It's not that outlandish imo. The concept of mortals being blessed with "dragon powers" has a decent amount of backing in the lore, with the Dragonsworn and the Dragon Riders of Loreth'Aran for example.
I imagine a dragon class would probably be like playing a "Diet Aspect" (kinda like how Demon Hunters were Diet Illidans).
Last edited by Fahrad Wagner; 2022-04-03 at 02:39 PM.
Oh yeah ofcourse, and without DPS spells they wouldn't be viable as a healer in current day high end content and Blizzard wouldn't have that but generally speaking I'm still stuck in the mindset that questing/other solo content on a healer is miserable when I don't think it actually has to be anymore these days? (Someone who actually does everything specced as healer correct me on this)
It's just so ingrained in me since the olden days to switch to a DPS (or tank) spec for questing/solo content that a healer only class seems too out there.
Couple of things I see interesting about the text leak:
-Your character no longer leads the Class Halls. Even if there is a really good reason for it, people will be butthurt. It does fit the "I WANNA BE A MERCENARY" thing people have been asking for, though.
-Dragonsworn as a Shaman skin: why them? Feels like an odd choice but I guess because it's both magic and melee?
-Balor: Dealing with "Proto Demons" is really fucking cool and feels like they aren't forgetting demons, but are instead going to elaborate on pre-Burning Legion stuff.
-Silver Hand coming back: we actually DID get new shields for the Silver Hand, along with Scarlets and Lordaeron. So that doesn't sound crazy.
-No new race at all is odd. Even after BFA.