1. #32321
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    I think you mean actually makes them interesting for a change.
    Reliable bad takes are still bad takes.

    Forward movement doesn't have to mean bland and defanged. As it is, Calia's experience is so far removed from the Forsaken that it's not an interesting development if there's heavy alignment with her. But granted, the jury is out on what the cinematic means.

  2. #32322
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    If you think edgy DEATH TO ALL nonsense for over a decade straight is interesting vs the dichotomy of life and death then just oof
    It's a good thing I didn't say that!

  3. #32323
    Quote Originally Posted by TriHard View Post
    I love player housing, I was huge in that section in Wildstar and FF14 and even did comms for people.

    But I just don't have faith that the WoW team would be able to do right by player housing, it needs to be AT LEAST as good as FF14's system and I just don't think the engine can handle it to be fair.
    Seeing how much people are doing in private servers, the engine seems to be able to handle it fine.

    And if it's not about having faith in the team to do it right, well, we can say that about anything, so might as well, no?

  4. #32324
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Seeing how much people are doing in private servers, the engine seems to be able to handle it fine.

    And if it's not about having faith in the team to do it right, well, we can say that about anything, so might as well, no?
    You weren't kidding. Not sure if we can post private server videos here but there's stuff on youtube from at least as far back as 2016 showing it working pretty smoothly with object placements.

  5. #32325
    Quote Originally Posted by Calfredd View Post
    The Forsaken are majorly shadow priests since channeling the Light causes them severe pain but gameplay-wise it would be a bad decision to lock out a whole specialization so in-game Forsaken can be holy and discipline. CRY MORE.
    There's literally a Forsaken Paladin in Vanilla...let me guess, you also cried about Zandalari Paladins too?

  6. #32326
    Quote Originally Posted by Kohtra View Post
    You weren't kidding. Not sure if we can post private server videos here but there's stuff on youtube from at least as far back as 2016 showing it working pretty smoothly with object placements.
    I don't think we can, but man, I have seen both huge sprawling constructions and just, player decorated houses and it's amazing what it can be done in game.

  7. #32327
    Yeah, I've been spending the better part of a year building an island out of the Mt Hyjal raid map (raised water level, lots of open space cus its cut out) on Epsilon. Truly amazing stuff, all in engine and easy to use. And this is with volunteers using reverse engineered tools. Blizz has no excuse.

  8. #32328
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post
    Yeah, I've been spending the better part of a year building an island out of the Mt Hyjal raid map (raised water level, lots of open space cus its cut out) on Epsilon. Truly amazing stuff, all in engine and easy to use. And this is with volunteers using reverse engineered tools. Blizz has no excuse.
    Indeed. It's all about whether they are invested on the system or not, because it can be done.

  9. #32329
    Quote Originally Posted by PhillyCheese View Post
    There's a vulpin in Stormwind's embassy, Marlamin pointed that out.

    What's cool is that apparently the Forsaken have been moved out of Orgrimmar. What about the Night Elves?
    I was like, why is a Horde race in the Stormwind embassy. It took me waaaaay to long that you were referring to the animal!

  10. #32330
    1. Three New Races - One Is Ogre/Troll-Like Race, Then Extinct Bird People, Other Is Neutral Underground Elemental Race
    2. New Class - Chronomancer - Time Based With New Order Magic - One Spec But Big Customization
    3. Story Is About Azeroth's History - We Visit World Before The Old Gods and Titans Arrived
    4. We Find A Slumbering Ancient Being Known As "Azelio" - It Is The Key To Healing Azeroth
    5. No Borrowed Power - Redesigned Talent Trees with One Tree for All 3 Specs
    5. Class Skins - Steampunk Rogue, Blue Fire Mage, Primordial Hunter, Blood/Dark Paladin
    6. New Mode - Survivor's Glory - Enter A Hostile Primitive Jungle With Up To 80 People - Battle Royale But With Torghast-Like Powers

