1. #33601
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So, question for all the class-theorisers in here:
    How do you figure they would make a new class work with Legion's artifacts/halls and Torghast abilities?
    Would they have to create brand new outdated content for them?
    Would they just not be able to access that content or complete those achievements? That seems unlikely, not to mention buggy.
    For the Mage Tower I guess they would just reuse the existing ones, but those two are a lot more specific.
    For Legion you just need to give the player any old weapon at the beginning, maybe even with three relic slots. Adding extra content would be kinda pointless when you could just add a place to start the new zones in the Dalaran engineering shop.

    Torghast is a bit more tricky since it's dependent on abilities, but you also don't need that many new things, and the covenant abilities don't need to be much more than "gain X more damage for Y seconds".
    Just add a bunch of increase X ability by Y, and Torghast would work just fine. Not great, but perfectly doable. Balance just needs to be centered around whether Torghast is realistically possible, not whether it's fair to themselves or others.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    They would just not allow them to do Legion content with that class. Meh, that would suck, wouldn't it? I guess that's another evidence towards Class Skins being a sensible choice. The Hunter order hall already has Dark Rangers, so they would not look out of place there.
    What content would they not be able to do though? The endgame class specific questline for sure, but all you need for a new class in Legion is a map to start the zones, and a weapon that can use relics.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  2. #33602
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So, question for all the class-theorisers in here:
    How do you figure they would make a new class work with Legion's artifacts/halls and Torghast abilities?
    Would they have to create brand new outdated content for them?
    Would they just not be able to access that content or complete those achievements? That seems unlikely, not to mention buggy.
    For the Mage Tower I guess they would just reuse the existing ones, but those two are a lot more specific.
    Artifacts are useless after legion, a new class could be given a generic weapon, and generic quests in dalaran. It doesn't really matter, and it surely isn't gonna stop them from creating a new class ever again.

  3. #33603
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    They would just not allow them to do Legion content with that class. Meh, that would suck, wouldn't it? I guess that's another evidence towards Class Skins being a sensible choice. The Hunter order hall already has Dark Rangers, so they would not look out of place there.
    They simply could add generic bonuses to Torghast or the "pick another talent from row 2" Power and stuff like that. As for Legion, while they might not get a Artifact Weapon, they can easily make it work without the weapon. With no Order Hall there could simply be an NPC in Dalaran or something like that

  4. #33604
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So, question for all the class-theorisers in here. How do you figure they would make a new class work with Legion's artifacts/halls and Torghast abilities? Would they have to create brand new outdated content for them? For the Mage Tower I guess they would just reuse the existing ones, but those two are a lot more specific.
    Well... I think it's safe to say that Blizzard would never go back and make new Artifact Weapons or Artifact Storylines at this point, so the most likely option is to just remove all of the Class Order Hall and Artifact Weapon parts of the Legion storyline when leveling <insert new class here> through the Broken Isles. They could add some kind of Dragonsworn/Tinker/Dark Ranger NPC to help with exposition.

    Torghast: Most classes had shitty abilities in Torghast anyway, so it shouldn't take too much of their time to get some intern to brainstorm a few ability ideas for outdated content no one cares about. Alternatively, they could just give them some generic abilities that aren't dependent on which class you are playing.

  5. #33605
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Tinker supporters being what they are, they'll likely use this April fool's mention as yet another piece of evidence that endorses their theory....

  6. #33606
    Quote Originally Posted by Catastrophy349 View Post
    Stuff like this has nothing to do with us speculating about the next expansion, so try and refrain from posting links to unrelated stuff which some in here will obviously comment on, derailing this thread from its actual purpose.

  7. #33607
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mferna View Post
    Ah yes. The ending themes that pop up at the end of an expansion never points to the theme of the following expansion. * coughs in MOP, WOD, Legion, BFA *

    BfA's last patch had nothing to do with SL; in fact, it was very heavily themed around Void and Old Gods. Shadowlands had neither of these.

    Legion had the Azerite shit going on in Silithus, I'll give you that, but did BfA end up being a revamped Silithus expansion? No. So whatever the fuck is going on in Lordaeron in 9.2.5 is not evidence of a Lordaeron revamp or Lordaeron expansion.

    I also don't remember the last patch of MoP having anything to do with time-traveling orcs, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Oh and pre-patches don't count since pre-patches are released after the expansion has already been announced.

