1. #35061
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Quite a few more but, yes, gnolls, centaurs, dragons, giraffes, lions (kind of), and a few more irrelevant ones which I may be forgetting.
    AKA enough to get finished in one launch patch. I know boars were a big one with a lot of variations and they got finished in SL.

  2. #35062
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I hope it doesn't come with a Chromie NPC but on a completely different map instead. With old Cata world accessible through Caverns of Time.
    Or that. I just hate it when they change old zones/dungeons/raids and they are not accessible in their original version anymore.

  3. #35063
    The Insane Raetary's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marlamin View Post
    Very interesting, there are no changes to any skybox related things in 9.2.5 which is why this surprises me. Maybe they can change these from the server end of things now by settings a certain weather type for a zone? Hmm.
    I think it might just be a visual bug.
    On live Hillbrad has the hd skybox as well, but when i relogged while in the zone, the old one pops up for a few seconds before the Arathi one gets forced over it.
    https://i.imgur.com/zuhDJ8Z.jpg (upon login)

    Formerly known as Arafal

  4. #35064
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    I think it might just be a visual bug.
    On live Hillbrad has the hd skybox as well, but when i relogged while in the zone, the old one pops up for a few seconds before the Arathi one gets forced over it.
    Not for me.

    On live I came to the zone with the exact same path as on PTR, and I have the old skybox.

    Something is fishy about that...

    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Or that. I just hate it when they change old zones/dungeons/raids and they are not accessible in their original version anymore.
    Yeah me too, but I hate that NPC system, it's so inconvenient, I'd really have them rebuild everything to the scale they see fit. A new beginning for good old Azeroth!

  5. #35065
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Felis igneus View Post
    Lol why? I wouldn't even be sure if we get a new class at all. The write up leak seems at best coincidental yet utterly false, at worst true but peppered with absolute nonsense to protect the source. Micro classes are the absolute antithesis of WoWs current design philosphy, it would have more sense to make them 4th specs, because with their new commitment to class sets they just added a shit ton of extra work for little wanky classes that barely amount to 1 spec, yet 4 of those. It would be easier to tack those single specs to existing classes like warrior, hunter, rogue and mage than actually make them a new class each. All while going with the skins idea for another couple specs. Even if Team 2 were desperate to please the fans suddenly, that seems a strech even for the thirstiest whore.
    Why my hopes are gone or why don't I want a Dragon themed class?

    Firstly because WoW players (some anyway) are rather childish in their never ending pursuit for new classes, and if the next expansion is Dragon themed and we do get a new class, then it only makes sense that a new class be framed within the xpac's theme.

    And secondly, because I think a dragon themed class feels entirely outlandish, foreign.

  6. #35066
    There's a few things about that Dragonflight text leak that I think are pretty clever.

    Undermine: seems random at first, but Goblins were made playable directly through Deathwing's actions and it's kiiiind of like Deepholm. So it fits a Cata 2.

    Occupied SMC: mirrors Suramar not only in "lol elf city raid" but on a deeper level because the Nightborne and Blood Elves are now besties. I am suspect of this though because people will be furious that they can't just chill in the city.

    I don't believe the leak but these are two things I hadn't considered before and think they are somewhat likely.

  7. #35067
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    There's a few things about that Dragonflight text leak that I think are pretty clever.

    Undermine: seems random at first, but Goblins were made playable directly through Deathwing's actions. So it fits a Cata 2.

    Occupied SMC: mirrors Suramar not only in "lol elf city raid" but on a deeper level because the Nightborne and Blood Elves are now besties. I am suspect of this though because people will be furious that they can't just chill in the city.

    I don't believe the leak but these are two things I hadn't considered before and think they are somewhat likely.
    Undermine doesn't really seem so random when you think about that it has probably been in every leak since Cataclysm.

  8. #35068
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    And secondly, because I think a dragon themed class feels entirely outlandish, foreign.
    Isn't that usually the case? DKs, Monks, DH, they all have their own unique culture added with their inclusion. Even DHs were made weirder than they were in TBC just so they could have a more unique culture.

  9. #35069
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimbold21 View Post
    Most people don't wish to have fictional mediums flooded with unnecessary real-world issues.
    Most people do, they just don't realize it and throw a fit when suddenly the real world issues are against them.

