Reposting this from the Speculation Thread, regarding Balor being mentioned in this leak:
Something that I find particularly interesting about the Dragonflight leak:
"Balor. Halfling race dealing with primordial fel enemies (think proto-demons, like what the Shadowlands creatures are to undead)."
Whereas Balor is another classic zone we have yet to explore, the mention of a halfling race is particularly interesting... especially since they are fighting proto-demons.
In the Irish mythology,
Balor is the king of the Fomorians, a group of creatures describe as hideous (sometimes demonic) giants, warriors of chaos and destruction.
Now, we have yet to have an Ireland-inspired zone in the game (Kul'Tiras doesn't dive too much into the Celtic aspect of the Irish culture), and Blizzard has a history of copy-pasting real life mythology into the game, twisting it only a little.
So, the island of Balor being home to halflings (tall humans? small ettins? something else?) fighting giant proto-demons (mirroring Zereth Mortis proto death creatures?) is something I could see.
I will also point out that in the Irish mythology, Ethniu, also referred to as
Ethlinn, is the daugther of Balor.
Now, that could be the missing link to the origins of Ettins (and also connect with their links to the Twilight Hammer and Twilight dragons).
And to finally complete my Ettin saga, Wowpedia states the following:
- According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is enough fossil evidence to theorize that the ettins evolved from ogres, but he suspects there might be a "missing link". Any fossil evidence was likely lost when Draenor was torn apart.[6]
- Drugon the Frostblood's dungeon journal entry goes against this, as it states that Drugon has been living in Highmountain for several ages before the Dark Portal even opened.[citation needed] [7] It is unknown if this is a simple error or a retcon of the ettins' origins.
- Chronicle Volume 2 does not mention ettins when going into detail about the lineage of the ogres. However, it also does not mention goren despite their proven association with the Breakers.
Which means Brann's theory about Ettins coming from ogres has been proven wrong, and this "partial" retcon might have been set up... in preparation for Balor, and the missing evolutionnary link of Ettins.
I think this is it guys, this is THE leak