1. #33321
    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    Ah, the Eldrazi route. It'd be fairly simple to do, allow investment to slip over and fit how the Void's presented up to now. Ny'alotha is an imagined world and the will of the Old God makes it manifest, its minions are its spawn who have an independent existence but are also tied to it. It also skips the Bald Man problem of having some boring asshole be behind things all along.
    It helps that this is how it's literally described in the chronicle. The Old Gods are pieces of the Void Lords hurled into space. Ergo they are still PARTS of those Void Lords. I think it instantly makes them more interesting as well since it makes the Old Gods actually powerful and the Void Lords become creatures we have already interacted with to some extend and mostly enjoyed.

  2. #33322
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    What IF: We don't get an increased Level cap?
    I've seen this mentioned a number of times over the years but I still don't understand what the point would even be at this point. I understood the appeal before WoD when everyone thought that 100 levels seemed too much, but Blizzard went way past that all the way up to 120 and most people kind of stopped caring.

    I'd much rather get a new level cap to work towards than being squished back down to 50 and having to eternally drudge my way back up to 60 with each expansion. That doesn't feel like I'm progressing or getting stronger. It just feels bad from a gameplay perspective.

    A level squish every couple of years is fine (maybe the next time we get to 100 or 120) but I wouldn't vote for it right now. It feels unnecessary.

  3. #33323
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    I've seen this mentioned a number of times over the years but I still don't understand what the point would even be at this point. I understood the appeal before WoD when everyone thought that 100 levels seemed too much, but Blizzard went way past that all the way up to 120 and most people kind of stopped caring.

    I'd much rather get a new level cap to work towards than being squished back down to 50 and having to eternally drudge my way back up to 60 with each expansion. That doesn't feel like I'm progressing or getting stronger. It just feels bad from a gameplay perspective.

    A level squish every couple of years is fine (maybe the next time we get to 100 or 120) but I wouldn't vote for it right now. It feels unnecessary.
    Yeah, I wasn't saying squished down. I was saying just no new levels (in terms of what we are use to 50-60, 60-70, etc. I personally don't care what they do. This was just a topic for conversation. I want 10.0 to be as innovative and new as they possibly can get instead of another Legion clone (4.0).

  4. #33324
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Yeah, I'm still edging towards these being new races, but it's very hard to tell since the only information we have is information that isn't there.
    Wait, there is evidence of new races?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Gifdwarf View Post
    A new dragon race and class in the same expansion would be awesome
    Yeah, EoA is the most likely leak atm IMO. I like it okay. Its cool, but id still much rather have Ashes of Galakaros.

  5. #33325
    Quote Originally Posted by Chickat View Post
    Wait, there is evidence of new races?
    There is evidence of a lot of customizations being made that aren't currently available. Could be a new race, could be customization for existing races or it could be a dev messing around.

  6. #33326
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    We also have 1 OPEN portal in both Orgrimmar AND Stormwind portal rooms.

  7. #33327
    The Unstoppable Force Chickat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    The Pandaria formula is a winning one!
    Yeah, the EoA leak gives me strong Pandaria vibes. We just don't have mention of any new system or gameplay features. Whats mentioned in the leak along with even a few new zone updates and 1 good box gameplay feature would make me very happy. Im personally hoping for Dragon Delves or something like that. A torghast and island expedition mashup for transmog, catch up gear, and valor/honor. Nothing mandatory for the high end, but a quick way to reach valor cap vs dungeons or world quests.

    You would delve into random procedurally generated dungeons with random enemies. Start makes or with grey items. Maybe even start at level 1. Earn talent points through quests. Earn increasingly better gear. Epic and legendary gear neat the end of the delve would start to have powers on it.

  8. #33328

    World of Warcraft: Secrets of Tel'abim leaked on 4chan

    Found this on 4chan


    New Expansion: Secrets of Tel'abim
    New Class: Pirate
    6 new zones
    Some old zones revamped for endgame with world quests
    New Level Cap 70
    Customize your own ship and pirate crew
    Light-hearted fun expansion
    Pirate uses dual pistols and swords for ranged and melee specs
    Outlaw Rogue gets redesign
    Endboss of first raid is a pirate king
    Last raid will be on an island that we find with our ships
    This will lead into a Dragon and Old God expansion after this

  9. #33329
    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    logo is definitely fake, very amateur
    I think it looks amazing.

  10. #33330
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    "But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to and end. You, shall be king."
    Arthas Revamp?

  11. #33331
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    And let me just say: it claiming that Outlaw spec will get re-designed again just to accommodate a pirate-esque class is laughable.
    They gave Metamorphosis and the Gylph of Demon Hunting to Warlocks and then took it all away, because they introduced the Demon Hunter.

  12. #33332
    Any leak that has "light-hearted" expansion in the leak can be concluded as being fake.

    For marketing purposes, blizz will not make an expansion centered around a "light-hearted" theme as edgier themes sell well. They have made light-hearted patches in the past however.

    (And if you bring up MoP, 1. That wasn't really a lighthearted expansion at all when you actually look at what happens during the expansion and 2. Initial reception on the announcement was very poor...So blizz isn't going to risk that again.

  13. #33333
    Quote Originally Posted by Pictomancer View Post
    1. It's from over here
    2. Preposterous! A Tel'Abim expansion without playable banana-people? NOPE!

