Dickmann's Law: As a discussion on the Lore forums becomes longer, the probability of the topic derailing to become about Sylvanas approaches 1.
Tinkers will be the next Class confirmed.
There was suspicious activity going on around that time when everyone thought the new expansion was going to be announced, multiple alt accounts got made to post about fake leaks, I'm calling bullshit on this OP being authentic and just using an alt account instead of his main mmoc account.
Chromatus is much more than that. It nearly took down the Ysera+Kalecgos+Alexstrasza on its own, had Nozdormu and the dragonflight not intervened, they'd all be dead.
I think you are mistaking Chromatus for Chromaggus.
This is Chromatus:
Last edited by Fahrad Wagner; 2022-04-03 at 05:49 PM.
I forgot Chromaggus was even a thing with how much we talk about Chromatus lol.
Nah unfortunately he is very much alive. I think you are mixing him up whit Chromaggus.
Last edited by Fahrad Wagner; 2022-04-03 at 05:53 PM.
Some reading for you
Isn't Chromatus only mentioned in novels? Not that it matters much since Jailer established Blizzard can just ass-pull new villains anyway.
Chromatus is an intelligent 5 headed chromatic dragon, infused with the power of each Flight.
It took a combined effort of all Aspects to defeat him, and Chromatus would've killed them if Nozdormu didn't prophesize and call for a strategic retreat when they faced him.
But sure, 'just a dead "core hound" '.
Formerly known as Arafal
I'm not buying into the written leak either, but just to play devil's advocate, isn't it possible that someone here had insider information but made a burner account to post about it instead of risking their public reputation and identity?
Just because it was an alt account, that doesn't 100% confirm it as fake imo. But you make a good point.
I don't believe it's meant to be box art, I think it's just the key art for the promotional period.
What is very interesting is the 9.2.5 PTR Blood Elf questline does you have you empowering a polearm, which ends with you unlocking it for a transmog.
Also Chromatus is an established, existing character from almost a decade ago, it is not even close to Zovaal.
Yes, their story was mostly developped in a novel, it was allegedly supposed to be a boss for Dragon Soul, but it was too complicated to animate and was replaced by lame-ass Ultraxion
Don't blame them, they mistook Chromatus with Chromaggus, easy mistake![]()