1. #35141
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Yes it is an unusual set of coincidences if it is not legit. Micro classes are the new Allied Races it looks like.
    Unless we can swap between classes on a single character, I don't see them going this route. It would be too claustrophobic relative to their general design of the game.

  2. #35142
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    Actually, the big thing I don't like about Dragonflight text leak? Dalaran capital AGAIN.

    Yes, it's lazy, so it's something they would do. But that's the stickler for me. Unless there is a revamp in which case it's not really THE capital city, just one of them.
    I'm so happy about that, I love Dalaran haha

  3. #35143
    Quote Originally Posted by Arafal View Post
    To catch you up:

    Expansion got leaked on Blizzards own website.
    And logo and key art originally on Insta.
    Thank you for clarifying (@Sondrelk). Not a fan of this name, the logo and the key art to be honest. Looks cringe.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  4. #35144
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Goddamit. So should we start taking that leak more seriously?
    I think this is it, it all adds up.

  5. #35145
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    I'm so happy about that, I love Dalaran haha
    I mean, "Dalaran as capital" isn't exactly a creative guess. If it was something obscure like Grim Batol, sure, I'd lend it more credit. But Dalaran? Naw.

  6. #35146
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Oh man, if the leak is true and I can play a bard (minstrel) aswell as dragon classes and a dark ranger I'll be soooo happy!!

    And don't forget Housing aswell as more order hall campaigns! Aswell as the potential for the final heritage armours aswell as round two for everyone with potential new racial mounts for every race?
    Housing and Bard class + revamp: yasssssss. Team Revamp finally winning the guessing game!

  7. #35147
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Me too. Genn would shit bricks if it were Gilneas, but I want something done with that place. Best atmosphere and architecture. Such a waste.
    I'm not even a huge Worgen fan and I would literally live in Gilneas if they ever reworked that city/area. People love the atmosphere of that zone. Just look at any RP guild on Alliance, most of them are based on "retaking Gilneas".

  8. #35148
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    Yeah I think that leak might be some sort of legit. Too much of it is adding up and some of the things it mentions werent known but line up with PTR things from after the fact.

    I wonder if its only partially accurate though the micro classes I can see happening but cant wrap my head around how they would actually implement it
    It's possible that we might get a "level up another class on the same character" feature that may not be part of the initial announcement video, hence the leak wouldn't have it?

  9. #35149
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    As much as I'm irritated by Tinker discussions, making it a shaman skin would make a lot of sense. They deploy totems, emhance their weapons, shapeshit and equip shields. Mechanically it could support tinkers. We already have technologically minded goblins as shaman. Tinker could be a sort of literal deus ex machina with elementals instead of gods.

    Elementally powered machinery. This reminds me of the Bathouse concept I came up for an eventual revamp.
    I honestly could see multiple specs across multiple classes get access to tinker reskins through engineering. Beastmaster and Survival are very close to it with minimal reskins required. You could have an engineer prot warrior build a mech and use that (fits with all the thunder related abilities prot has). A fire mage could study how to be a tech mage and change how some abilities work to look like explosives or even let them use guns. Heck you could go even further. Imagine a Destro lock that summons fel cannons instead of imps or even changes some abilities to use the fel emitters from Legion; tech doesn't have to be steampunk and you could integrate Legion and even Naaru tech with class skins and spread the love to multiple classes.

    While I absolutely think a tinker could stand as its own class easily, if we do get class skins, engineering could definitely help organically give tinker-like skills to any number of specs.

  10. #35150
    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    It could be that as part of a revamp, Dalaran moves back to where it originally were. The city state of Dalaran after all does have a claim to some of the surrounding territory (notably Ambermill).