    "Keep politics out of videogames!"
    *Has over 1000 hours in Call of Duty*

  10. #35070
    Quote Originally Posted by Feali View Post
    Undermine doesn't really seem so random when you think about that it has probably been in every leak since Cataclysm.
    It seems random in the context of a dragon themed expansion. But when its considered a Cataclysm 2 it starts to make more sense.

    Who would have suspected Uldum and Gilneas in an expansion with a giant lava dragon on the cover?

  11. #35071
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    There's a few things about that Dragonflight text leak that I think are pretty clever.

    Undermine: seems random at first, but Goblins were made playable directly through Deathwing's actions and it's kiiiind of like Deepholm. So it fits a Cata 2.

    Occupied SMC: mirrors Suramar not only in "lol elf city raid" but on a deeper level because the Nightborne and Blood Elves are now besties. I am suspect of this though because people will be furious that they can't just chill in the city.

    I don't believe the leak but these are two things I hadn't considered before and think they are somewhat likely.
    As for Undermine: Gallywix was spotted in Tazavesh.

  12. #35072
    For folks commenting on Blizzard Devs - Optimizely is a piece of marketing software A/B testing vendor that companies purchase to run A/B tests and do some personalization on websites. 9 times out of 10 its run by the Marketing Team - not the IT/Dev team, they just host the JS file and let the marketers play. So this is very likely some marketing person who submitted an A/B test to Optimizely too early - or was too lazy on how they set it up. Just google "Optimizely" for more info on what this software is and why companies use it. (I work for a competitor so this makes me irrationally happy)

  13. #35073
    People complaining about Dragon mommy having a covered midriff but Blizzard still gave her massive assets in that artwork so come on guys, its not all ruined.
    World of Warcraft: Shadowblands
    Diablo Bore.

  14. #35074
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Many new human buildings were datamined months ago in 9.1.


    This sums it up quite well!

    I do if the work has been done on the side of other expansions, since Legion for example. Loads of assets were upgraded progressively too.
    Thank you, kind sir

  15. #35075
    I also think a „Dragon“ Class is too far-fetched.

    But this Team is capable of inventing and retcon things just to fit it.

    They will also twist and retcon the Dragonflights in such way we will not recognize them

  16. #35076
    The Insane Feali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmahaffe View Post
    People complaining about Dragon mommy having a covered midriff but Blizzard still gave her massive assets in that artwork so come on guys, its not all ruined.
    If you want a Dragon mummy with massive assets, play HotS. Trust me.

  17. #35077
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmahaffe View Post
    People complaining about Dragon mommy having a covered midriff but Blizzard still gave her massive assets in that artwork so come on guys, its not all ruined.
    Calia also has massive exposed tits, it's just a meeting in the middle segue of the 2000's era designs to modern day standards.

    The women are still designed to be sexual, just more practical. Same thing with the Winter Queen, who has tits because...........????

  18. #35078
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Thank you, kind sir
    You're welcome fam!

    Quote Originally Posted by uikolertekopoku View Post
    I also think a „Dragon“ Class is too far-fetched.

    But this Team is capable of inventing and retcon things just to fit it.

    They will also twist and retcon the Dragonflights in such way we will not recognize them
    I don't know, I particularly like this micro-class idea with only one spec, it would allow them to implemant much more classes and change the whole pattern. And they kind of started doing that when DH came out with only two specs!

  19. #35079
    Quote Originally Posted by uikolertekopoku View Post
    I also think a „Dragon“ Class is too far-fetched.

    But this Team is capable of inventing and retcon things just to fit it.

    They will also twist and retcon the Dragonflights in such way we will not recognize them
    Dragons have barely any lore, even with the Aspects book. Even things like "the Drakonids/Dragonsworn are mortals transformed into dragon people" aren't in the game itself and the devs have to clarify it.

    There is not much to mess up besides "they were monsters that came from some mystery place and the titans gave them power"

  20. #35080
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    Isn't that usually the case? DKs, Monks, DH, they all have their own unique culture added with their inclusion. Even DHs were made weirder than they were in TBC just so they could have a more unique culture.
    DK and DH were perfectly established in Warcraft before they were made playable. MoP as an expansion was a stretch since Pandaren only existed as a joke before. Now is there anything even remotely close to a Dragon Knight in the universe? I agree that it would feel forced and out of place.

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