1. #33061
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    The scary thing is, the hope was that she'd go on the fridge for at least a couple of expansions. But if Anduin really is joining her in the Maw, she may be back as soon as 11.0 which would be less than optimal.
    And pregnant!

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I could agree with that point for fiction; it would reflect reality especially if it is set up at a version of current time.
    Generally speaking, yes. But even then I'd say it's up to the author. If someone wants to create a fictional universe that mimics our modern world, with completely surreal and impossible stories that don't reflect any real issues, that would still be called fiction.

    Now, you could argue that every story has some element of reality in it, because even if we want, we can'tcome up with anything not based on experience, but that wasn't the point of the person we were replying to.

    Like, as you say, people can see the Light as authoritarian and fascist, because in our real life experience, a group of fanatics that acts that way will always end up abusing their power and creating violence.

    Blizzard could say that in Warcraft, that shit just works. But then people would call it propaganda. So in a way, they are forced to prove that the Light is wrong in their ways. Not because they were trying to reflect reality, but because people would look for such reflection anyway.
    Last edited by Soulwind; 2022-03-30 at 09:25 AM.

  2. #33062
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    And pregnant!
    Can't wait to see how the story of their child, Varianathanos Wrynnrunner, unfolds.

  3. #33063
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    And pregnant!
    Yeah, that particular crack ship just got mainstreamed. Though they should go fully progressive and make them a throuple with Nathanos joining in.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Can't wait to see how the story of their child, Varianathanos Wrynnrunner, unfolds.
    Given Anduin comes back old in the comic, the child will be an adult when we see them.

  4. #33064
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Can't wait to see how the story of their child, Varianathanos Wrynnrunner, unfolds.
    He would be like Me'dan. Has every class because of course.

  5. #33065
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Can't wait to see how the story of their child, Varianathanos Wrynnrunner, unfolds.
    I hate that Wrynnrunner doesn't even sound that bad...

  6. #33066
    The Lightbringer
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    Removing Anduin from the Light is Bad conflict is a very cheap cop out. Anduin vs Turalyon is probably my most exciting potential conflict i hope for in 10.0.

  7. #33067
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    And pregnant!
    Unless its Anduin laying an egg for Wrathion, no thanks.

    Formerly known as Arafal

  8. #33068
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Unless its Anduin laying an egg for Wrathion, no thanks.
    See, now necrophilia seems like the lesser evil. Thanks.

  9. #33069
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harbour View Post
    Removing Anduin from the Light is Bad conflict is a very cheap cop out. Anduin vs Turalyon is probably my most exciting potential conflict i hope for in 10.0.
    He could show up later down the line in 10.3 when Turalyon has lost it. Still all possible.

  10. #33070
    What I hope comes to pass is a "Good" version of the Stormwind Vision of N'Zoth.

    So, essentially:

    - Turalyon becoming evil, and Alleria rising up to stop him;

    - Alleria killing Turalyon and ending his reign of terror;

    - As reward, Alliance pledging themselves to Alleria and making her High Queen;

    - Alleria safeguarding Arator;

    - The Ren'dorei moving in and taking over Stormwind with Alleria refurbishing the Cathedral of Light as her base of operations, from which she rules Stormwind and leads the Alliance.

    - Magister Umbric taking over the Mage Tower and training a new generation of Void users.

    The best of both worlds. The Vision of N'Zoth comes to pass, but in the complete opposite way. While in the Vision the Ren'dorei forcefully took over Stormwind and enslaved its people in N'Zoth's name, in reality the Ren'dorei would move into Stormwind as reward for the pivotal role Alleria played in ending Turalyon's tyranny of Light [Alleria, naturally, is the one who has the most potential of stopping Turalyon; not only she is the one who knows him best, but she wields the power that is antithesis to the Light]. This is what I believe will happen in the future and this is my preferred outcome for the Story really.

