There is nothing else that comes close.
The fact that we will be waiting until 2023 for the next expansion, alongside a Season 4 for Shadowlands should be enough to tell the most logical person that we are getting something bigger than usual. Nothing is bigger than a full world revamp.
Last edited by Santandame; 2022-03-27 at 02:55 PM.
I don't know if this forum is slower or less perceptive than the official one (I wasn't here at the time); but back then, 90% of the people on the official forums knew that the next expansion was Kul Tiras/Zandalar/South Seas based on the Azsuna hints.
I can't believe this forum couldn't figure it out! It was such an obvious hint! xD
Yeah, a hint that was only a hint in hindsight. Was Zul'gurub, Throne of Thunder and Mogu'shan Vaults a hint at BfA? Was Tiragarde Keep and Tol Barad a hint at BfA? How far back does it go?
During the "Judge the Soul" Anima Conductor daily, you judge a Mantid, and there were Mantid in 8.3. Does that mean the next expansion is Mantid based?
Kul Tirans literally have a naval aesthetic in Warcraft 3, but Zandalari are a seafaring race in MoP. They have to be, they're centralized on an Island nation. We knew that as long as Zandalari was a thing.
But counterpoint, Teriz is lecturing us about foreshadowing in expansions but thinks nothing of them including named Bard NPCs in the City hubs in the last 2 expansions. Hmmmm.
The Zandalari definitely had a big focus on navy, even before BfA. The Golden Fleet was an important thing even in MoP.
- - - Updated - - -
I know that Gul'dan getting sent through the Twisting Nether is a hint.
I don't know that random NPCs standing in a random cave are supposed to be a hint or just a cute reference.
I really hope we get something new to discuss soon because this thread feels like it's overdosing on copium hard.
What? Why would Zul'Gurub hint at an expansion 15 years later?
Many people were guessing at the time that the Kul Tiran and Zandalari prisoners were a hint to the next expansion. Even moreso when we got the Kul Tiras Cloth Levelling Quest leak.
It was very similar in the vein of the Worgen and Goblin Hallows End masks hint back in Wrath.
Every expansion has had hints to the next expansion. The aforementioned Worgen/Goblin masks as well as the Neltharion/Deathwing appearance during the Yogg Saron fight. Oh and twilight dragons in the Dragonblight raid.
MoP had the Iron Horde assets and the Time walker NPC's on Timeless Isle - WoD.
WoD had the updated demon models in the last patch.
Legion had the Kul Tiras/Zandalar shipwrecked captives, rising tensions between the Horde and Alliance.
Please feel free to point me towards any other hints during expansions that could have led to a believable next expansion.
The only one I will concede on was the Garrison Shipyard causing many to believe we'd be getting a South Seas expansion with our own Garrison styled ship.
Once again, those hints only make sense in hindsight and can only be considered hints in hindsight, when you already knew what the expansion was about to begin with.
The only thing that is a legitimate hint would be the Goblin/Worgen masks, because prior to that, every single mask was for a player race. The Kul Tiras questing thing was hardly a hint and a leak anyway.
idk if the IQ in this thread is just very low or if I am being trolled very hard here.
It's not even copium, just people unable to acknowledge history is in the past and bringing up the same topics over and over.
I'm pretty sure half the posts from the last few pages are straight up trolling, trying to get a last word in or baiting people that tend to be endlessly baitable. Thread has really gone to shit with this useless and very hostile back and forth, not a lot of speculation/discussion about future things being done with people only focusing on what already happened in the past.
I went through some of the older hype threads and the interesting post compared to arguing ratio was much better. Remember, it's perfectly fine not to post anything that doesn't actually add to the discussion. Get it together, hype thread.
Not even the last few pages but probably a huge chunk of this entire thread now is just trolling with the same few topics lol