    World of Warcaft: The First Awakened God

  11. #32331
    Quote Originally Posted by FirstA View Post
    1. Three New Races - One Is Ogre/Troll-Like Race, Then Extinct Bird People, Other Is Neutral Underground Elemental Race
    2. New Class - Chronomancer - Time Based With New Order Magic - One Spec But Big Customization
    3. Story Is About Azeroth's History - We Visit World Before The Old Gods and Titans Arrived
    4. We Find A Slumbering Ancient Being Known As "Azelio" - It Is The Key To Healing Azeroth
    5. No Borrowed Power - Redesigned Talent Trees with One Tree for All 3 Specs
    5. Class Skins - Steampunk Rogue, Blue Fire Mage, Primordial Hunter, Blood/Dark Paladin
    6. New Mode - Survivor's Glory - Enter A Hostile Primitive Jungle With Up To 80 People - Battle Royale But With Torghast-Like Powers

    World of Warcaft: The First Awakened God
    That's nice Billy but I think fanfics are supposed to be posted in the Lore section.

  12. #32332
    Pandaren Monk cocomen2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FirstA View Post
    5. Class Skins - Steampunk Rogue, Blue Fire Mage, Primordial Hunter, Blood/Dark Paladin
    Bruh, would you care to explain how much MORE Primordial you can make these hunters? they already wearing rugs and with SPEAR in hands..... next step naked barehand combat? (full nelson THEN Suplex)

    Last edited by cocomen2; 2022-03-28 at 06:36 AM.
    Please, there a perfect example of hypocritical thinking:
    Quote Originally Posted by Teriz View Post
    If Tinkers had anything to do with Hunters, but they don’t. Unlike Bards which are linked to Rogues.

  13. #32333
    Oh, I can't wait for Wow: The FAG.

  14. #32334
    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Could definitely be prep! Maybe wowdev3 is 10.0 after all and they're just using the 96.0 version numbers to hide it. Would be cool to have something go into alpha/beta soon after an announcement for once. Could see a Q4 release if it does. That is a lot of ifs, though.
    I’m assuming that while 10.0 is behind in development it was less effected than SL and they have been ready for an announcement but due to the story had to push it back

  15. #32335
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Indeed. It's all about whether they are invested on the system or not, because it can be done.
    Proper player housing would be awesome, not gonna lie. Also all that talk last time about more racial druid forms got me thinking. And boy does racial identity need some work. Heritage armor was a good step in the right direction, but I would like for 10.0 to do for races what Legion did for classes.

    Just for fun let us look at the races and how well they are doing:

    - Supposedly Anduin is the leader, but he has been chilling in the Maw with us and being a bit edgy on the side.

    Stormwind - led by Regent Turalyon, who has fuck all to do with Stormwind, considering he is from Lordaeron. At least the park has been repaired now.
    Dwarves - Cityup, Council doing fine, basically the only race with their shit together.
    Night Elves - Well, they kinda don't have a capital and Tyrande is in the SL, so I guess Malfurion is leading them. Unless he is sleeping again.
    Gnomes - They still didn't fully recover Gnomeregan, cause Blizzard really wants to keep that dungeon. Essentially stagnating since Vanilla.
    Draenei - They still live in a crashed ship since TBC. Like repair it maybe, please? At least Velen is doing fine, even after he was forced to kill his son and childhood friends.
    Worgen - Half of Gilneas is underwater since the cataclysm, the other half was carpet-bombed with plague, their other home was Darnassus. They kinda don't have a capital. At least not in game. Genn is doing fine but has no male heir.
    Pandaren - They have a small camp in Stormwind, and that's it. Even the proper, Pandaren on Pandaria don't have a leader or a proper Capital City.
    Dark Iron Dwarves - Well they kinda have a capital that is accessible as well, but not to the point of a proper city.
    Lightforged - They have a ship.
    Void Elves - They have a very small pocket dimension, I guess.
    Mechagnomes - Their capital city is a dungeon
    Kul Tiras - Their Admiral is chilling in the afterlife with us, so not sure about the leadership.

    The scale of how well they are doing is from Night Elves to Dwarves.