  14. #33334
    Quote Originally Posted by Varolyn View Post
    Any leak that has "light-hearted" expansion in the leak can be concluded as being fake.

    For marketing purposes, blizz will not make an expansion centered around a "light-hearted" theme as edgier themes sell well. They have made light-hearted patches in the past however.

    (And if you bring up MoP, 1. That wasn't really a lighthearted expansion at all when you actually look at what happens during the expansion and 2. Initial reception on the announcement was very poor...So blizz isn't going to risk that again.
    MoP was exactly that though. The fact that it also contained darker themes not directly pointed out in its initial reveal doesn't change that it was centered around being "light-hearted" and focusing more on mystery. Initial reception is contextual. Currently the playerbase has a favorable view of MoP, so introducing something as like-MoP isn't going to be a strike against a new expansion.

  15. #33335
    Warchief Catastrophy349's Avatar
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    Beware the first of April!

    On a more serious note, as HYPE AF as I am for the 10.0 reveal/announcement on April 19th, I do fear one thing: content/size of announcement. Let me explain. I do NOT fear the name of the expansion, cinematic, features trailer, what is coming in the expansion, etc. I fear the announcement itself being too small (in terms of what they say). I would be devastated (not really, it's a video game but you get the reference) IF we get a barebones expansion reveal such as a cinematic and logo/name...that's it. To wait 42 days since the initial announcement of the announcement for just that would be frustrating.

    On the flip-side, if the announcement itself is rather small (in terms of what is shared/length) BUT we get more information about 10.0 in the very short-term (via interviews, articles, videos, etc.) that take place in the following days/week or so, I wouldn't be as upset. I just don't want a "teaser" then have to wait several more months for MORE information, you know?

  16. #33336
    Quote Originally Posted by Pictomancer View Post
    Found this on 4chan


    Pirate ships? Pirate raids? Island funtimes?
    Sign me up!

    Might be among the most blatantly fake leaks out there, but goddamit, I want to believe!
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  17. #33337
    Doubt that there will be another pirate themed expansion after BfA- for some time I guess. Whoever made that logo, it's amazing!

  18. #33338
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    MoP was exactly that though. The fact that it also contained darker themes not directly pointed out in its initial reveal doesn't change that it was centered around being "light-hearted" and focusing more on mystery. Initial reception is contextual. Currently the playerbase has a favorable view of MoP, so introducing something as like-MoP isn't going to be a strike against a new expansion.
    That doesn't change how MoP might have been more approachable, but it was hardly lighter in theme. The first zone literally starts with warcrimes and unleashing an ancient unspeakable evil.

    It can definitely be lighter than what we have, but the idea that we get an expansion whose mission statement is being goofy pirate funtimes doesn't really seem like the kind of thing Blizzard would bank on.
    Forget expansions, we don't even have any patches that are this light in tone.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fiercelord View Post
    Doubt that there will be another pirate themed expansion after BfA- for some time I guess. Whoever made that logo, it's amazing!
    BfA took so many of the things I wanted and threw them into the first that I am honestly not sure you could even have a fully fleshed out ocean exploration theme anymore unless you reuse stuff from that expansion.

    We already got Kul Tiras and Zandalar, and we got Nazjatar reconceptualized as this horribly boring dry land zone instead of a proper underwater zone with giant threats.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  19. #33339
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    And that was the 1st class redesign and has not been redesigned since. It most likely won't be redesigned again.

    To believe a leak claiming that Outlaw will get redesigned again -- twice -- so close to it's first redesign is kind of silly.

    But, it could very well be the case here. I could be eating my words in a couple of weeks.

    EDIT: was this your personally made leak?
    The first redesign was when they gave Meta to Warlocks. The second was when they gave them the Demon Hunting glyph. The third happened when they took both away.

    They can redesign shit as much as they want to.

    They redesigned Shadow Priest tons of times.

    They redesigned Survival several times.

    They redesign every spec in every expansion.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Pirate ships? Pirate raids? Island funtimes?
    Sign me up!

    Might be among the most blatantly fake leaks out there, but goddamit, I want to believe!
    It's funny how many positive reactions the post got, for something so simple. So it will probably never happen.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fiercelord View Post
    Doubt that there will be another pirate themed expansion after BfA- for some time I guess. Whoever made that logo, it's amazing!
    BFA was barely about pirates. It had one dungeon and one chapter of the campaign.

  20. #33340
    Quote Originally Posted by Hitei View Post
    MoP was exactly that though. The fact that it also contained darker themes not directly pointed out in its initial reveal doesn't change that it was centered around being "light-hearted" and focusing more on mystery. Initial reception is contextual. Currently the playerbase has a favorable view of MoP, so introducing something as like-MoP isn't going to be a strike against a new expansion.
    The very first event leading up to the expansion involves a town being nuked, and shortly thereafter a land that was in relative peace for thousands of years suddenly becomes a new front for a war with alliance literally gunning down drowning horde troops. And this is all before the non-sense Garrosh eventually did later on.

    Metzen even said in the expansion reveal when the screenshots of Pandaria were being scrolled through that "what you see now is the calm before the storm," implying the havoc that was about to be wrought.

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