1. #35241
    The Balor and Ettin combination is interesting as AFAIK we never have gotten much lore on Ettins and if they were doing "Cata 2" they would be struggling to find things to expand upon that have been on Azeroth all this time.

    Ettin fit the bill very well. And we were reminded of them in BFA.

  2. #35242
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Ravenholdt is a guild of elite assassins and thieves, so it was fitting to a tee as well. Not hating on Dalaran's sewers, I guess it all comes down to personal taste.
    Right? But weigh it up against the overall theme and aesthetic of the Order Hall in Dalaran Sewers. Combined with the Kingmaker faction, and as @Nymrohd has stated, completely away from the action when logically and realistically they would want to be in the thick of the action but hiding in plain sight - Dalaran Sewers over Ravenholdt Manor just makes much more sense.

    But as already said, it comes down to personal preference.

  3. #35243
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    The Balor and Ettin combination is interesting as AFAIK we never have gotten much lore on Ettins and if they were doing "Cata 2" they would be struggling to find things to expand upon that have been on Azeroth all this time.

    Ettin fit the bill very well. And we were reminded of them in BFA.
    For anyone who missed my previous post about Ettins:
    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    Reposting this from the Speculation Thread, regarding Balor being mentioned in this leak:

    Something that I find particularly interesting about the Dragonflight leak:

    "Balor. Halfling race dealing with primordial fel enemies (think proto-demons, like what the Shadowlands creatures are to undead)."

    Whereas Balor is another classic zone we have yet to explore, the mention of a halfling race is particularly interesting... especially since they are fighting proto-demons.

    In the Irish mythology, Balor is the king of the Fomorians, a group of creatures describe as hideous (sometimes demonic) giants, warriors of chaos and destruction.

    Now, we have yet to have an Ireland-inspired zone in the game (Kul'Tiras doesn't dive too much into the Celtic aspect of the Irish culture), and Blizzard has a history of copy-pasting real life mythology into the game, twisting it only a little.

    So, the island of Balor being home to halflings (tall humans? small ettins? something else?) fighting giant proto-demons (mirroring Zereth Mortis proto death creatures?) is something I could see.

    I will also point out that in the Irish mythology, Ethniu, also referred to as Ethlinn, is the daugther of Balor.

    Now, that could be the missing link to the origins of Ettins (and also connect with their links to the Twilight Hammer and Twilight dragons).


    And to finally complete my Ettin saga, Wowpedia states the following:

    • According to Brann Bronzebeard, there is enough fossil evidence to theorize that the ettins evolved from ogres, but he suspects there might be a "missing link". Any fossil evidence was likely lost when Draenor was torn apart.[6]
    • Drugon the Frostblood's dungeon journal entry goes against this, as it states that Drugon has been living in Highmountain for several ages before the Dark Portal even opened.[citation needed] [7] It is unknown if this is a simple error or a retcon of the ettins' origins.
    • Chronicle Volume 2 does not mention ettins when going into detail about the lineage of the ogres. However, it also does not mention goren despite their proven association with the Breakers.

    Which means Brann's theory about Ettins coming from ogres has been proven wrong, and this "partial" retcon might have been set up... in preparation for Balor, and the missing evolutionnary link of Ettins.

    I think this is it guys, this is THE leak
    I really think the mention of Balor and halflings seals the deal, but it's a personal opinion.

  4. #35244
    Quote Originally Posted by Ringthane View Post
    What about all the other class halls? They were all far away from the action.

    Ravenholt makes sense because it's nothing but rogues. What else is it there for than to be a rogue base?
    The Druid, Hunter, Mage, Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue and to a lesser extent Warrior Order Halls were all in the thick of it or relatively close to the Broken Isles.

    Only the Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Monk and Shaman Hall were out of the way.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Fahrad Wagner View Post
    For anyone who missed my previous post about Ettins:

    I really think the mention of Balor and halflings seals the deal, but it's a personal opinion.
    Halfling's as a classic fantasy race are notably missing from WoW, so I can definitely see this part of the alleged leak being in favour of the leak being legit.

    It's the microclasses that steer me towards the leak being a bust.

    Tinker, Dragonknight and Bard to a lesser extent absolutely deserve and should have more than one spec.

  5. #35245
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    The Druid, Hunter, Mage, Demon Hunter, Death Knight, Rogue and to a lesser extent Warrior Order Halls were all in the thick of it or relatively close to the Broken Isles.

    Only the Paladin, Priest, Warlock, Monk and Shaman Hall were out of the way.
    That's still 5 OH out of 11. Warrior being kind of in-between I guess? Anyway, personal tastes again I'm not saying I'm right about Ravenholdt over the Sewers, it's just my personal opinion!

