Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
#1 Hype-Thread Shitposter - Overlord of the Hypethread
VE are literally BE and NB will submit to BE. NE with DH have no reason to maintain their cultural practices with the Legion's defeat. the former have already turned diurnal. pump them full of magic (nature will do) to make their ears erect like normal elves and it's done - same ice cream, different flavor.
but there are elves to make out of other races. VE is a thalassian regime change project to unify the Alliance with Silvermoon. the Horde is already under their thumb - just turn its' symbol upside down: it's the thalassian phoenix. once they rule the world, it's eugenics time.
i've done my research of the Protocols of the Magisters of Quel'thalas, it's all in there.
The Ren'dorei are now in a prime position to accomplish their ambition and plan: Reclaiming Quel'Thalas for the Alliance.
The Horde has never been in a weaker position while the Alliance is led by a mighty war general and not some sheltered brat. The new High King also shares the desire to reclaim former holdings of the Alliance, of which Quel'Thalas is one.
I am expecting great things lorewise from the next expansion.
It seems like everything I have been predicting for years about the Ren'dorei is all slowly starting to turn into reality.
Let’s say no time skip because dadgar has been in the shadowlands all this time and outside of the elf kid becoming a blood knight there’s not much supporting in game evidence currently
This means khadgar lied to jaina about how and why he was there. He acted like he just heard about the stuff we’ve been doing but he was obviously there as the raven. He could easily be looking for his old master or perhaps an old lover because his son showed up and he needs answers. This also means that azeroth’s current defenses consist of
2 aspects one of which is MIA
A speaker
Kirin tor minus canonically the two strongest mages
The horde and alliance Both missing leaders
Sounds like SL was the perfect time for a red militia to make some moves in securing support
Just wanted to add that if Darkfallen are two races, it perfectly balances the Explosion of Elves into an Elfen Ring.
Life: Alliance
Void: Alliance
Light: Horde
Order: Horde
Fel: Originally Alliance/But also Horde
Death: Originally Horde/But also Alliance
There's the build!
They just edited QT to look like its pre-bc iteration and fixed the gap between Dun Morogh and Elwynn (Why would that even be fixed?)
Formerly known as Arafal