  11. #33071
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    Generally speaking, yes. But even then I'd say it's up to the author. If someone wants to create a fictional universe that mimics our modern world, with completely surreal and impossible stories that don't reflect any real issues, that would still be called fiction.
    At that point I'd consider it fantasy fiction. It can be modern fantasy but still a form of fantasy imo and it's first task should be to adress the fantasy elements, not reality imo.[/quote]

    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    Like, as you say, people can see the Light as authoritarian and fascist, because in our real life experience, a group of fanatics that acts that way will always end up abusing their power and creating violence.
    The problem for me is that the original lore suggested something much more nuanced. That the Light doesn't choose who it grants power to, it simply reacts to conviction. It will empower the faithful wether their faith comes in expressing compassion and showing mercy or in expressing zeal and seeking retribution. That made the power itself amoral and allowed for the virtues it expressed to come from its chosen agents. You could then say that the Naaru who came to Mereldar and formed the religion of the Holy Light largely represented virtuous concepts but that there are other Naaru whose focus may be far less benevolent.
    I also would have loved to see more focus on how Naaru thought is formed from their peculiar life cycle. It is far more traumatic to know that if you get seriously injured you will become the very antithesis of what you currently are than mortal perception of death. The Naaru race lives in a type of zombie apocalypse by default; if they are hurt they will change to Void and start killing everyone, including others of their kind. That should have an effect on them and I'd love to see that.

    Instead of exploring what the lore built on however we got X'era. And X'era is considered a fascist in the community. But was she one? She was willing to let Alleria, an absolute mortal threat to her live because Turalyon and Lothraxion asked her to. She was obsessed with a singular prophecy which seems to be a common issue for the Naaru; they perceive a single reality so it makes sense that they'd try to guide things towards that reality. And X'era not only lived long but unlike other Naaru we've met seems to have been involved in far more combat. She did not however instill fanaticism in her followers; they all agree to work with the one who murdered her because they were all capable of seeing the greater good. Doesn't seem very authoritation to me.
    And then we get Yrel. The Mag'har recruitment scenario is so interesting because it was written completely one sided. So much so that people who are not constantly projecting their grievances would be bound to see the bias in Geyarah's representation of what happened. Yet immediately after we got wow community inundated by "Yrel is a Nazi". Here I am not sure I can blame Blizzard as much. The reason is, I have absolutely no idea what their narrative intent was with that scenario because we came off the War of Thorns, were they gaslighted the playerbase for months. SO while in different circumstances I'd just blame the community for projection instead of the writers, I cannot really afford Blizzard any doubt on their intent. It was presented black and white cause it was meant to cause a reaction, not because it was meant to tell a story. Their narrative focus is causing shock, not building a world.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-03-30 at 09:51 AM.

  12. #33072
    And here I'm hoping for something slightly more nuanced than "Light madness" regarding Turalyon. Like, he could still be responsible for bringing an army of invaders to Azeroth, despite not actually approving of their methods nor working with them.

    But... yeah, it's Blizzard, he has to become a raid boss who rambles and yells about pathetic mortals at some point...

    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    I cannot really afford Blizzard any doubt on their intent. It was presented black and white cause it was meant to cause a reaction, not because it was meant to tell a story. Their narrative focus is causing shock, not building a world.
    Agreed. To the point that I'm certain that they have meetings about "Storylines that our playerbase expects and how to avoid or twist them".
    Last edited by Soulwind; 2022-03-30 at 09:53 AM.

  13. #33073
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    Says who. Fiction needs to be fictional. Entertainment needs to be entertaining. Everything else is up to the author.
    The poster isn't endorsing that view. They're suggesting that today (fictional) media needs to be reflective of society and its issues, which, if we're being honest with each other, is not a far-fetched proposition.

  14. #33074
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    And here I'm hoping for something slightly more nuanced than "Light madness" regarding Turalyon. Like, he could still be responsible for bringing an army of invaders to Azeroth, despite not actually approving of their methods nor working with them.

    But... yeah, it's Blizzard, he has to become a raid boss who rambles and yells about pathetic mortals at some point...