  6. #35246
    Quote Originally Posted by Ringthane View Post
    What about all the other class halls? They were all far away from the action.

    Ravenholt makes sense because it's nothing but rogues. What else is it there for than to be a rogue base?
    Mages, Hunters, DKs and Druids were right in the middle of the action. Warlocks, DHs, Priests and Warriors were not even in the same plane but at the same time all could port straight to the action. Monks needed to be in a place where they could evacuate many injured people from the assault on the Peak of Serenity so they had to be a bit away from the action. Paladins and Shaman I have no excuse for, they were just in the most iconic spot for either class (and while I enjoy the Paladin hall for how it looks, it still makes absolutely no sense)

  7. #35247
    Also want to point out: every SINGLE leak has guessed that Dragonflights are going to be the next covenants, with us picking one and earning rewards. It's even a popular theory on social media etc.

    EXCEPT THIS ONE. And it also guessed the name correctly.

    This checks out with how the Dragonflights currently don't have very different aesthetics and Alex doesn't look that much different from her old design on the poster. So if the dragonflights aren't going to look that much different with rebooted designs, maybe we aren't getting Dragonflight covenants after all.

  8. #35248
    Quote Originally Posted by ro9ue View Post
    I found the way the leak broke down certain things interesting. Maybe we need to look at it holistically and put 2+2 together. I think it's possible this isn't 4 NEW classes, but instead SHARED 4th specs for certain classes. The classes where it maybe doesn't make much sense just happen to be the ones getting the cosmetic class skins.... coincidence?

    Dragon Knight - 4th spec for Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight (unlocked by a Bolvar quest or something)
    Tinker - 4th spec for Hunter. Doesn't make sense for Shaman so they get the Dragon cosmetic thing instead.
    Minstrel - 4th spec for Monks and Rogues. Doesn't make sense for DH or Druid so they get the Warden skin and Nightmare skin.
    Chronomancer - 4th spec for Priest or Mage. Seems weird for Warlock so they get the Necromancer cosmetic.

    Hunters do get the bonus Dark Ranger skin, so it might be race locked:

    Ranger - Night Elf, Void Elf
    Tinker - Dwarf, Draenei, Gnome, Dark Iron, Mechagnome, LFD
    ?? - Human, Worgen, Kul'Tiran

    Ranger - Blood Elf, Forsaken
    Tinker - Goblin, Orc, Mag'har, Vulpera, Nightborne
    ?? - Darkspear, Zandalari, Highmountain or Tauren
    I dunno, would they really put a 4th dps spec on hunter instead of letting them tank in Mechsuits?

    Minstrel also seems a bit... flat. No drums?
    Twas brillig

  9. #35249
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post
    Could really just be about the blood elf underwear being too provocative.
    God forbid we fap to them. That would anger all the real life Blood Elves.
    But if it's Sylvanas, that's okay.

  10. #35250
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    Also want to point out: every SINGLE leak has guessed that Dragonflights are going to be the next covenants, with us picking one and earning rewards. It's even a popular theory on social media etc.

    EXCEPT THIS ONE. And it also guessed the name correctly.

    This checks out with how the Dragonflights currently don't have very different aesthetics and Alex doesn't look that much different from her old design on the poster. So if the dragonflights aren't going to look that much different with rebooted designs, maybe we aren't getting Dragonflight covenants after all.
    That's not necessarily a point in favour. Guessing the name correctly isn't much of an achievement, either. Dragonflight is an established term.

  11. #35251
    Chronomancer logically would fit more as a fourth spec for Mages.

    Tinker is very easily a three spec class.

    Dragonknight could very easily have four.

    Bard/Minstrel could comfortably have at least two. Three with some creativity.

    I just don't buy the microclass aspect. Rest of the leak is plausible and seems legit, though.

  12. #35252
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonflighters View Post
    Also want to point out: every SINGLE leak has guessed that Dragonflights are going to be the next covenants, with us picking one and earning rewards. It's even a popular theory on social media etc.

    EXCEPT THIS ONE. And it also guessed the name correctly.

    This checks out with how the Dragonflights currently don't have very different aesthetics and Alex doesn't look that much different from her old design on the poster. So if the dragonflights aren't going to look that much different with rebooted designs, maybe we aren't getting Dragonflight covenants after all.
    It's been heavily speculated this expansion is going to be Dragon related. There's been enough hints before Shadowlands even, to the point I was certain 9.0 was going to be Dragon Isles. Looking at all the various text leaks, there is a vast majority of dragon-related names thrown out, and this one is no different. With the themes of dragon being almost certain and everyone guessing the vague dragon related names they could, it it no surprise someone could have easily guessed the correct one.

    Need I remind you

    There is no reason to put stock into the name being correct.