    I would NOT want Dalaran to be the capital again. I WOULD want a revamp to treat any cities as actual questing areas. Suramar was one of the best questing experiences and much of the questing was within Suramar itself. A grounded Dalaran could be expanded to have a port area. And if they actually did a revamp that really reworked the area, including zone borders, Ambermill could end up absorbed into the city proper; Silverpine could be split into the adjoining zones with the area up to RFK going into Gilneas (it historically is part of Gilneas), the Ambermill area becoming part of Dalaran and the rest of the zone joining with Tirisfal and perhaps actually utilizing the Lordamere.
    A revamped grounded Dalaran is what I imagine as well, it would be absolutely fantastic.

  11. #35151
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    I still think the northrend nercopolis image was legit and trailer is going to be Galakrond getting ress'd
    Yeah I am still waiting for this to be a thing in the near future. Maybe this is it.
    MAGA - Make Alliance Great Again

  12. #35152
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snorlax View Post
    I mentioned that last night about the class skins part. Im thinking theyd be implemented as something you pick from character creation so an allied class. Then I wonder if those micro classes wouldn't be sort of hero classes. Instead of levels required though it would be something like you have to have a class that can heal maxed to make a minstrel or something like that maybe? They're just such a bizarre concept for WoW but then again that's literally already what FFXIV jobs are and it works just fine there so if Blizz really wanted to figure it out Im sure they could.
    Well what if these Micro Classes are the new Borrowed Power? Or endgame progression rather. You don't pick them at character creation, but as an additional class you have.

  13. #35153
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    Unless we can swap between classes on a single character, I don't see them going this route. It would be too claustrophobic relative to their general design of the game.
    I think you've got it exactly, and they will allow some sort of class swap!

  14. #35154
    <The worn scale of a twilight dragon, it has seen many years of fighting. The twilight dragons were thought to have been defeated with the fall of Sinestra, how were there so many on the island? And who is leading the flight?>
    Well, well, well. I think we just might have seen who's behind it on that key art poster.

  15. #35155
    Personally, I am tired of people acting like Blizzard doesn't have the capability to do a full world revamp and they have to do it like patch by patch.

    Like come on now what happened to gigachad 2010 blizzard
    World of Warcraft: Shadowblands
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  16. #35156
    Quote Originally Posted by draugril View Post
    I mean, "Dalaran as capital" isn't exactly a creative guess. If it was something obscure like Grim Batol, sure, I'd lend it more credit. But Dalaran? Naw.
    I'm all in on that, Dalaran is iconic, but I'm heavily biased as the Kirin Tor and Dalaran are my favourite thing in WoW.

  17. #35157
    What I think the Microclasses might be are an "additional general" spec you can unlock.

    So Clothies would get Chronomancers as an additional spec, Leather wearers would get Minstrels etc.etc.

    I just don't see a class with one spec happening.

  18. #35158
    Scarab Lord ercarp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    Goddamit. So should we start taking that leak more seriously?
    Nah, most of the features in that leak sound really bad. Dragonsworn as a skin for Shamans? Removing leveling in an MMO? Four (pointless) "micro classes"?

    A developer is most likely just messing with us because they saw that leak and know we got our eyes on literally every single thing they move, touch, or change even slightly in the PTR.

  19. #35159
    Quote Originally Posted by ryanmahaffe View Post
    Personally, I am tired of people acting like Blizzard doesn't have the capability to do a full world revamp and they have to do it like patch by patch.

    Like come on now what happened to gigachad 2010 blizzard
    An expansion that suffered greatly because of said revamp?

  20. #35160
    Titan Grimbold21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sondrelk View Post
    Yoi know what would be neat? Just having Stormwing and Orgrimmar as the expansion hub again. No hub is ever realistically going to be as important as those two, and making it critical to an expansion gives them an excuse to really fill out the blank spaces and bring it up to speed.

    Maybe the Stormwind vault becomes something similar to the Warlock area in Orgrimmar, or even an underground market.
    Or maybe Orgrimmar gets more life into it, with better residential districts and such making it feel more like a city and not a slightly bigger outpost.
    Ugh.... can we not?

    Can we stop with the Org/SW centrism?

    There are other cities in the game.

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