    Their new warchief is........nobody. This kinda takes away from what the Horde was. Honestly with the Alliance having a High King, and the Horde having a council, with no defined leader, it seems the core ideas of the two factions have changed. So that means we will kill the High King every second expansion?
    Orcs - They just gave up and gave back leadership to Thrall because they can't be bothered to invent new compelling characters. I would still make Nazgrim the leaderi. AND a warchief.
    Darkspear Trolls - Rokhan is a good choice for a leader. However, they still don't have their own city.
    Tauren - Baine has been stuck in the Shadowlands, which is probably the best thing that happened to the tauren since...forever.
    Forsaken - They will get their capital back, but only after next patch. Voss is on the council, Calia is the most likely leade. None of them have much to do with the actual Forsaken. They kinda need to reinvent themselves cause so far they have been a Sylvanas Cult pretty much. (Dark Lady watch over you, Victory for Sylvanas....etc)
    Goblins - They don't have a capital and Gazlowe is technically from a different Cartel. Whatever the fuck Gallywix is up to is another lose end.
    Pandaren - Same shit with the Alliance. Small camp in Orgrimmar, that is all.
    Blood Elves - Half of Silvermoon is still ruined, Lor'Themar still acts as if he is just a regent. Spent most of his time intimidated by Sylvanas.
    Nightborne - While only the Nighthold got updated post Legion they are still pretty much the dwarves of the Horde. Capital intact and reachable, racial leader from the same race and not stuck in the afterlife, things are looking good.
    Highmountain Tauren - also doing well. Though their capital is not the most equipped.
    Mag'har - AU orcs lead by Rule 63 Thrall. They share the capital with the other orcs lead by the other Thrall.
    Zandalari - They have capital, they have a leader. It's fine.
    Vulpera - They don't have a capital, but they are nomads, so it's all good.

    All in all it seems the Horde is doing better, mostly on the Allied Race front. But still, not many of them can honestly say they have a proper capital and a real racial leader.

  16. #32336
    Well I’m pretty sure either dadgar is retiring or he’s going to die

    Whether this means we get a new guardian or….we get Kara as a new garrison style version of player housing which at first I thought of as a joke but now it’s kinda growing on me as a thought

    The stables can hold your favorite mounts
    Dining hall could be like the ember court
    Library for old books and cinematics
    Chess room for mini games
    Roof for summoning bosses to fight for cosmetic rewards

    Screw Medan we earned that place

  17. #32337
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Totally Not Dragons View Post
    Well I’m pretty sure either dadgar is retiring or he’s going to die

    Whether this means we get a new guardian or….we get Kara as a new garrison style version of player housing which at first I thought of as a joke but now it’s kinda growing on me as a thought

    The stables can hold your favorite mounts
    Dining hall could be like the ember court
    Library for old books and cinematics
    Chess room for mini games
    Roof for summoning bosses to fight for cosmetic rewards

    Screw Medan we earned that place
    You know, that doesn't sound that bad. We can't remodel the exterior, but plenty of rooms to mess with. Deadwind Pass doesn't get enough use anyway.

  18. #32338
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Draenei - They still live in a crashed ship since TBC. Like repair it maybe, please? At least Velen is doing fine, even after he was forced to kill his son and childhood friends.
    It got scrapped for the vindicar.

    Tyrande's people are also currently chilling either in SW as refugees or in Hyjal if they are part of the military. At least the book before SL painted it like that.
    You are welcome, Metzen. I hope you won't fuck up my underground expansion idea.

  19. #32339
    Not sure why people think Khadgar is retiring or going to die. He's been "retired" for the past 5 years. I'm not sure why people think he's going to die too.

    He is probably the most universally liked character in WoW currently. If anything, him showing up to explore the Shadowlands is a hook for his future role going forward.

    Maybe he brings back new learned knowledge with him, or new races, or an old character.

  20. #32340
    I just want more Alleria/Khadgar that's it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Firedemon View Post
    No. On these forums any updates mean an expansion hint.
    Wrathin comes back? Dragon expansion clearly!
    LK part of a quest? Wotlk 2 clearly!
    Sylvanas working with a death master? Shadowlands clearly!

    At the point we're headed for Wrath of the Shdowlands Dragon Isles Lich and tinkers.

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