  13. #35253
    Also wouldn't Druid make more sense as a Dragonsworn class skin than Shamans?

    Nightmare Druid does sound wicked cool but Shaman outside of Earth element theme just doesn't fit Dragonsworn.

    Druid's have the arcane aspect(Blue), resto(Green/Red), and could transform into Dragonkin for their shapeshifting abilities.

    Edit - after typing this out I've given thought to Dragonsworn potentially looking cool as Resto (Red/Green), Elemental (Combo of Bronze/Blue) and Enhance (Black) but Shaman just doesn't scream Dragon esque to me.

  14. #35254
    Quote Originally Posted by Wangming View Post
    I'm one of the perverts who liked Vash'ir, so this makes me sad. Unique zones are the best kind.
    No I enjoyed the Vash'jir zone aswell due to the uniqueness of it.

    Gosh I have a couple of hours sleep and this thread spirals, lots to read :3

  15. #35255
    I am Murloc! Wangming's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrexia View Post
    No I enjoyed the Vash'jir zone aswell due to the uniqueness of it.

    Gosh I have a couple of hours sleep and this thread spirals, lots to read :3
    You do have quite a lot to catch up to. This has been a busy day.

  16. #35256
    Now regarding the Dragonflight leak, and as excited as I am for the bard class... the fact that it's called minstrel instead of bard ticked me off. I wanted to see if there was any technical difference between them, and I stumbled unto something rather displeasing, not because minstrel is a bad word per se, it's actually fitting the medieval genre perfectly, but because of its secondhand connotation in the US:


    1.a medieval singer or musician, especially one who sang or recited lyric or heroic poetry to a musical accompaniment for the nobility.
    "they listened to the minstrels singing songs of knightly prowess"
    a member of a band of entertainers, typically white actors with blackened faces, who performed in a type of stage entertainment prevalent in the US in the 19th and early 20th centuries, featuring songs, dances, and formulaic comic routines based on stereotyped depictions of black Americans.
    "the exaggerated dialect of blackface minstrels"

    I had no knowledge of the second thing existing, being European, and I do not know if this is well known amongst the contemporary American population? But I imagine given recent issues at Blizzard, they might avoid anything that could be used against them, including a word vaguely reminiscent of blackface?

    It might be completely far-fetched, and I may be trying too hard to anticipate Blizzard's newfound PC stance, but to me that's one point against the Dragonflight MMO-C leak (although I believe in both the art and the website thing).

  17. #35257
    The „Leak“ was posted 08.02.22

    It contains also information about an

    Announcement of the Announcement

    And the actual Announcement Date.

    Expansion announcement February 28th. Announcement for the announcement planned for the 18th

    So at this point people beleive because they want to beleive.

  18. #35258
    Quote Originally Posted by KayRule View Post

    There is no reason to put stock into the name being correct.
    red shirt guy says it correct therefore it must be


  19. #35259
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Also wouldn't Druid make more sense as a Dragonsworn class skin than Shamans?

    Nightmare Druid does sound wicked cool but Shaman outside of Earth element theme just doesn't fit Dragonsworn.

    Druid's have the arcane aspect(Blue), resto(Green/Red), and could transform into Dragonkin for their shapeshifting abilities.

    Edit - after typing this out I've given thought to Dragonsworn potentially looking cool as Resto (Red/Green), Elemental (Combo of Bronze/Blue) and Enhance (Black) but Shaman just doesn't scream Dragon esque to me.
    Not really, dragons are descended from proto-dragons which are descended from elementals: there is your link to Shamans.

  20. #35260
    Quote Originally Posted by Santandame View Post
    Chronomancer logically would fit more as a fourth spec for Mages.

    Tinker is very easily a three spec class.

    Dragonknight could very easily have four.

    Bard/Minstrel could comfortably have at least two. Three with some creativity.

    I just don't buy the microclass aspect. Rest of the leak is plausible and seems legit, though.
    In D&D at least there are so many versions of bard. There are skalds who are pretty much melee bards, you can have them heavily focused on charming people and using magic related to songs, there are jesters who are pretty much about being disruptive in combat, there are evangelists who are divine bards, then there are all sort of racial specifics (from elven minstrels and spellsingers to halfling whistlers and dwarven chanters).

    Honestly I'd see a bard as a fourth spec for rogue than a true class. The bardic archetype doesn't really translate into an MMO as well. A lot of it is about charming and disruptive gameplay which would be OP in PvP and not really a core gameplay for PvE. The game does not really use support classes well; the only true support we ever had was shadow priest in TBC and to a lesser extend enhancement shaman (the latter being valid even now). But if you make them a spec in rogue you don't have to spread the concept thin.

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