  8. #33608
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    Tinker supporters being what they are, they'll likely use this April fool's mention as yet another piece of evidence that endorses their theory....
    Honestly, all things considered, the only thing this joke confirms is that they are aware that we waste a lot of time speculating about future content, and what the most common theories are. But yeah, the chances of tinker for 10.0 have gone slightly down with this.

    Look at it from the eyes of someone who has not spent the last few months browsing this forum. How would they react to seeing a joke mentioning something called a "Tinker" (which they may or may not know), and two weeks later an actual announcement for that class? "Wow, Blizzard is putting their own April Fool's jokes into the game now". Not impossible, but less likely.
    Last edited by Soulwind; 2022-04-01 at 08:39 AM.

  9. #33609
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    Tinker supporters being what they are, they'll likely use this April fool's mention as yet another piece of evidence that endorses their theory....
    As I've said before, I have no horse in this race. I don't give a shit what class they give us as long as we get something. Still, I genuinely feel like this makes Tinkers seem more likely to happen rather than less likely. I'm surprised so many people immediately think the latter.

  10. #33610
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    oh gosh they did us so dirty. I LOVE IT!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post

    BfA's last patch had nothing to do with SL; in fact, it was very heavily themed around Void and Old Gods. Shadowlands had neither of these.

    Legion had the Azerite shit going on in Silithus, I'll give you that, but did BfA end up being a revamped Silithus expansion? No. So whatever the fuck is going on in Lordaeron in 9.2.5 is not evidence of a Lordaeron revamp or Lordaeron expansion.

    I also don't remember the last patch of MoP having anything to do with time-traveling orcs, but maybe I'm remembering wrong. Oh and pre-patches don't count since pre-patches are released after the expansion has already been announced.
    I assume maybe they are taking a stretch and talking about 8.3.5? If that is the patch where Saurfang v Sylavanas but I can't remember.

    Either way, except for legion there has't been such a direct pointer to the next theme. Even MoP -> WoD I wouldn't count since SoO had nothing to do with Draenor or AU.
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

  11. #33611
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FuujCraft View Post
    They simply could add generic bonuses to Torghast or the "pick another talent from row 2" Power and stuff like that. As for Legion, while they might not get a Artifact Weapon, they can easily make it work without the weapon. With no Order Hall there could simply be an NPC in Dalaran or something like that
    I guess you are right. Artifact weapons don't really function now anyway, do they? Or they reintroduce the advanced leveling of Hero classes and make them start at 50.

  12. #33612
    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    Actually, so far nothing points towards any of this. We are still completely in the dark, but for whatever reason people like to latch on to the smallest pieces of "evidence" and form their own ideas of what's "definitely going to happen" even though we actually don't know shit.

    All of the datamined Lordaeron stuff is about wrapping up Sylvanas's shitty storyline in 9.2.5 since the Forsaken need a new leader (i.e. Calia) and the rest is just about the Blood Elf heritage weapon questline.
    There's the datamined encrypted emerald drake (probably deluxe edition mount), they've put dragon isles hints into the game since bfa, and I'm sure classic re-release success has had some influence, slaying dragons and what not. You gotta tone it down a notch or two or a thousand after the jailer.. We need another chill expansion like MoP, to start out with anyway. Didn't they also say it would be "more grounded"?

    The lordaeron/belf questline might pave the way for the dragon isles, since thats where the isles location were intended to be. If not dragon isles, what else are we looking at?

  13. #33613
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadochi View Post
    oh gosh they did us so dirty. I LOVE IT!

    - - - Updated - - -

    I assume maybe they are taking a stretch and talking about 8.3.5? If that is the patch where Saurfang v Sylavanas but I can't remember.

    Either way, except for legion there has't been such a direct pointer to the next theme. Even MoP -> WoD I wouldn't count since SoO had nothing to do with Draenor or AU.
    Sadfang v. Sylvanas was in 8.2.5.
    You shouldn't forget given that is just the final nail in how poorly written BfA was. Two thirds through the expansion the villain just leaves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ercarp View Post
    As I've said before, I have no horse in this race. I don't give a shit what class they give us as long as we get something. Still, I genuinely feel like this makes Tinkers seem more likely to happen rather than less likely. I'm surprised so many people immediately think the latter.
    In a roundabout way I almost wonder whether that is the reason they bothered to called it the Tinker Leaker, and not just Leaker. The supposed class doesn't actually have anything to do with Tinkers at all.

    Probably best not to think too hard about it though.
    The world revamp dream will never die!