    Agreed. To the point that I'm certain that they have meetings about "Storylines that our playerbase expects and how to avoid or twist them".
    No, no. Pitifull mortals.

  15. #33075
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    And here I'm hoping for something slightly more nuanced than "Light madness" regarding Turalyon. Like, he could still be responsible for bringing an army of invaders to Azeroth, despite not actually approving of their methods nor working with them.

    But... yeah, it's Blizzard, he has to become a raid boss who rambles and yells about pathetic mortals at some point...

    Agreed. To the point that I'm certain that they have meetings about "Storylines that our playerbase expects and how to avoid or twist them".
    They probably think that's peak writing as well.

  16. #33076
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    Unless its Anduin laying an egg for Wrathion, no thanks.
    Okay. So.

    Dragons can choose their humanoid form, down to their gender.

    If Wrathion changed his human form into a woman, could Anduin impregnate her?

  17. #33077
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    The poster isn't endorsing that view. They're suggesting that today (fictional) media needs to be reflective of society and its issues, which, if we're being honest with each other, is not a far-fetched proposition.
    I don't think it's far-fetched, but I think it's unnecessary. We shouldn't expect every writer to shape their worlds around the same issues, that would get very boring very quickly (see: Amazon/Netflix forcing race/gender into every show, and how people react to that).

    I'd say a particularly cartoony fantasy videogame could afford to ignore such issues and just focus on entertainment value.

  18. #33078
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    He could show up later down the line in 10.3 when Turalyon has lost it. Still all possible.
    I think there is certain storytelling potential Blizzard seemed to go towards. Anduin is the legit heir to Stormwind throne, he got kidnapped and while being kidnapped Turalyon seems to sit comfortably there. Whether Turalyon will go full zealot or not, idea of Anduin facing the usurper and being active would work well in every way.

    Anduin never struggled actually, he never faced the shit and pushed through. This Light and Throne business is the most fitting thing to throw him against. Its the test of will, of ideology, of mental state, endurance. Its the test to see if there is "Anduin The Man" finally after so many expansions of "Anduin Always Uncertain Goody Shoes".

    He need to get the Saurfang treatment (in a sense of character progression). If they will just let him dodge this, it would be meh bullshit. Because for a character growing across 9 expansion Anduin lacks of an actual development. His progression path is way too easy and straightforwad. And Shadowlands didnt make it better.
    Last edited by Harbour; 2022-03-30 at 10:00 AM.

  19. #33079
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    What I hope comes to pass is a "Good" version of the Stormwind Vision of N'Zoth.

    So, essentially:

    - Turalyon becoming evil, and Alleria rising up to stop him;

    - Alleria killing Turalyon and ending his reign of terror;

    - As reward, Alliance pledging themselves to Alleria and making her High Queen;

    - Alleria safeguarding Arator;

    - The Ren'dorei moving in and taking over Stormwind with Alleria refurbishing the Cathedral of Light as her base of operations, from which she rules Stormwind and leads the Alliance.

    - Magister Umbric taking over the Mage Tower and training a new generation of Void users.

    The best of both worlds. The Vision of N'Zoth comes to pass, but in the complete opposite way. While in the Vision the Ren'dorei forcefully took over Stormwind and enslaved its people in N'Zoth's name, in reality the Ren'dorei would move into Stormwind as reward for the pivotal role Alleria played in ending Turalyon's tyranny of Light [Alleria, naturally, is the one who has the most potential of stopping Turalyon; not only she is the one who knows him best, but she wields the power that is antithesis to the Light]. This is what I believe will happen in the future and this is my preferred outcome for the Story really.
    The void elves are not taking over stormwind...

  20. #33080
    Quote Originally Posted by Lahis View Post
    Okay. So.

    Dragons can choose their humanoid form, down to their gender.

    If Wrathion changed his human form into a woman, could Anduin impregnate her?
    Sure but then Wrathion would not be able to shapeshift out of that form because he'd stop having a uterus and kill the child. His body, his choice?

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