I honestly could see multiple specs across multiple classes get access to tinker reskins through engineering. Beastmaster and Survival are very close to it with minimal reskins required. You could have an engineer prot warrior build a mech and use that (fits with all the thunder related abilities prot has). A fire mage could study how to be a tech mage and change how some abilities work to look like explosives or even let them use guns. Heck you could go even further. Imagine a Destro lock that summons fel cannons instead of imps or even changes some abilities to use the fel emitters from Legion; tech doesn't have to be steampunk and you could integrate Legion and even Naaru tech with class skins and spread the love to multiple classes.
While I absolutely think a tinker could stand as its own class easily, if we do get class skins, engineering could definitely help organically give tinker-like skills to any number of specs.
Well, well, well. I think we just might have seen who's behind it on that key art poster.<The worn scale of a twilight dragon, it has seen many years of fighting. The twilight dragons were thought to have been defeated with the fall of Sinestra, how were there so many on the island? And who is leading the flight?>
Personally, I am tired of people acting like Blizzard doesn't have the capability to do a full world revamp and they have to do it like patch by patch.
Like come on now what happened to gigachad 2010 blizzard
World of Warcraft: Shadowblands
Diablo Bore.
What I think the Microclasses might be are an "additional general" spec you can unlock.
So Clothies would get Chronomancers as an additional spec, Leather wearers would get Minstrels etc.etc.
I just don't see a class with one spec happening.
Nah, most of the features in that leak sound really bad. Dragonsworn as a skin for Shamans? Removing leveling in an MMO? Four (pointless) "micro classes"?
A developer is most likely just messing with us because they saw that leak and know we got our eyes on literally every single thing they move, touch, or change even slightly in the PTR.