  14. #33614
    Quote Originally Posted by Soulwind View Post
    So, question for all the class-theorisers in here:
    How do you figure they would make a new class work with Legion's artifacts/halls and Torghast abilities?
    Would they have to create brand new outdated content for them?
    Would they just not be able to access that content or complete those achievements? That seems unlikely, not to mention buggy.
    For the Mage Tower I guess they would just reuse the existing ones, but those two are a lot more specific.
    Most likely outcome would be to ignore them completely.
    Deathknights never got the missing 6 sets and demonhunter missed out on 20 or so tier sets? I don't think they would bother adding artifact or tier set skins for a new class. This also "solves" the mage tower for now. they simply don't get a set.
    Thorgast shouldn't be a problem either when the class won't be playable in shadowlands. It doesn't scale so next expansion you probably don't even need the abilities to rush to the end.
    Legion could be solved by khadgar asking you where you want to go and maybe tweaking the exp from quests a bit to compensate.

  15. #33615
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    We don't have any confirmation what items works and what not for creation catalyst, right? On PTR right I know I can only preview it, Cypher gear didn't work but surprisingly 246 chest I bought in ZM token vendor did.

    Maybe it's whole point of this vendor? Many people complained it doesn't make sense that you can fill whole cypher and get 252 gear from everything before you can buy 1st or 2nd 246 (it's faster now).

  16. #33616
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post

    In a roundabout way I almost wonder whether that is the reason they bothered to called it the Tinker Leaker, and not just Leaker. The supposed class doesn't actually have anything to do with Tinkers at all.

    Probably best not to think too hard about it though.
    Honestly, if they read this forum (or hell, this very thread) they probably got to see how insistent that group is, and between them, dark ranger, and dragon-themed class, Tinker is the one that's easiest to make a leak joke with, since they work with tech.

  17. #33617
    Quote Originally Posted by Dracullus View Post
    We don't have any confirmation what items works and what not for creation catalyst, right? On PTR right I know I can only preview it, Cypher gear didn't work but surprisingly 246 chest I bought in ZM token vendor did.

    Maybe it's whole point of this vendor? Many people complained it doesn't make sense that you can fill whole cypher and get 252 gear from everything before you can buy 1st or 2nd 246 (it's faster now).
    World Boss loot also works. Which is widely unfair given that Cloth and Plate have two tier slots at Antros, Leather has one and Mail has none.
    Last edited by Nymrohd; 2022-04-01 at 09:03 AM.

  18. #33618
    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Sadfang v. Sylvanas was in 8.2.5.
    You shouldn't forget given that is just the final nail in how poorly written BfA was. Two thirds through the expansion the villain just leaves.
    The climax of the inciting incident of BFA took place within five quests involving no dungeon or raid content and culminated with the villain exiting the stage and the plot pivoting to a completely different track. The only way you can even know what the villain was trying to accomplish is if you take the optional, discouraged approach available only to one faction.
    Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.

    Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.

  19. #33619
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Sadfang v. Sylvanas was in 8.2.5.
    You shouldn't forget given that is just the final nail in how poorly written BfA was. Two thirds through the expansion the villain just leaves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In a roundabout way I almost wonder whether that is the reason they bothered to called it the Tinker Leaker, and not just Leaker. The supposed class doesn't actually have anything to do with Tinkers at all.

    Probably best not to think too hard about it though.
    Well to be fair they didn't made any fun about dragons or a world revamp although both are as used leaks here as the tinker. So I would guess tinkers are out for 10.0 while the chance for both a revamp, dragon isles and a dragon class has increased. Honestly the only sad thing about the joke post is the point about demon hunters getting more races - draenai *should* be able to be dh's alongside orcs imo.

  20. #33620
    Immortal Shadochi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super Dickmann View Post
    The climax of the inciting incident of BFA took place within five quests involving no dungeon or raid content and culminated with the villain exiting the stage and the plot pivoting to a completely different track. The only way you can even know what the villain was trying to accomplish is if you take the optional, discouraged approach available only to one faction.
    *yeeting off the stage in a cloud of smoke is the preferred way to say what happened imo

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Sadfang v. Sylvanas was in 8.2.5.
    You shouldn't forget given that is just the final nail in how poorly written BfA was. Two thirds through the expansion the villain just leaves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    In a roundabout way I almost wonder whether that is the reason they bothered to called it the Tinker Leaker, and not just Leaker. The supposed class doesn't actually have anything to do with Tinkers at all.

    Probably best not to think too hard about it though.
    Ah thanks.

    To me even more interesting is that the Tinker Leaker is actually a bard
    #1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread

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